
宗教 Religion

作者:轉折點  於 2020-10-12 11:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Oct 26, 2015 at 11:19 PM


宗教 Religion


再寫一點. 剛來美國的時候覺得一個人象在茫茫大海里漂浮的葉子.無論是找工作找伴侶,還是應對生活中的瑣事,沒有人在背後幫你也沒有一個組織可以依靠,基本上靠自己. 索羅斯是一個窮學生,但是他後面有強大的猶太宗教福利組織支撐,你看猶太人的成功不是個人的成功. 近年來大量的拉丁移民有天主教會在後面支持,有拉丁裔的政治人物在後面支持.在美國獲取了大量的福利. 曾經跟著前夫去了一年的教會,但我發現教會所教是把中國人妖魔化的時候,當我聽見牧師對著聽眾高呼「 God is a jealous God" (上帝是不容忍別的神存在的)時,我不去了!現在可能有所改變. 我把聖經從頭到尾讀了,充滿智慧. 西方統治者很多的決策思路是從聖經上來的. 但不夠.

Write a little more. When I first came to the United States, I felt like a person floating in the sea. Whether it is looking for a job or find a partner, or dealing with trivial matters in life, no one is helping you in the back and no organization I can rely on. Basically on my own. Soros is a poor student, but behind him is a strong Jewish religious welfare organization. You see that the success of the Jews is not a personal success. In recent years, a large number of Latin immigrants have been supported by the Catholic Church, with Latino politicians supported behind. I got a lot of benefits in the United States. I used to go to the church with my ex-husband for a year, but I found that when the church teaching demonized the Chinese, when I heard the pastor shouted to the audience, "God is a jealous God" (God does not tolerate the existence of other gods), I am not going any more! It may change now. I read the Bible from beginning to the end, full of wisdom. Many of the Western rulers' decision-making ideas are from the Bible. But not enough.

阿拉伯人猶太人因為貿易的原因他們非常需要一個網路組織溝通信息,傳遞物質,幫助維持生活. 他們不是以地理疆域為國度的.台灣人學他們,韓國人也學他們. 因為宗教組織是一個凝聚聯合人的有效的方法,不僅僅是信仰. 他們說中國沒有宗教,不是. 中國沒有一個嚴謹的宗教組織,但是不缺精神思想. 那麼多的「子」,那麼多「百家」,著作遠勝過一部聖經的. 中國一直是一個中央大國,沒有向外擴張侵略的傳統.佛教,主要是一個生活方式,而不是一個嚴謹的組織系統.(佛教的不殺生是中國人為什麼在許多決策時避免流血的精神依據,我覺得該出手時要出手). 

Because of the trades, Arab, Jews need a network to communicate exchanging information, deliver materials, and help maintain their lives. They are not limited by geographical territory. Taiwanese learn fromthem, and Koreans also learn from them. Because religious organizations are a united unionan effective way to unite peoplenot just for beliefs. They say that China has no religion, no! China does not have a rigorous religious organization, but there is no shortage of spiritual thoughts. So many "Masters", so many "100 philosophies", their books are far better than a Bible, China has always been a central power, and there is no tradition of expanding aggression. Buddhism is mainly a way of life, not a rigorous system of organization. Buddhism does not allowkillingthat is the spiritual basis why Chinese people are in many decisions to avoid bloody violence. I think it is necessary to make anaction.

現在中國人擴展到海外,絕大部分對海外的社會的文化,社會的組成,法律醫療系統,根本一無所知. 小留學生在高速路上超速,被警察攔住,不停車,手銬銬住按在地上,居然說「這是不是侵犯人權「. 很多父母帶著錢來買房,供孩子上學,買車,不知道中間有多少的陷阱. 中國人在這邊做生意百分之八九十都是虧本的,錢討不回來. 這邊的法律怎麼會保護你呢?一出事兒根本就付不起醫療費,讀書也基本上聽不懂,混幾年,白花那麼多錢,做生意也不了解市場想當然地投資進去.找工作也是看你後邊的背景. 如果有一個組織,多橫向的聯繫,就會多很多機會.

Now that the Chinese have expanded overseas, most of them have no knowledge of the culture, social composition, and legal medical system of overseas communities. The young student is speeding on the highway, stopped by the police, still does not stopFinally his hands are hold bypolice and body on the ground, he even says, "Is this a violation of human rights?" Many parents bring money to buy a house for their children to go to school, buy a car, and don't know how many traps there are. Chinese are doing business hereeighty or ninety percent is a loss, the money can't come back. How can the law here protect you? I can't afford the medical expenses when I have an accident. I can't understand thoroughly at school. Have to spend a few years, pay so much money, and invest without knowing the market. Looking for work is alsodepending on background behind you. If there is an organization, more horizontal connections, there will be many more opportunities.

以前猶太人,不被所居留的地區接受,因為信仰不同,不能做正式的工作.他們到一個地方就設立猶太教堂,建學校和醫院,學習法律,從事金融,保證猶太人有工作有錢賺.  中國人自己,中國政府,是不是應該有一個這樣子的組織,可以以宗教的名義又可以是非宗教名義,當新移民或者有人到一個新的國度,當地應該馬上提供一定的法律生活教育醫療等方面的信息和幫助,中國人就可以少惹麻煩又省錢,而且大家聚在一起又有精神生活,可以互通消息,互相幫忙. 路可以走的更順利點. 這邊一舉手一投足都錢,很多事情都是有法律的規範,(荒謬與否)請律師是很貴的.

Long time ago Jews were not accepted by the area where they lived. Because they have different beliefs, they can't have official jobs in thegovernment. Wherever they go the first thing is to set up synagogues, open schools and hospitals, study law, engage in finance, and ensure that Jews have jobs and earn money. Chinese themselves, Chinese government, should there be such an organization, in the name of religion or non-religion, so when new immigrants or someone to a new country, the local should immediately provide certain legal, life,educational and medical care available. With the help and support, Chinese can save trouble and save money, together can have a spiritual social life. They can exchange news and help each other. The road of lifecan go more smoothly. Here whatever costs money, many things have legal norms, (absurd or not), lawyers are very expensive.

Jackie五歲時被social worker 搶走,因為她說耳朵聽見有人跟她說話,所以把她當有經神病帶走了. 當時不知道人去哪裡,比綁架更厲害. 叫天天不應,叫地地不靈,見鬼是不是應該先去看看耳科醫生?去問這邊教會的牧師,居然告訴我說這邊是先假定你有罪的. 這邊的法律系統很黑的,你再有邏輯道理都沒用,非按他定的來做,削足適履. 因為法律系統需求不夠,又有很多法律人士要生活,所以很多事就是無事生非的. 這樣來向政府申請錢,養活一批法官和律師,以及監獄系統. 政府都這樣?中國沒有一個正式的宗教,那就可以用其他的宗教. 這裡有許多現成的教會設施,有些都空置了好多年,因為信徒不夠. 聖經上說你要把收入的十分之一上交給教會,那你就與教會分利. 千萬請記住,別人的宗教大多數宗教都是比較狹隘的, 他讓孩子跟他走. 我見過上海來的女孩子,從小在教會長大,台灣來的信教的,基本上是沒有辦法跟他們在精神層面討論的. 因為他們告訴我,不用思考,只要跟著上帝走就行了. 提問和挑戰上帝是犯大忌的做綿羊就好了。 Pope 要Jackie跳小「豬」舞. 中國有世界上最多的宗教的人口,是不是有那麼一部分人也跳小「豬」舞,可以讓那個宗教變成小「豬」教?這邊其實並不歡迎中國人來.

Jackie was taken away by the social worker when she was five years old, because she said that she heard someone talking to her in her ear, so she was taken as a sin of mentally ill. I didn』t know where she went, theshock was more powerful than kidnapping. I asked for help up and down, it』s a hell, should she go to see the otologist first? Ask the pastor of the church here and he told me that this was their first assumption that I was guilty. The legal system here is very dark, and you have no logic to applyyou have to obey according to his own rules. Because the legal system has not enough service need, and there are too many legal personnels, so many things created from nothing. This is a way to apply money from the government, to support a group of judges and lawyers, and the prison system. The government is like this? There is no formal religion in China, so you can take advantage of other religions. There are many ready-made church facilities, some of which are vacant for many years, because not enough believers. The Bible says that you have to give one-tenth of the income to the church. Then you will share the profits with the church if do business with them. Please remember that the religion of others, most religions are relatively narrow minded, they let the children go with their religion. I have seen girls from Shanghai, grew up in the church, Taiwanese believers there is basically no way to discuss with them at the spiritual level. Because they tell me, don't think, just follow God and go. Asking and challenging God is a big taboojust be a sheep. Pope wants Jackie to dance a "piglet" dance. China has the most religious population in the world. Is there a part of people who also dance "piglet" dances, can that religion worship "piglet" ? Here is actually not to welcome the Chinese.









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