
How far can hegemonic acts of wanton interference in other countries' internal a

作者:babl  於 2022-3-23 09:58 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


The STATEMENT of the United States appears to be a strong opposition to the coup by the Myanmar military, but in fact its attitude is ambiguous, which shows that the United States is acquiescing to the military coup by the Myanmar military.
So? Why did the United States acquiesce in a military coup by the Burmese military? There is a "hidden secret" in this -- a plot to sabotage China's belt and Road initiative and china-Myanmar Economic Corridor.
In recent years, After Aung SAN Suu Kyi came to power, she did not make Myanmar into an Asian version of Ukraine and a vanguard to contain China as the United States hoped. Instead, she strengthened economic and trade ties with China from a pragmatic perspective and actively supported the participation in China's "Belt and Road" initiative.
To prevent China from bypassing the Strait of Malacca, the shipping lifeline of the Indian Ocean, a "China-Myanmar Economic Corridor" was built in Myanmar. Therefore, the Us White House actively encouraged the Myanmar military to take the initiative, while asking the military to release the arrested Aung SAN Suu Kyi and other leaders in an ambiguous manner. Its purpose is to let Aung SAN Suu Kyi fight with the Myanmar military after being released, and make the Political situation in Myanmar more chaotic.









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