
Vancouver Chairman Mao Advertisement (圖)

作者:portpass  於 2023-7-23 05:04 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


A Chairman Mao picture can be seen on the wall of a Canada local restaurant at the corner between Granville St and Davie St in Vancouver downtown.
I asked the white boss:"Why do Chairman Mao wear a Canadian Uniform?"
The white boss answered:"I hope Chairman Mao is a Canadian, and then he could change Canada into a Socialist country."
He told me that his grandma had visited China long long ago and brought a Chinese Uniform to his Grandpa, and he inherited it. He made a phone call to his wife to take it to him, so that he could take a photo with me in it.
We had waited a long time and could not see his wife, then I went home with regret.(Yan Bin 顏賓)









發表評論 評論 (7 個評論)

回復 浮平 2023-7-23 10:58
   The core values or principles, ethics and morality, as well as political system of a democracy are not dictated by a single ism, but allow for the expression and coexistence of diverse isms.

Do you feel fortunate living in Canada so that you could run into someone who shared the same belief of yours?  
回復 portpass 2023-7-24 03:13
浮平:    The core values or principles, ethics and morality, as well as political system of a democracy are not dictated by a single ism, but allow for
Chairgod loves you.
You are a good redist.
Redism is your life.
回復 七把叉Archie 2023-7-25 11:58
浮平:    The core values or principles, ethics and morality, as well as political system of a democracy are not dictated by a single ism, but allow for
Blogger FuPing,I have no doubt if blogger portpass observes this world in same perspective with yours, he won』t advocate Redism and uphold Mao』s ideology. Even though I believe it』s a pity for a person living in western communities where the core values are freedom, diversity, tolerance, co existence.
回復 浮平 2023-7-25 12:18
七把叉Archie: Blogger FuPing,I have no doubt if blogger portpass observes this world in same perspective with yours, he won』t advocate Redism and uphold Mao』s id
It』s alright as long as he enjoys inconsistency and self-contradictory belief. lol
回復 portpass 2023-7-26 06:00
浮平: It』s alright as long as he enjoys inconsistency and self-contradictory belief. lol
Chairgod Mao loves you.
回復 Lawler 2023-8-8 06:13
浮平:    The core values or principles, ethics and morality, as well as political system of a democracy are not dictated by a single ism, but allow for
Believe me, Vancouver has no shortage of interest groups that benefit from China. However, what do their next generations think, and will there be conflicts of ideas? good luck to them
回復 浮平 2023-8-8 07:44
Lawler: Believe me, Vancouver has no shortage of interest groups that benefit from China. However, what do their next generations think, and will there be con
people who worship Mao's ideology may enjoy fighting with democratic values endlessly, 與天斗與人斗其樂無窮,so hopefully young generation in democracy country can influence them to fight in civil and more educated ways.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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