

作者:花名雞仔  於 2021-10-7 22:50 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



The Incredible Diary Of... The Policemen

 Dear Diary,

My name is Ewan. There was a robber who was stealing money from the bank! He got in his car and drove away. The police saw the bank robber driving away and there was busy traffic in the city. There was some very bad driving going on! The robber drove on a motorway and drove faster and faster. The police car joined on the motorway and went in the same lane but other cars kept on changing lane, left to right! The police car drove over eighty miles-per-hour and was getting closer to the robber.                                                                                                                                                                  An hour later, the police still hadn't caught the criminal! The police drove next to the robber. The police car held the robber's car and opened its window! I jumped into the robber's car and I made him crash on the motorway! We all fell out. I caught the robber! I got him into prison and locked the door so he couldn't escape. If he escaped, he would do bad things again. I needed to watch him so he didn't break out of the prison gate. When I went to the toilet, he broke out and played with a piece of the gate! The gate was sharp and he had sore fingers.  









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