
The three-step strategy of anti-Nazi and anti-hegemon

作者:goofegg  於 2023-10-23 15:34 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


America is being driven into the abyss by Jewish capitalJudaism、Freemasonry、 lizard people... There is a growing tendency for these forces to band together to provoke a world war.
China's top officials should know more about the inside and better countermeasures and details. The so-called strategy I have mentioned is only based on the vision of a frog at the bottom of a well, and there should be no suspicion or influence of leaking state secrets.

Based on my feelings and analysis, I will talk about countermeasures:

The United States and Israel's backhanded treatment of the people of Gaza has aroused great public anger around the world. The suffering of the Palestinians over the years and the bullying of the great powers in support of Israel are the main reasons, but the disunity within the Arab world is also another important reason. The Palestinians are supposed to be the brothers of the neighboring Arab peoples, right? Now the neighboring countries still allow the existence of US military bases, and from these bases to attack their brothers, to other countries outside the Arab world, it is very incredible, if they do not fight against for themselves, the outside world watching them suffer and want to support, it will be very helpless!

  • The first step, the neighboring Arab countries should clean up the military bases of the United States, whether it is contracts or leases, they should cancel the contracts and clear them within a time limit, this is a country's sovereignty, such a clearance is resonable, if the clear provokes trouble, it is aggression;

The United States has been bullying and invading in the name of protection all these years, which is no different from the triads who collect protection money and bully and pay protection money, because these countries have their own cowardice, and there is no other force of justice to uphold justice, so these years have been allowing triads to run amok. Now it is different, China does not bully people, the Belt and Road drive the development of international countries, to achieve self-strength at the same time, but also hope that other countries can prosper, if the underworld is allowed to run amok, then don't talk about what great powers rise, and the international community in general has been suffering for a long time, the Western world also has many righteous voices against the atrocities of the United States and Israel. If the United States persists in allowing Israel to do evil, it is time to counter hegemonism.

  • The second step, as the support of the Arab world is inevitable, economic, military and other exchanges and cooperation more in-depth trade, used to sell east wind to Saudi Arabia, now except nuclear weapons, Arab fear of US ships what, rocket launchers, medium-range anti-ship missiles and air defense systems, we can sell what, so normal trade, the United States has nothing to say, so that the Arab world has a sword to deter thieves, The thief will not move;

If we do the second step, the United States and the West will find reasons to sell weapons to Taiwan, check the ships and aircraft in the outer sea, blockade and exercises, we can take the opportunity to make irregular normalization, if there are more Cuban missile incidents to Taiwan, then it will be intercepted and confrontation will not be allowed to enter, if this interception can not be done, only allow weapons to enter Taiwan, then don't talk about anti-hegemony. Stay out of trouble and keep our head down.

  • The third step is to verify that ships and aircraft in the outer sea are banned from transporting weapons to Taiwan, and the normal navigation across the Strait will not be affected, banned once, will have no transportation second time.

Other Revelations that the United States did not want to pay its debts or could not pay its debts, as well as more Revelations of US-Israel atrocities, the counter-attacks on the US Western control and public opinion front, are at the level of economic diplomacy, and the intensity of confrontation is not as great as the above military, didn't mention here.

Translated from:反納粹反霸的三步戰略

The three-step strategy of anti-Nazi and anti-hegemon









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