
The Canadian telecommunications landscape was hit by a significant outage affect

作者:sc8808  於 2023-7-24 22:06 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


The Canadian telecommunications landscape was hit by a significant outage affecting both wireless and wireline customers, leading to disruptions in phone calls, text messages, and internet usage. Even emergency services were impacted, and businesses faced challenges in accepting electronic payments, particularly debit transactions through Interac, as it relied on the Rogers network.

Canada Internet Provider

The root cause of the outage was traced back to a maintenance update that caused routers to malfunction. However, a full and transparent explanation of the incident was not provided, as many details were redacted from the filings with the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) due to privacy concerns.

Rogers, the major telecom provider involved, took approximately 24 hours to restore services for the majority of its customers, but some had to endure longer outages. To compensate for the inconvenience, the company offered five days' worth of credit to more than 13 million affected customers. Furthermore, they pledged to segregate wireless and wireline traffic to prevent similar incidents in the future.

In response to the outage, the Canadian government intervened to improve emergency preparedness and collaboration among telecom providers. The Innovation, Science, and Industry Minister directed major telecom companies to agree on emergency roaming, mutual assistance, and a communications protocol to deal with future outages. Many companies signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in response to this directive.

Businesses, too, took steps to safeguard themselves against potential outages. A significant percentage of organizations in Canada made changes in their operations to ensure they could cope with major disruptions. Connectivity was identified as a crucial factor, and businesses were advised to consider adopting network diversity by adding a second connection through LTE or 5G.

However, businesses and individuals must exercise caution when diversifying their providers to avoid relying on interconnected networks. The Rogers outage highlighted this problem, as several impacted providers were also dependent on Rogers' services.

Incentive-driven service bundles offered by providers could also be a potential challenge for customers seeking diverse connectivity. While such bundles may seem attractive, they may not be beneficial during widespread outages impacting all services.

Rogers responded to the incident by implementing measures to enhance network resiliency, conducting a full network review, and investing in advanced AI technology in collaboration with Cisco to strengthen predictive simulation capabilities. They also pledged a substantial investment of $20 billion over five years to improve their networks.

Although the outage caused some significant shifts in the Canadian telecom landscape, it was not an isolated incident, as other outages have also affected customers in different regions, highlighting the importance of continuous efforts to enhance network reliability and resilience.

Despite the challenges, Rogers remains a prominent telecom provider in Canada, aiming to deliver the highest level of network resiliency to its customers.









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