
日落之那邊(Beyond the Sunset)

作者:重返伊甸  於 2019-5-22 09:13 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


This song was born during a conversation at the dinner table, one evening in 1936, after they watched a very unusual sunset at Winona Lake, Indiana, with his blind cousin Horace Burr and his wife, Grace. His blind cousin excitedly remarked that he had never seen a more beautiful sunset. 「People are always amazed when you talk about seeing,」 Horace told Virgil. 「I can see,」 Horace replied. 「I see through other people』s eyes, and I think I often see more; I see beyond the sunset.」 The phrase 「beyond the sunset」 and the striking inflection of his voice struck Virgil so forcibly, That he began singing the first few measures. 「That』s beautiful!」 his wife interrupted. 「Please go to the piano and sing it.」 They went to the piano nearby and completed the first verse. Before the evening meal was finished, all four stanzas had been written and they sang the entire song together. Beyond the Sunset Beyond the sunset, O blissful morning, when with our Saviour heav』n is begun. Earth』s toiling ended, O glorious dawning; beyond the sunset when day is done. Beyond the sunset, no clouds will gather; no storms will threaten, no fears annoy; O day of gladness, O day unending, beyond the sunset, eternal joy! Beyond the sunset, a hand will guide me to God the Father, whom I adore; His glorious presence, His words of welcome,will be my portion on that fair shore. Beyond the sunset, O glad reunion with our dear loved ones who』ve gone before. In that fair homeland we』ll know no parting-beyond the sunset for evermore!









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