

作者:BANGZI  於 2016-9-14 23:48 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




run 4.58 miles, 51 min, 672 cal, incl 0

 ellip 0 cal 0 min

 ytd 378.19 mi, 56532 cal




run 5.36 miles, 59 min, 792 cal, incl 0

 ellip 0 cal 0 min

 ytd 383.55 mi, 57324 cal





Everyone considered him the coward of the county
He'd never stood one single time to prove the county wrong
His mama named him Tommy, but folks just called him yellow
Something always told me they were reading Tommy wrong

He was only ten years old when his daddy died in prison
I looked after Tommy, 'cause he was my brother's son
I still recall the final words my brother said to Tommy
"Son, my life is over, but yours has just begun"

"Promise me, son, not to do the things I've done
Walk away from trouble if you can
It won't mean you're weak if you turn the other cheek
I hope you're old enough to understand
Son, you don't have to fight to be a man"

There's someone for everyone, and Tommy's love was Becky
In her arms, he didn't have to prove he was a man
One day while he was working, the Gatlin boys came calling
They took turns at Becky, n'there was three of them

Tommy opened up the door, and saw his Becky crying
The torn dress, the shattered look was more than he could stand
He reached above the fireplace, and took down his daddy's picture
As the tears fell on his daddy's face, he heard these words again

"Promise me, son, not to do the things I've done
Walk away from trouble if you can
Now, it won't mean you're weak if you turn the other cheek
I hope you're old enough to understand
Son, you don't have to fight to be a man"

The Gatlin boys just laughed at him when he walked into the barroom
One of them got up and met him halfway 'cross the floor
When Tommy turned around they said, "hey look, old yeller's leaving"
But you could've heard a pin drop when Tommy stopped and locked the door

Twenty years of crawling was bottled up inside him
He wasn't holding nothin' back, he let 'em have it all
When Tommy left the barroom, not a Gatlin boy was standing
He said, "this one's for Becky, as he watched the last one fall

(And I heard him say) "I promised you, Dad, not to do the things you've done
I walk away from trouble when I can
Now please don't think I'm weak, I didn't turn the other cheek
And papa, I sure hope you understand
Sometimes you gotta fight when you're a man"

Everyone considered him the coward of the county










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回復 秋收冬藏 2016-9-15 00:10

「You don't have to fight to be a man」, 有時候。
回復 BANGZI 2016-9-15 01:11
秋收冬藏: 鄉村歌曲中的王者,喜歡這種旋律和故事。

「You don't have to fight to be a man」, 有時候。
Sometimes you gotta fight when you're a man!
回復 秋收冬藏 2016-9-15 05:25
BANGZI: Sometimes you gotta fight when you're a man!
回復 BANGZI 2016-9-15 05:39
秋收冬藏: 真的?我就沒見過不打架的男孩,長見識了。
回復 秋收冬藏 2016-9-15 05:43
BANGZI: 不會吧?那俺得趕緊去醫院確認一下性別去。。。
回復 BANGZI 2016-9-15 05:50
秋收冬藏: 7~

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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