
太極拳 Tai Chi Chuan

作者:mandarin  於 2016-3-9 11:11 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:Global, Chinese, Learning

What are the people in the pictures doing? Dancing? Boxing? Or practicing gymnastics? It looks like none of those.

In recent years, more people have discovered and fallen in love with Chinese tai chi chuan(太極拳).But why do people find it so fascinating?

Tai chi chuan is a system of boxing skills, a martial art, a sport and a fitness training program. Its moves are slow, gentle and beautiful. Practicing tai chi chuan makes one strong, cultivates one's mind and enhances one's physical health.


First, tai chi chuan is based on the Chinese philosophy of yin and yang. Tai chi chuan maintains that maneuvers and motionlessness are equally important, as is the fast and the slow. Tai chi chuan might appear slow and calm, wheras in fact all still positions pave the way for motion and the slow is preparation for the fast. Therefore tai chi chuan is the combination of opposite energies.

Second, tai chi chuan is a type of boxing that believes in retreat for the sake of advance and in using the striking force of the opponent. Hence it's an art of the soft conquering the tough by dissolving an offensive move and reversal from passiveness to aggressiveness. 

Third, tai chi chuan follows the theory of traditional Chinese medicine about energy passages within the human body and helps to cure illness and improve health. While helping to relax and stretch the body, tai chi chuan improves blood circulation, helps one concentrate and harmonizes the body and the mind.

Today tai chi chuan is known across the world for its profound philosophy, beautiful choreography and health benefits.









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