
《國際考古學暨歷史語言學學會會刊》(簡稱:JIAHLS) 前三卷順利上線發布 第1卷,

作者:kyotosizumoto  於 2017-8-22 03:27 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村








1、The Origin of Chengtoushan City State in the middle Reaches of Yangtze River in China

From P1 to P19,作者:Liu Junnan(劉俊男)

2、From the Oracle-bone Ins***ion West Mother to the West Queen Mother Worship

From P 20 to P 27 ,作者:Chang yaohua(常耀華)

3、The prophecy of the coming of Chairman Mao based on an ancient Chinese book 

From P28 to P 40,作者:Liu Zheng(劉正)

4、After reading about The prophecy of the coming of Chairman Mao based on an ancient 

Chinese book

From P 41 to P 44,作者:Yan Xianjun(鄢顯俊)

5、An Interpretation of Xiang(享) in Jinwen of West and East Zhou Dynasties

From P 45 to P 51,作者:Wu Zhenyu(武振玉)



1、A Study on the Oracle-bone Ins***ion of Zouri

From P 1 to P 12,作者:Chang Yaohua(常耀華)

2、Joseph Levenson』s China Study and Historical linguistics

From P 13 to P 83,作者:Song Yuxi(宋玉璽)

3、The Study of the Historical Linguistic Space in HanFu(漢賦): An Inspect Centered on Shu Xing Fu(述行賦)

From P 84 to P 91,作者:Huang Ming(黃鳴)

4、The Verifications of Oracle Bone Divinatory Ins***ions from Bin group of Wu Ding

From P 92 to P 106,作者:Guan Rongzhen(管榮臻)

5、The Study of Sinology about Literature and Archaeology of Hsi Wang Mu

From P 107 to P 191,作者:Ma Caiyun(馬彩雲)



1、Failed divinations from Bin group

From P 1 to P 19,作者:Guan Rongzhen(管榮臻)

2、On the 「ren(人)」 and 「min(民)」 in The Analects of Confucius

From P 20 to P 34,作者:Yang Fengbin(楊逢彬)

3、Oracle historical data recorded about "Fu Yue(傅說)"

From P 35 to P 42,作者:Lin Xiaoan(林小安)

4、Research on the Prehistoric Families in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River

From P 43 to P 82,作者:Liu Junnan(劉俊男)

5、Research Plan on the Original National Symbols on the Bronze Wares of Shang and Zhou Dynasty and Their Myths

From P 83 to P 115,作者:Liu Zheng(劉正)

6、The Dunhuang Ci-Poem Yuan Chun Gui(《怨春閨》): A Restudy Starting from a Crack on the P.2748 Scroll

From P 116 to P 140,作者:Peter Wai Ming Cheng(鄭煒明)

7、The Pottery Utensils and the Immortal Thoughts of the Han Dynasty

From P 141 to P 159,作者:Tang Huisheng(湯惠生)









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