

作者:Draught  於 2016-10-18 06:46 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


昨天出了事故,車報廢了。在Craiglist看到一個二手車,2008 Infiniti G35,只有9萬邁,要價2000刀。雖然有點兒難以置信,還是聯繫了賣家。下面一番電子郵件往來,大家可以看看騙子的伎倆。

1. 我給他的聯繫電話發了簡訊。他讓我電子郵件聯繫,說可以提供更多信息,於是我就發了如下郵件。

I texted you about the car (from xxx-xxx-xxxx)... please send me more info about the car... and where do you live so that I can take a look at the car. Thanks. --- XXXXXX


My 2008 Infiniti G35 Sport Sedan 4dr Automatic AWD still for sale. This car is in great shape. I』m the original owner.  It has no damage, no scratches, dents or hidden defects. It is in  immaculate condition, meticulously maintained and hasn』t been involved  in any accident… Has only 92,711 miles ,  its automatic with 3.5 L -  V6 Cylinder engine . I have a clear title, without liens or loans on  it, under my name. 

I  am selling it at this final price of $2,000 because my husband died 1  month ago (he had a heart attack) and it brings me bad memories and  that』s the reason I want to sell it a.s.a.p. I want to use Amazon  Services for the safety of both of us so if you』re interested in  purchasing this car just email me with your full name, address including  the zip code and phone number, so I can notify Amazon that you are  selected as my possible buyer and they will contact you to explain the  entire procedure.Thank you。

3. 我這時還是相信對方的,見他說得可憐,還安慰了幾句呢。

Sorry to hear about your story.... I had an accident and my car is totaled today, so I really need to get a car soon. If you trust me, we can name a place and then we meet there.  We will take a look at the car and then give you cash or cashier's check for the title. 

Or, if you insist to go through Amazon process, that is ok too... I'm just in urgent need for a car.   

The following is my information. 

xxx Some Street
City, Indiana
Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx


4. 對方看我認真,開始打感情牌了,開頭直呼我的名字呢。

Good morning XXXXXX,
Amazon told me that they have sent you the invoice.Let me know if you got it!
ps: this reminder may end up in your "Junk E-Mail" or "Bulk" mail folder, depending on your service and mail account settings.
For additional questions and help, feel free to call them  at: 1-888-449-0642.
Have a great day,
All the best,
Linda Blair

5. 這時我收到了所謂的AMAZON賬單。我這時可不大相信了。有幾個疑點。一、賣方按說是個老太太。我於是做了一個網上人肉搜索,真的查到這麼一號人,老公剛死一個月。但是,一個老太太怎麼把AMAZON用那麼熟?二、所謂的AMAZON付款要一切用現金。三、那個AMAZON的電子郵件,郵件域名都不帶AMAZON,如下。




So far I have not seen the actual car yet... I don't think it's appropriate to pay for it.

Can we schedule some time to take a look at the car?



Hi again XXXXXX,
You will have the opportunity to see, test drive and inspect the vehicle before making the actual purchase but payment must be made and confirmed to Amazon first and then the vehicle will be delivered to your address.You will receive it in 3 days and get to try it out for 5 more days before making the actual purchase.During this entire period Amazon will not release any money to me and if after this trial period of 5 days you decide to keep it then with your approval Amazon will release the funds to me.If you don`t want to keep it and decide to decline it then Amazon will send you your money back in full and the vehicle will be returned to my address on my expense.As I have told you in previous email my husband died recently. I had to move out and now I am living with my parents in Omaha, Nebraska. At the moment they are the only ones I can rely on. The vehicle is at the shipping company sealed and ready for the shipping. The deal includes free delivery and it will arrive at your address in 3 days. Once you will get the vehicle you will have 5 days to try it out prior to making any purchase. In the case that you feel that the vehicle is not suitable,you can just return it all fees being on my expense. When receiving it you will have as well all the documents including title, sale bill , 2 sets of keys, full service records and more. The title and the bill of sale will be notarized and signed by me.
Linda Blair,

8. 還和父母住一起呢。她按理說都60多了,那她父母真高壽啊。好吧,祝賀兼同情下。

You have to live with your parents... wow, how old are they? It must be really tough!

I checked KBB and found the car's Trade-in value is way higher than $2000... I really don't want to take advantage of people under such difficult conditions. I would suggest that you trade in your car instead of shipping it all the way from Nebraska to Indiana.

May god bless.

9. 對方還不死心呢,這不,又來信啦。

I have tried to sell it for more but no one offered me more and they were only interested in trades which is not what I`m looking for.Yes it is really tough considering my current situation.Are you interested in purchasing my vehicle and if you are when do you think you can confirm the payment to Amazon ?

10. 好吧,接著玩,回個信。

Could you please send me a photo of the title of the car before I make my final decision?


I can`t do that because all the files that belong to the car including the title are in Amazon`s custody sealed and waiting to be delivered to the Buyer`s address.


Do you have some pictures of the car with different angles so I can have a better idea about the car? 


I have attached you all the images that I have with the car.

15. 我回了下面的郵件。

I was bragging to my friend about this good deal I'm working on, and he passed me this piece of information. 

How dare you set up a scheme like this?! Shame on you!










剛表態過的朋友 (4 人)

發表評論 評論 (13 個評論)

回復 十路 2016-10-18 07:15

回復 Draught 2016-10-18 07:38
回復 十路 2016-10-18 08:00
Draught: 哈,老戲法了啊!
回復 Draught 2016-10-18 08:08
十路: 幸虧你有察覺,有驚無險。
回復 fanlaifuqu 2016-10-18 08:10
回復 Draught 2016-10-18 08:14
fanlaifuqu: 真討厭,騙子破壞了世人的的基本信任!十路厲害!
回復 十路 2016-10-18 08:28
Draught: 謝謝。關鍵是1.不要太想佔便宜;2.一手交錢,一手交貨。
有時發現情況可疑時還得小心即使到現場交錢交貨也可能上當,craigslist 上報道過好幾次事件,特別是賣車。
回復 秋收冬藏 2016-10-18 08:48
回復 Draught 2016-10-18 08:50
秋收冬藏: 為您的警覺高興。報警不?
回復 秋收冬藏 2016-10-18 08:55
Draught: 怎麼報?倒是想,不過數額不大,難於追蹤,恐怕沒人受理。
回復 法道濟 2016-10-18 21:56
秋收冬藏: 還是報警的好,免得別人受騙。最恨騙子,我家今年稅被人冒領,幸好被稅務局查了出來。
這是小 case啦,十幾年前就在那裡,那會是eBay。報警也沒用,警察找不到他們
回復 秋收冬藏 2016-10-18 22:01
法道濟: 這是小 case啦,十幾年前就在那裡,那會是eBay。報警也沒用,警察找不到他們
回復 十路 2016-10-19 22:14
fanlaifuqu: 真討厭,騙子破壞了世人的的基本信任!十路厲害!
翻老,用 Amazon 這種方式我以前不知道,是看到文章后在網上查的。對 craigslist 賣車詐騙以前聽過一些報道。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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