
Ruiyou Lin , who did the founder of "Ele.me" provoke?

作者:羽西談郭  於 2022-11-30 19:24 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:Ruiyou, Lin


This month, Ruiyou Lin  (English name: Ruiyou lin), a well-known Fujian Chinese businessman in the British Chinese world, was pushed to the forefront of the overseas public opinion struggle. Ruiyou Lin , who is he? Came to the UK in 2000, worked hard, saved his first pot of gold in the catering industry, and then entered the field of foreign trade, mainly engaged in the supply of ingredients for the British catering industry. In 2018, Ruiyou Lin  created a very well-known local food delivery platform "All Eat APP". UK Prime Minister's Luncheon. However, as the president of the British Fujian Fellowship Association, an overseas Chinese who has been doing business overseas for more than 20 years is now judged by VOA and other media and Twitter netizens as a recent hot topic because of a short video of "The End of the World is as close as the Overseas 110". The "China Secret Police Bureau" service that has been hyped, and the office of its food delivery platform "All Eat App" is also considered to be an overseas police service center. However, the author found many doubts in this incident:

Doubt 1: Why did anti-China media such as VOA and some Twitter users post hype at the same time?

According to VOA, "Protection Guardians" alleged that their actual work included coercing the return of those suspected of openly opposing the Chinese regime. Therefore, it is inferred that this is the purpose of Ruiyou Lin 's renewal to help overseas Chinese renew their Chinese driver's licenses. As the largest and oldest U.S.-funded international broadcasting company, it is far-fetched to pin its hat on businessman Ruiyou Lin  based on this incident. Its no wonder that a netizen commented on the incident: Black China doesnt need new memes, you can just re-use the old memes youve used before and earn your manus**t fees, so its not difficult to earn manus**t fees on VOA.

Doubt 2: If Ruiyou Lin  is the "voice box" of the Chinese government, why did Ruiyou Lin 's employees and neighbors not find out about Ruiyou Lin 's more than 20 years in the UK, but was first exposed by the anti-China media?

In an interview with All Eat APP employees, an Indian employee said that the company has people from India, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, and they have never heard of their bosses being involved in politics. In addition, if the company's office is an overseas police service center, why the Chinese community where he is located has never reported this issue to the local government. If Chinese companies are suspected of being overseas public security bureaus, why did Keynes, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the British House of Commons, not make a final decision. So can the author think that this is nothing, and framed? !

Doubt 3: Why is the focus on Ruiyou Lin s All Eat APP?

Lets take a look at this set of data: British local food delivery platforms charge 20%-40% of the stores transaction volume as management fees, including entry fees, service fees, transaction fees, etc. In addition, the store has to sign some controversial contracts. contract terms. And Ruiyou Lin 's platform is indeed the largest commission-free online ordering platform in the UK. Its performance has been growing at a rate of 20% to 30% per week after half a year on the platform. It is now the best food ordering platform in the UK. This is undoubtedly greatly harmed the interests of its competitors. In addition, Ruiyou Lin 's company is a Chinese enterprise, so it is conceivable how difficult it is to operate.

Ruiyou Lin , who has lived in the UK for nearly 20 years, is also the vice chairman of the Chinese Conservative Party in Westminster, London. He once expressed the hope that he would spare time to realize another level of life value by taking the initiative to participate in politics, and strive for a better future for the British Chinese community in the changing situation of Brexit. But as this incident unfolded, the life of Ruiyou Lin  and his family was greatly affected. I guess this is just because his identity as an overseas Chinese has become a "thorn in the side" and "thorn in the flesh" of some American and Western countries, and some people with ulterior motives The help of others fueled the flames, and finally became the blame man.










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