
請聽美國90年代歌曲;Said I love you but I lied--by Michael Bolton

作者:紅杏桃子245  於 2019-2-8 01:23 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Said I Loved You... But I Lied
You are the candle, love's the flame
A fire that burns through wind and rain
Shine your light on this heart of mine
Till the end of time
You came to me like the dawn through the night
Just shinin' like the sun
Out of my dreams and into my life
You are the one, you are the one
Said I loved you but I lied
'Cause this is more than love I feel inside
Said I loved you but I was wrong
'Cause love could never ever feel so strong
Said I loved you but I lied
With all my soul I've tried in vain
How can mere words my heart explain
This taste of heaven so deep so true
I've found in you
So many reasons in so many ways
My life has just begun
Need you forever, I need you to stay
You are the one, you are the one
Said I loved you but I lied
'Cause this is more than love I feel inside
Said I loved you but I was wrong
'Cause love could never ever feel so strong
Said I loved you but I lied
You came to me like the dawn through the night
Just shinin' like the sun
Out of my dreams and into my life
You are the one, you are the one
Said I loved you
But this is more than love I feel inside
Said I loved you... But I lied










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回復 白露為霜 2019-2-8 01:49
it's a song of our time.  
回復 紅杏桃子245 2019-2-8 02:30
白露為霜: it's a song of our time.   
Yes,90's song, I like it
回復 紅杏桃子245 2019-2-8 10:05
這歌詞也太難懂了,以為真是欺騙他愛人呢,欺騙老婆還編成歌唱。問了老美同事,老美同事說:「這是對愛的另一種表達方式,是對愛的堅貞不渝。  額的瑪雅,俺英語水平太差了
回復 秋收冬藏 2019-2-11 01:07
挺喜歡Michael Bolton的,謝天謝地他不是丐
回復 紅杏桃子245 2019-2-11 08:43
秋收冬藏: 挺喜歡Michael Bolton的,謝天謝地他不是丐
回復 小博人 2019-4-14 12:06

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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