
A Different Mid-Autumn Festival Is A Will (圖)

作者:portpass  於 2023-9-30 10:37 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Old Mid-Autumn Festival is different from modern one, and Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is different from Canada one.
A Chinese lady is creating her Vancouver Mid-Autumn Festival, a new style Mid-Autumn Festival.
In the morning of Aug. 15th of Lunar Calendar, after a moon-cake breakfast she took Sky-Train to Chinatown, she strolled among stores watching Chinese people buying and selling.
She smiled at buyers and nodded at sellers, but nobody answered her with smiling and nodding.
She left Chinese market zone for Chinese Garden to enjoy old style Chinese temples, little bridges and golden fishes,.
she wished few Mandarin ducks in the pool.
She couldn`t remember the Mid-Autumn Festivals she had celebrated in China, but last year`s in Canada, because she left China for too many years.
365 days ago she celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival by the same way as today`s. She wished her next Autumn Festival would be different from this one.









發表評論 評論 (1 個評論)

回復 浮平 2023-9-30 12:07
【She smiled at buyers and nodded at sellers, but nobody answered her with smiling and nodding.】

Would buyers/strangers "answer her with smiling and nodding" in China?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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