

作者:BANGZI  於 2016-12-5 11:51 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


前面介紹過ace of base,瑞典樂隊。這首歌原唱是英國的女子組合bananarama。ace of base 翻唱的別有一番風味。

海盜三料酒花啤PIRAAT TRIPLE HOP 10.5度:

VAN STEENBERGE出品。所謂三料酒花就是比正常釀酒過程多加兩次啤酒花,因而得名。鑒於酒花用的比較猛所以酒花的香味兒相當突出。比印度淡啤IPA有過之而無不及。但是苦味不知咋給壓制住了。

氣味: 濃郁果香,酒花香,麥芽;
泡沫: 充足,淡棕色,持續時間不長;
顏色: 淺車離子紅,較渾(酵母所致);
口感: 入口醇厚圓潤,濃郁酒花香果香稍帶些麥芽味兒,通過持續發酵提高酒度而糖度則相應略低,所以比起金龍三料清冽一些。同樣完全木有高酒精度的感覺,又是一款好酒! 

評分: /

Hot summer streets and the pavements are burning
I sit around
Trying to smile but the air is so heavy and dry
Strange voices are saying (ah, what did they say)
Things I can't understand
It's too close for comfort
This heat has got right out of hand

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
It's a cruel

The city is crowded, my friends are away, and I'm on my own
It's too hot to handle so I gotta get up and go, and go

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer
(Leaving me) Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer
Now you're gone
You're not the only one
It's a cruel

Now don't you leave me
Now don't you leave me
Now don't you leave me
Come on, come on

Now don't you leave me
Now don't you leave me
Now don't you leave me
Come on, come on

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer (cruel summer)
Leaving me here on my own (leaving me here all alone)

It's a cruel (it's a cruel) cruel summer (cruel summer)
(Don't leave me, leave me in this summer)
You're not the only one (you're not the only one)

It's a cruel, (cruel) cruel summer (cruel summer)
(You're not the only one at home)
Leaving me here on my own
It's a cruel, (it's a cruel) cruel summer (cruel summer)
Now you're gone
You're not the only one (it's a cruel summer)
Cruel summer (cruel summer)
It's a cruel summer (it's a cruel)
Cruel summer (cruel summer)
It's a cruel summer









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