(March, 2012)
1932年的那一次民主選舉最終把納粹和希特勒推上了德國政治舞台。"女性的選票使希特勒獲勝",<Voice of Destruction>的作者Hermann Rauschning 如是說。希特勒自己也在一次講演中驕傲地說:我們爭取到的女性,比所有其他黨派加起來都要多!
王小波先生有一篇雜文討論蠱惑宣傳的問題。以我看這是小波先生最糟糕的一篇文章,根本不知所云。核心問題在於他天真地以為人文社會學當中有著"正派學問"與"異端邪說"之分。這就把他自己完全繞在裡面了。實際的事情是,'精神掌握群眾'的唯一渠道只能是 demagoguery,別無他途的。至於你的理論是欺世的異端邪說,還是濟世的人間真理,那完全決定於你的個人立場。
(Hitler)I remember the difficult years of the Movement』s fight and especially those times in which good fortune seemed to have turned away from us; ••• ••• I know that back then there were innumerable women who remained unshakably loyal to the Movement and to me.
At that time, the power of emotion truly proved itself to be stronger and better. We have seen that the clever mind can be misled only all too easily, that ostensibly intellectual arguments can cause men of weak intellect to falter, and that it is particularly in these times that the most profound inner instinct of preservation of the self and of the Volk awakens in a woman. Woman has proven to us that she knows what is right! In those times when the great Movement seemed, to many, to falter and all were united against us, the stability and sureness of emotion prevailed as stable factors when confronted with brooding intellect and supposed knowledge. For only very few are endowed with the talent of penetrating superficial knowledge to the most profound inner meaning. But this most profound insight is ultimately the root of the world of emotion. That which perhaps only few philosophically gifted intellects are capable of analyzing scientifically can be sensed by the nature of an unspoiled human being with instinctive certainty. The feeling and, above all, the nature of woman has always acted throughout the ages as a supplement to the intellect of man.