

作者:sanmiwu  於 2013-4-17 01:42 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




Dear Shirley,

12 years ago, you came to this world.

It was just like yesterday. Dad can still remember everything the first day you were born. I was waiting outside of the nursing room. I heard your first cry. I rushed into the room and saw a tiny, little baby covered with a small blanket, so lovely and unbelievable. I know that is my daughter and we are going to live together for the rest of my life.

Dad remembered the day we went to company』s new year party when you were 7 months old. Whoever saw you said you were beautiful. I know sometimes people lies and they just want to make other people happy. But at least this time they were telling the truth. I was so happy and I gave you a gum without realizing that could make you choke. Lucky somebody found that before anything happened. You see, Dad are not that smart and have a lot of things to learn.

We went back home to visit grandpa that winter when you were two years old. That day, you hit your cousin』s head very badly with a stick when you were playing together. I spanked you on your hand and you cried. Dad』s heart was broken. But I want you to remember violence is a bad behavior and it is not acceptable. That was the first time dad punished you using this way and up to now it is still the last time. I know it will never happen again in the future.

Mom and dad brought you to Canada when you were 5. That was a big change and a big challenge for our family. We once went to a daycare center for your mom』s work interview. We walked for almost an hour and we want to save a bus ticket. I knew some new immigrants left their kids back home with grandparents during the first couple of years. They don』t want their kids to suffer. But I am glad, no matter how hard life is sometimes, our family stayed together all the time.

Shirley, you are so brave. You lived in the basement with mom and dad. You sat in the back seat during our 4 days traveling from Toronto to Lloydminster. You were telling stories and you gained several pounds in 4 days.

Shirley, you work hard. You try everything. You learn skiing, skating, piano, dancing. You are good at reading and writing. You love animals and you care more about our environment.

Four years ago, you had a little brother, healthy and lovely, just like you. You help mom and dad to look after him. Together we travel. Mom and dad like you guys sit at the back seats, joking and arguing about what you see in the field, whether they are horses or cows.

Shirley, mom and dad have a big expectation to you. We want you to be the best. But the most important, we want you to be happy. Life is in your hand. Whatever you do, mom and dad will always support you. We will always be around you. We are always so proud of you. We are happy watching you grow and be a person useful to our community. You will be a scientist and your dream will come true.

Mom and Dad












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回復 trunkzhao 2013-4-17 08:45
回復 liuguang 2013-4-20 10:57
回復 liuguang 2013-4-29 22:34
回復 sanmiwu 2013-4-30 13:06
liuguang: 都說孩子初中時不好帶,很多都很叛逆。你家的可能乖的多。期待後來的發展。
回復 liuguang 2013-4-30 21:06
sanmiwu: 這個年齡段的孩子幾乎都是一樣的,我們家的也不例外。
每個養過 ...
回復 sanmiwu 2013-5-2 02:05
liuguang: 苦中作樂
They will eventually grow up and understand you.  

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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