
美國留學生日記 American Student Diary(01/23/2017)

作者:美國留學生日記  於 2017-1-25 09:49 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:冰雹, 美國留學生, 聾啞人, 南加州, 英語課

下冰雹了,在南加州可是難得一見的,大家都很興奮。英語課上 conselor 來了,和我們討論申請大學以及準備Sat 的問題.發了很多資料,講了很多信息,我得慢慢消化了。物理課我們做彈力實驗,結果我又闖禍了。手語課上小考,我可能是學得最好的學生了。在美國學手語也是第三語言,並不是聾啞人才學。

01232017    Monday     

Little Accident and don』t get obsessed with a TV series

    In Algebra class, I realized that I didn』t review anything that I might have forgotten something already because we took a practice quiz. Not exactly, Mr. Famili was explaining the answers along the way, the real one would be coming tomorrow.
    In English Class, Mrs. Straiger, the student counselor, came to our class, passed the documents and discussed about college-applying and SAT-taking problems with us. There were a lot of important information that I didn』t dare to have a second of distraction, however, there were a lot to take in, I must read those information carefully afterwards.
    During the break, I went to he band room and put my alto sax into my locker. Then, I noticed that the tree beside the band room had fallen! It was caused by the wind! I really felt about it, it seemed irreversible at this point.
    In AP Physics, we were having a lab project, about elastic and inelastic characteristics of objects. While we were doing the project, I tossed the experimental baseball on the wall, and wished it』d bounce back. It did, though, but the clock hung on the wall was shaken and it fell! Fortunately, it was plastic, and not a real one, what』s more, it didn』t break. But still, I caused trouble again! The last time was about the golf incident, you know, I accidently made the golf ball stay on the roof. I shouldn't be doing anything inappropriate here, I should focus on my work!

After lunch, I went to the library while there』s still time until the bell rang. When I was halfway there, the rain suddenly intensified, and it formed a storm, which was really violent! Guess what happened? The little pails were dropped from the storm! There were so tiny, but cold! I took some photos of them, even recorded a video of them. A great one never missed out on a great opportunity!
    In the library, I sat with Sean and Yilai. We discussed something about our phones, like the storage or email. I needed to have my email signed in on the new phone, but I didn』t know why, so they taught me! It was so quick and convenient! Also, they showed me that the 「Google Translate」 app had a special feature: It could screen the foreign words and translate them immediately! A whole sentence! I had only seen the one that could only translate a word, as the max. I didn』t know the technology had been this advanced already!
    In Animation Class, I asked Mr. Murray if he had seen the glasses that I left here last Friday, and he showed it to me. What a relief! I thought I lost it, next time, I』d better check everything before I leave the class. Afterwards, I started my work of my animation, seriously. I drew the background of the story, I should』ve started this a week ago, but I was just unsure of it. Now, I realized it』s time to begin, most of the other people started to make their moves.

In ASL, we were taking a quiz, of the article that we read last weekend. We could take notes from it, and use it during the quiz, which was why I took loads of them. I was sure I did well on it. Actually, it』s probably the best to memorize and comprehend the whole story instead of more copying sentences from it and waste efforts. Comprehension is the best thing that can happen to a student.
    When I got home, my parents had business outside, so I had to watch over Jack. I watched 「Switched At Birth」, the TV series about ASL, or sign language. While I was watching, I noticed Monica and her mom』s car was at the gate, and it was raining outside. I went out to open the gate for them with an umbrella on top of my head, however, when I tried to get back, I couldn』t. Jack locked it up! I knocked and asked him to open it, but he just denied. I had no choice but to walk around the house and try to open the backdoor, I was walking carefully because there were puddles everywhere, but I still got my feet wet! I kicked the door open, but the door hit Jack. He suddenly turned angry, and cried, 「No brother! No brother!」 I felt really stupid of myself, how come I didn』t know to check if he was behind the door, wait no, I was supposed to know. He must be trying to lock the backdoor as well at that time! I shouldn't have kicked the door because I couldn't control my leg』s strength.

I cooked for the family tonight, it went smoothly, and the only thing I messed up was the first fried egg. You know, I didn't heat up the wok long enough that the egg sticked to the bottom of it. It wasn』t a big deal, it』d just take some time for me to get more experience and have less mistakes. By the way, I was surprised to see that Monica was surprised at me, when she saw me cooking. I wondered how in the world that she didn』t know that I could cook? Actually, it happened, even if people lived under the same roof, there』s still a lot of things they didn』t know about each other.
    I watched two episodes of 「Switched At Birth」 today, which occupied my time of reading SAT. I should』ve managed my time well, but when the TV series attracted my attention, i just couldn』t help it. I should snap out of it, there』s a limit to the fun things you can have in one day. Though, I learned a lot of signs of ASL.

轉自微信公眾號:美國留學生日記( American student diary)









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