

作者:kyotosizumoto  於 2022-9-6 22:03 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




VIIFamily separation and reprisals



129The implementation of the purported counter-terrorism and 「extremism」 policies in XUAR has also had deep impacts on families. The widespread arbitrary deprivation of liberty of Uyghurs and other predominantly Muslim communities in XUAR, often shrouded in secrecy, has led to many families being separated and unaware of the whereabouts of their loved ones. This has been particularly so for the diaspora community where there have additionally been allegations of reprisals and intimidations against those seeking information about their family members or expressing concern publicly.



AFamily separations and enforced disappearances



130Claims of family separations and enforced disappearances were among the first indicators of concern about the situation in XUAR, with large numbers of people alleged to be 「forcibly disappeared」 or 「missing」.Approximately two-thirds of the 152 outstanding cases on China of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances pertain to XUAR over the period 2017-2022.

家庭分居和強迫失蹤是新疆局勢最受關注的指標之一,有大量人被指稱「被強迫失蹤」或「失蹤」。在中國的 152 起未決案件中,約有三分之二聯合國強迫或非自願失蹤問題工作組與 2017-2022 年期間的新疆有關。

131The Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances (CPED) defines such disappearance as 「the arrest, detention, abduction or any other form of deprivation of liberty by agents of the State or by persons or groups of persons acting with the authorization, support or acquiescence of the State, followed by a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of liberty or by concealment of the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person, which place such a person outside the protection of the law」.Although China is not a party to the Convention on Enforced Disappearances, it is bound by the prohibition of enforced disappearance that is encompassed by other human rights treaties to which it is party, such as the Convention against Torture,and to the extent the norm has crystallized in customary law. Moreover, the denial of the right to know the truth about the whereabouts of a victim of enforced disappearance can itself constitute a form of cruel and inhuman treatment for the immediate family.

《保護所有人免遭強迫失蹤公約》(CPED)將這種失蹤定義為「由國家代理人或經授權行事的個人或團體實施的逮捕、拘留、綁架或任何其他形式的剝奪自由,國家支持或默許,然後拒絕承認剝奪自由或隱瞞失蹤者的命運或下落,使失蹤者不受法律保護」。 《強迫失蹤公約》,它受其加入的其他人權條約所包含的禁止強迫失蹤的約束,例如《禁止酷刑公約》,並且在該規範已在習慣法中具體化的範圍內。此外,剝奪了解強迫失蹤受害者下落真相的權利本身就可能構成對直系親屬的一種殘忍和不人道的待遇。

132In some cases, when persons were taken to a VETC facility, family members are not informed about their whereabouts, the reasons for their 「referral」 to the centres, or the length for which they may be retained. First-hand accounts suggest that informing family was not undertaken as a matter of policy, but rather on an ad hoc basis following persistent attempts by family members to seek information about their whereabouts.While some interviewees seemed to know or suspect that family members had been taken to a VETC facility or another form of detention, most remained unsure of the situation and, despite attempts at clarifying the whereabouts with the authorities, their fate remained unknown. This lack of knowledge and any contact has been particularly painful for families living at geographical distance abroad and requires immediate clarification by the authorities. In the same vein, former detainees said they had no contact with family during their time at VETC facilities, and that they did not know if their families knew where they were.Without it being clear as to the variation in approach, some detainees were allowed to have occasional family visits or phone calls under supervision and surveillance.

在某些情況下,當人員被帶到 VETC 設施時,家庭成員不會被告知他們的下落、他們「轉介」到中心的原因,或者他們可能被保留的時間。第一手資料表明,通知家人並不是政策問題,而是在家庭成員不斷嘗試尋求有關其下落的信息后臨時進行的。雖然一些受訪者似乎知道或懷疑家庭成員已經被帶到 VETC 設施或其他形式的拘留,大多數人仍然不確定情況,儘管試圖與當局澄清下落,但他們的命運仍然未知。這種缺乏知識和任何聯繫的情況對居住在國外的家庭來說尤其痛苦,需要當局立即澄清。同樣,前被拘留者表示,他們在 VETC 設施期間與家人沒有聯繫,他們不知道家人是否知道他們在哪裡。在不清楚方法的變化的情況下,一些被拘留者被允許在監督和監視下偶爾進行家人探訪或打電話。

133、The Xinjiang Victims Database, a platform used by exiled family members seeking the whereabouts of their loved ones in XUAR, currently has hundreds of entries of alleged 「missing persons」.OHCHR has reviewed dozens of interviews of family members who have posted on the Xinjiang Victims Database and other sites in the hope of locating their loved ones. It has also reviewed audio recordings taken by family members who have attempted to contact local authorities in XUAR to seek clarification. It has further reviewed available Government responses to some of these cases, which consistently assert that those allegedly missing are 「living normal lives」 in XUAR, often without any further supporting information.


134、For example, on 9 April 2021, in a press conference in Beijing, authorities acknowledged that out of 12,050 people in the Xinjiang Victims Database, they had confirmed the existence of 10,708 people. 1,342 accounts reportedly pertained to individuals who were 「fabricated.」 Out of the 10,708 people, 6,962 were 「living a normal life」; 3,244 had reportedly been convicted and sentenced for terrorist acts and other criminal offences; 238 had reportedly died of 「diseases and other causes」 and 264 were living overseas.The authorities did not release the names of those individuals, or the court decisions upon which those serving prison terms have been convicted, prolonging the uncertainty for families.

例如,2021 年 4 月 9 日,在北京舉行的新聞發布會上,當局承認,在新疆受害者資料庫中的 12050 人中,他們確認了 10708 人的存在。據報道,有 1342 個賬戶與「捏造」的個人有關。在這 10708 人中,有 6962 人「過著正常的生活」;據報道,有 3244 人因恐怖行為和其他刑事犯罪被定罪和判刑;據報道,238 人死於「疾病和其他原因」,264 人居住在海外。當局沒有公布這些人的姓名,也沒有公布那些服刑人員被定罪的法庭判決,這延長了家庭的不確定性。

135Family separations result from a number of factors and not all necessarily amount to enforced or involuntary disappearances. Issues of family separations also arise between families whose members are split between XUAR and abroad. The risk of reprisals against family members in XUAR on account of contact from abroad is an important reason, repeatedly raised in interviews with OHCHR, why contacts are often severed by families themselves. OHCHR has also had accounts of Uyghur parents living abroad, who continue to be unable to contact their children left behind with relatives in XUAR.As noted, contact with persons abroad is one of the reasons for referral to a VETC facility. In one instance, an individual described having lost contact with his wife and children, as well as more than 30 other relatives in XUAR, all of whom he said had either changed their phone numbers or simply refused to accept his phone calls, due to fear of reprisals. In the words of another interviewee: 「I haven』t talked to my family because I was told not to contact them or else they would be sent to re-education.」

家庭分離是由許多因素造成的,並不一定都等於強迫或非自願失蹤。家庭成員分散在新疆和國外的家庭之間也會出現家庭分離的問題。在新疆的家庭成員因來自國外的接觸而遭到報復的風險是人權高專辦在採訪中反覆提出的一個重要原因,為什麼接觸經常被家庭自己切斷。人權高專辦也有居住在國外的維吾爾父母的賬戶,他們仍然無法與留在新疆的親屬聯繫他們的孩子。如前所述,與國外的人聯繫是轉介到 VETC 設施的原因之一。在一個案例中,一個人描述了與他的妻子和孩子以及新疆維吾爾自治區的 30 多名其他親屬失去聯繫,他說所有這些人都因為害怕而改變了他們的電話號碼,或者乾脆拒絕接聽他的電話的報復。用另一位受訪者的話說:「我沒有和家人談過,因為我被告知不要聯繫他們,否則他們會被送去再教育。」


BIntimidations, threats and reprisals 



136The Chinese authorities continue to openly criticise victims and their relatives now living abroad for speaking about their experiences in XUAR, discrediting stories that are made public.


137Intimidations and threats were also reported by former detainees, some of whom were forced to sign a document ahead of their release, pledging not to speak about their experience in the VETCs.303 In the words of one interviewee: 「We had to sign a document to remain silent about the camp. Otherwise, we would be kept for longer and there would be punishment for the whole family.」

前被拘留者也報告了恐嚇和威脅,其中一些人被迫在獲釋前簽署一份文件,承諾不談論他們在 VETC 的經歷。 用一位受訪者的話來說:「我們必須簽署一份對營地保持沉默的文件。否則,我們會被關得更久,整個家庭都會受到懲罰。」

138Patterns of intimidations, threats and reprisals were consistently highlighted by interviewees. Two-thirds of the interviewees with whom OHCHR spoke asserted having been victims of some form of intimidation or reprisal, in particular threatening phone calls or messages, mostly by Chinese, but also from neighbouring States, to fellow exiled Uyghurs or Kazakhs, or by family members, possibly acting at the behest of the authorities, following statements or advocacy in relation to XUAR. Some also claimed that family members in XUAR had been intimidated or suffered direct reprisals as a result of public engagement overseas, including being taken to a VETC or other facility.

受訪者不斷強調恐嚇、威脅和報復的模式。與人權高專辦交談的三分之二的受訪者聲稱,他們是某種形式的恐嚇或報復的受害者,特別是威脅電話或信息,主要來自中國人,但也來自鄰國,流亡維吾爾人或哈薩克人,或家人成員,可能應當局的要求,在與新疆維吾爾自治區有關的聲明或倡導後行事。一些人還聲稱,新疆維吾爾自治區的家庭成員因海外公眾參與而受到恐嚇或直接報復,包括被帶到 VETC 或其他設施。

139Over the past few years, credible information has been received about members of the Uyghur community living abroad in several countries, having been forcibly returned, or being placed at risk of forcible return to China, in breach of the prohibition under international law of refoulement. The UN human rights mechanisms, including the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination as well as the Special Procedures, have expressed concerns about reports of forcible return of Uyghurs to China, and have recalled the human rights and refugee law obligations of both China and third countries in such circumstances.In this context, OHCHR is also aware of dozens of Uyghurs living in third countries whose passports have expired and who have experienced difficulties in renewing their documents, including due to fear of reprisals, or fear of being forcibly returned to China.


140Moreover, there are claimed threats of reprisals against staff employed by, or conducting activities on behalf of, foreign enterprises with links to XUAR through their value chains, while attempting to conduct due diligence and requesting transparency in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


141These patterns of intimidations, threats and reprisals are generally credible and are likely to have caused, and continue to cause, a serious chilling effect on these communities』 rights to freedom of expression, privacy, physical integrity and family life, and in consequence inhibit the flow of information on the situation inside XUAR.


142In conclusion, the patterns of family separations among Uyghurs and members of other predominantly Muslim minorities, which in some cases may amount to enforced disappearances, are a direct consequence of the means by which the detention programme has been operated and are therefore likely to have impacts on similar scales. They have been exacerbated by a pattern of intimidations and threats of reprisals against victims and their relatives inside and outside XUAR. The onus remains on the Government to urgently clarify the fate and whereabouts of missing family members and to facilitate safe contacts and reunification. At the same time, and in light of the overall assessment of the human rights situation in XUAR, countries hosting Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities from XUAR should refrain from forcibly returning them, in any circumstance of real risks of breach of the principle of non-refoulement.

總之,維吾爾人與其他以穆斯林為主的少數民族成員之間的家庭分離模式,在某些情況下可能構成強迫失蹤,是拘留計劃實施方式的直接後果,因此很可能 對類似規模產生影響。 新疆境內外對受害者及其親屬的恐嚇和報復威脅加劇了這種情況。 政府仍有責任緊急澄清失蹤家庭成員的命運和下落,並促進安全聯繫和團聚。 同時,根據對新疆維吾爾自治區人權狀況的總體評估,接納新疆維吾爾人和其他穆斯林少數民族的國家應避免在任何存在違反不侵犯人權原則的真正風險的情況下強行遣返他們




VIIIOverall assessment and recommendations



143Serious human rights violations have been committed in XUAR in the context of the Government』s application of counter-terrorism and counter-「extremism」 strategies. The implementation of these strategies, and associated policies in XUAR has led to interlocking patterns of severe and undue restrictions on a wide range of human rights. These patterns of restrictions are characterized by a discriminatory component, as the underlying acts often directly or indirectly affect Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim communities.

在政府實施反恐和打擊「極端主義」戰略的背景下,新疆發生了嚴重侵犯人權行為。 新疆維吾爾自治區實施這些戰略和相關政策導致了對廣泛人權的嚴重和不當限制的連鎖模式。 這些限制模式的特點是歧視性成分,因為潛在的行為通常直接或間接影響維吾爾人和其他主要穆斯林社區。

144These human rights violations, as documented in this assessment, flow from a domestic 「anti-terrorism law system」 that is deeply problematic from the perspective of international human rights norms and standards. It contains vague, broad and open-ended concepts that leave wide discretion to officials to interpret and apply broad investigative, preventive and coercive powers, in a context of limited safeguards and scant independent oversight. This framework, which is vulnerable to discriminatory application, has in practice led to the large-scale arbitrary deprivation of liberty of members of Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim communities in XUAR in so-called VETC and other facilities, at least between 2017 and 2019. Even if the VETC system has since been reduced in scope or wound up, as the Government has claimed, the laws and policies that underpin it remain in place. There appears to be a parallel trend of an increased number and length of imprisonments occurring through criminal justice processes, suggesting that the focus of deprivation of liberty has shifted towards imprisonment, on purported grounds of counter-terrorism and counter-「extremism」.

本評估記錄的這些侵犯人權行為源於國內「反恐法律體系」,從國際人權規範和標準的角度來看,該體系存在嚴重問題。它包含模糊、廣泛和開放式的概念,在有限的保障措施和缺乏獨立監督的情況下,讓官員有很大的自由裁量權來解釋和應用廣泛的調查、預防和強制權力。該框架容易受到歧視性應用,實際上至少在 2017 年至 2019 年期間,在所謂的 VETC 和其他設施中,維吾爾族和新疆其他主要穆斯林社區成員的自由被大規模任意剝奪。即使 VETC 系統的範圍自此縮減或結束,正如政府所聲稱的那樣,支撐它的法律和政策仍然有效。似乎有一個平行的趨勢,即通過刑事司法程序發生的監禁數量和時間增加,這表明剝奪自由的重點已轉向監禁,據稱是反恐和打擊「極端主義」。

145The treatment of persons held in the system of so-called VETC facilities is of equal concern. Allegations of patterns of torture or ill-treatment, including forced medical treatment and adverse conditions of detention, are credible, as are allegations of individual incidents of sexual and gender-based violence. While the available information at this stage does not allow OHCHR to draw firm conclusions regarding the exact extent of such abuses, it is clear that the highly securitised and discriminatory nature of the VETC facilities, coupled with limited access to effective remedies or oversight by the authorities, provide fertile ground for such violations to take place on a broad scale.

被關押在所謂的 VETC 設施系統中的人的待遇同樣值得關注。 關於酷刑或虐待模式的指控,包括強迫醫療和不利的拘留條件,是可信的,關於個別性暴力和基於性別的暴力事件的指控也是可信的。 雖然現階段的可用信息無法使人權高專辦就此類濫用行為的確切程度得出確切結論,但很明顯,VETC 設施的高度安全化和歧視性,加上獲得有效補救或當局監督的機會有限 ,為此類違法行為大範圍發生提供沃土。

146The systems of arbitrary detention and related patterns of abuse in VETC and other detention facilities come against the backdrop of broader discrimination against members of Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim minorities based on perceived security threats emanating from individual members of these groups. This has included far-reaching, arbitrary and discriminatory restrictions on human rights and fundamental freedoms, in violation of international norms and standards. These have included undue restrictions on religious identity and expression, as well as the rights to privacy and movement. There are serious indications of violations of reproductive rights through the coercive and discriminatory enforcement of family planning and birth control policies. Similarly, there are indications that labour and employment schemes for purported purposes of poverty alleviation and prevention of 「extremism」, including those linked to the VETC system, may involve elements of coercion and discrimination on religious and ethnic grounds.

VETC 和其他拘留設施中的任意拘留制度和相關的虐待模式是在維吾爾族和其他以穆斯林為主的少數群體成員受到更廣泛歧視的背景下出現的,基於這些群體的個別成員的安全威脅。這包括對人權和基本自由的廣泛、任意和歧視性限制,違反了國際規範和標準。其中包括對宗教身份和表達以及隱私權和行動權的不當限制。通過強制和歧視性地執行計劃生育和節育政策,有嚴重侵犯生殖權利的跡象。同樣,有跡象表明,旨在減輕貧困和預防「極端主義」的勞工和就業計劃,包括與 VETC 系統相關的計劃,可能包含基於宗教和種族原因的脅迫和歧視因素。

147The described policies and practices in XUAR have transcended borders, separating families and severing human contacts, while causing particular suffering to affected Uyghur, Kazakh and other predominantly Muslim minority families, exacerbated by patterns of intimidations and threats against members of the diaspora community speaking publicly about experiences in XUAR.


148The information currently available to OHCHR on implementation of the Government』s stated drive against terrorism and 「extremism」 in XUAR in the period 2017- 2019 and potentially thereafter, also raises concerns from the perspective of international criminal law. The extent of arbitrary and discriminatory detention of members of Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim groups, pursuant to law and policy, in context of restrictions and deprivation more generally of fundamental rights enjoyed individually and collectively, may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity.

人權高專辦目前掌握的關於政府在 2017 年至 2019 年期間及之後可能在新疆實施打擊恐怖主義和「極端主義」的聲明的信息,也從國際刑法的角度提出了關切。 根據法律和政策,在限制和剝奪更普遍的個人和集體享有的基本權利的情況下,對維吾爾人和其他主要穆斯林群體成員的任意和歧視性拘留的程度可能構成國際罪行,特別是危害人類罪。

149The Government holds the primary duty to ensure that all laws and policies are brought into compliance with international human rights law and to promptly investigate any allegations of human rights violations, to ensure accountability for perpetrators and to provide redress to victims. Individuals who are arbitrarily deprived of their liberty should be immediately released. As the conditions remain in place for serious violations to continue and recur, these must also be addressed promptly and effectively. The human rights situation in XUAR also requires urgent attention by the Government, the United Nations intergovernmental bodies and human rights system, as well as the international community more broadly.

政府的首要責任是確保所有法律和政策都符合國際人權法,並迅速調查任何侵犯人權的指控,確保追究肇事者的責任並為受害者提供補救。 應立即釋放被任意剝奪自由的個人。 由於嚴重違規行為繼續和再次發生的條件仍然存在,因此也必須迅速有效地解決這些問題。 新疆維吾爾自治區的人權狀況也需要政府、聯合國政府間機構和人權系統以及更廣泛的國際社會緊急關注。

150OHCHR is grateful to the Government and other institutions for sharing with it information about aspects of the situation in XUAR. This assessment was also facilitated by the vast amount of research that has been completed by non-governmental organizations, researchers, journalists and academics over the last years (and independently assessed by OHCHR). OHCHR is deeply grateful to the victims and witnesses who were willing to share their experiences with OHCHR, despite the potential risks to themselves and their loved ones.

人權高專辦感謝政府和其他機構與其分享新疆局勢方面的信息。 過去幾年非政府組織、研究人員、記者和學者完成的大量研究(並由人權高專辦獨立評估)也促進了這一評估。 人權高專辦對願意與人權高專辦分享經驗的受害者和證人深表感謝,儘管他們自己和親人可能面臨風險。





151OHCHR recommends to the Government of China that it:

Takes prompt steps to release all individuals arbitrarily deprived of their liberty in XUAR, whether in VETCs, prisons or other detention facilities;

Urgently clarifies the whereabouts of individuals whose families have been seeking information about their loved ones in XUAR, including by providing details of their exact locations and establishing safe channels of communication and travel enabling families to reunite;

Undertakes a full review of the legal framework governing national security, counter-terrorism and minority rights in XUAR to ensure their compliance with binding international human rights law, and urgently repeal all discriminatory laws, policies and practices against Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim minorities in XUAR, in particular those that have led to the serious human rights violations as detailed in this assessment;

Promptly investigates allegations of human rights violations in VETCs and other detention facilities, including allegations of torture, sexual violence, ill-treatment, forced medical treatment, as well as forced labour and reports of deaths in custody;Implements, as a matter of priority, the Concluding Observations from the UN Committee against Torture and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, including establishment of an independent oversight mechanism to ensure prompt, impartial and effective investigation into all allegations of torture and ill-treatment;

Ensures that surveillance both on and offline comply with strict tests of legality, necessity and proportionality, including for matters of national security, and does not infringe on fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals;Cooperates with the ILO and social partners in the implementation of the recommendations made by the ILO Committee of Experts on Conventions No. 111 and 122, including by allowing a technical advisory mission, and in the implementation of Conventions No. 29 and 105 on forced labour, and the 2014 Protocol;                 


(i) 迅速採取措施,釋放所有在新疆維吾爾自治區被任意剝奪自由的人,無論是在職業培訓 中心、監獄還是其他拘留設施;

(ii) 緊急澄清其家人一直在新疆尋找親人信息的個人的下落,包括提供其確切位置的詳細信息,並建立安全的溝通和旅行渠道,使家人能夠團聚;

(iii) 對新疆維吾爾自治區國家安全、反恐和少數民族權利的法律框架進行全面審查,以確保其符合具有約束力的國際人權法,並緊急廢除所有針對維吾爾人和其他以穆斯林為主的歧視性法律、政策和做法新疆維吾爾自治區的少數民族,特別是那些導致本評估詳述的嚴重侵犯人權行為的少數民族;

(iv) 迅速調查關於在 VETC 和其他拘留設施中侵犯人權的指控,包括關於酷刑、性暴力、虐待、強迫醫療以及強迫勞動和拘留期間死亡報告的指控;

(v) 作為優先事項,執行聯合國禁止酷刑委員會和聯合國消除種族歧視委員會的結論性意見,包括建立一個獨立的監督機制,以確保對所有關於酷刑和虐待;

(vi) 確保在線和離線監控符合合法性、必要性和相稱性的嚴格測試,包括國家安全問題,並且不侵犯個人的基本權利和自由;與國際勞工組織和社會夥伴合作,實施國際勞工組織專家委員會就第 111 號和第 122 號公約提出的建議,包括允許派出技術諮詢團,以及在實施關於強迫勞動的第 29 號和第 105 號公約方面,以及 2014 年協議

Provides adequate remedy and reparation to victims of human rights violations;

Clarifies the reports of destruction of mosques, shrines and cemeteries by providing data and information and suspend all such activities in the meantime;

Ceases immediately all intimidation and reprisals against Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim minorities abroad in connection with their advocacy, and their family members in XUAR; and ensure that all citizens including of Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim minorities can hold a valid passport and travel to and from China without fear of reprisals;Ratifies the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance; and the Optional Protocols to the Convention against Torture, to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women;

Invites as a matter of priority the Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the Special Rapporteur on Torture, the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Minorities, the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief, the Special Rapporteur on Cultural Rights and the Working Group on Business and Human Rights to conduct unrestricted country visits to China, including to XUAR; and

Continues engagement with OHCHR to enable further assessment of the situation; and facilitates further visits by OHCHR and technical exchanges on human rights issues in XUAR, in follow up to the High Commissioner』s visit.


(ix) 通過提供數據和信息,澄清關於清真寺、聖地和墓地被毀的報告,同時暫停所有此類活動;

(x) 立即停止針對維吾爾族和國外其他以穆斯林為主的少數民族及其在新疆維吾爾自治區的家庭成員進行的所有恐嚇和報復;確保所有公民,包括維吾爾族和其他以穆斯林為主的少數民族,都可以持有有效護照往返中國,而不必擔心遭到報復;

(xi) 批准《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》; 《保護所有人免遭強迫失蹤國際公約》;以及《禁止酷刑公約》、《消除一切形式種族歧視公約》和《消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約》的任擇議定書;

(xii) 作為優先事項,請強迫和非自願失蹤問題工作組、任意拘留問題工作組、酷刑問題特別報告員、少數群體權利問題特別報告員、宗教和信仰自由問題特別報告員,文化權利特別報告員和工商業與人權工作組對包括新疆在內的中國進行不受限制的國別訪問;和

(xiii) 繼續與人權高專辦接觸,以便進一步評估情況;並為人權高專辦的進一步訪問和新疆人權問題的技術交流提供便利,以跟進高級專員的訪問。

OHCHR remains available to support and advise in the implementation of these recommendations.



152OHCHR recommends to the business community that it:

Takes all possible measures to meet the responsibility to respect human rights across activities and business relationships as set out the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including through enhanced human rights due diligence, and report on this transparently; and

Strengthens human rights risk assessment by companies involved in the surveillance and security sector, including whether products and services could lead to or contribute to adverse human rights impacts, including on the rights to privacy, freedom of movement, and the respect of non-discrimination.


(i) 採取一切可能的措施,履行《聯合國工商業與人權指導原則》規定的在所有活動和商業關係中尊重人權的責任,包括加強人權盡職調查,並對此進行透明報告;和

(ii)  加強參與監視和安全部門的公司的人權風險評估,包括產品和服務是否可能導致或促成不利的人權影響,包括對隱私權、行動自由和尊重非-歧視。

153OHCHR recommends to the international community that it supports efforts to strengthen the protection and promotion of human rights in the XUAR region in follow-up to these recommendations. States should further refrain from returning members of Uyghur and other predominantly Muslim minorities to China who are at risk of refoulement and provide humanitarian assistance, including medical and psycho-social support, to victims in the States in which they are located.




Note Verbale of the Permanent Mission of the People』s Republic of China to the United Nations in Geneva, dated 31 August 2022, and annex Available at: https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/country-reports/ohchr-assessment-human-rights-concerns-xinjiang- uyghur-autonomous-region 

* Redactions applied by OHCHR further to policy to protect individual rights and interests as required.


中華人民共和國常駐日內瓦聯合國代表團 2022 年 8 月 31 日的普通照會及附件見:https://www.ohchr.org/en/documents/country-reports/ohchr-assessment -人權問題-新疆-維吾爾自治區

* 人權高專辦根據需要對保護個人權利和利益的政策進行了進一步修改。









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