咱新華社那個懶啊,抄抄鳳凰網的稿子倒也算了。竟然還做個手腳玩一下貓兒膩的把稿子中的「感謝台灣,感謝台中」那句話給咔嚓了。5號鋪子的哥們,您也太有風度嘍。人「少年派」的片子是在台灣台中拍攝加工的,李安謝兩句東道主,您也要動剪刀? 您手癢呢,還在鬧多動症犯抽筋啊? 呵呵,哥們您是又在變著法兒忽悠咱井內的屁民了。您是活活想又讓李安來代表一下咱「聰明智慧」的中國人民,是吧? 對不起哥們,京人我跟您把話說白嘍:第一,李安不是中國人! 第二,您新華社娛樂新聞簡直就是新滑頭愚樂咱全國人民哇! 宣傳口的,您這小氣鬼,統戰有您這麼統戰的嘛? 太掉架了!范強湃
李安親自上台領獎並發表了獲獎感言:「謝謝!(深鞠躬)謝謝電影上帝 (movie
FOX,謝謝,我的卡司,蘇拉-沙瑪你在哪兒?你是個奇迹!你是我的小金人! 謝謝我的妻子,我們結婚30年了。謝謝我的印度團隊,加拿大團隊。我的兒子 們,謝謝我的律師們,我的PR,大家別笑,我必須這麼做,特別是為了這個電影。謝謝大家!」
李安親自上台領獎並用中文說了「謝謝」。在發表獲獎感言環節,李安說:「謝謝電影上帝(movie god)。我必須把這個分享給所有為了這個影片付出的
跡!你是我的小金人!謝謝台灣,特別是台中,謝謝我的妻子,我們結婚30年了。謝謝我的印度團隊,加拿大團隊。我的兒子們,謝謝我的律師們,我的PR,大 家別笑,我必須這麼做,特別是為了這個電影。謝謝大家!」
Thank you, thank you so much, thank you movie god. I really need
to share this with all 3000....everybody worked with me in Life of Pi.
Iwanna thank you for...I really wanna thank you for believing in the
story, and sharing this incredible journey with me. I need to thank
Yann Martel for writing this incredible and inspiring book. Everyone
at Fox, thank you for taking the lead with me, especially (names)....,
my producers, and the wonderful cast, Suraj, where are you? You are a
miracle. He's playing the young Pi, carrying the movie....and every one
of you in the cast... I cannot waste this time talking about them. You
have the golden statue in my heart.
I cannot make this movie without the help of Taiwan. We shot
there. I wanna thank everybody there who helped us, especially the
city of Taichung. My Indian crew, I love you; my Canadian crew, I love
you; my family in Taiwan , my wife Jane Lin. -- We'll be married 30
years this summer. I love you. And my boys, thank you for your
support. Finally my agent and lawyer -- I have to do that - especially
for this movie, it's great to have your support. Thank you academy,
謝謝, Namaste.