
US : 首次 聖誕 慶祝

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關鍵詞:活動, 聖誕節, 佛羅里達, 歷史學家, 閱讀全文

美國歷史上第一次聖誕活動發生在佛羅里達 America's First Christmas Happened in Florida
America's First Christmas Happened in Florida

作者:Jennifer Viegas 來源:Discovery News 時間:2012年12月8日 譯者:[英翻]80 編輯:點點 原文鏈接: http://news.discovery.com/history/americas-first-christmas-happened-in-florida-121208.htm... 閱讀全文

作者:Jennifer Viegas來源:Discovery News時間:2012128日編輯:點點




「那個活動並不帶有濃重的節日氣氛。」弗羅里達州政府特別項目負責人Rachel Porter告訴Discovery News:「那裡沒有聖誕樹或禮物。相反,它是一個舉行了聖誕節彌撒的宗教活動。」

西班牙探險家和征服者Hernando de Soto[帶領歐洲探險隊進入美國的第一人——譯者注]1539年到1540年之間建立的冬季營地就在現今Tallahasse市中心的老議會大廈附近。他與探險隊的其他成員一同慶祝了美國歷史上的第一個聖誕節。

The first Christmas celebrated in the United States was the same celebration we'd recognize today, but rather a strictly religious service.



15395月,也就是在聖誕節的8個月之前,de Soto帶著620餘人和220匹馬,乘著九艘船在如今位於BradentonShaw』s Point登陸。De Soto將它命名為Espíritu Santo,意為聖靈。隨船而來的還有牧師,手工藝者,工程師,農民和商人;有些還是舉家而來。一些來自古巴,但是更多的人來自歐洲和非洲。幾乎沒有人以前離開過西班牙。




在他的美國之旅中,De Soto也從本地印第安人之中徵用了一些嚮導。在Tallahassee地區,這些人多來自Apalachee部落。Apalachee本是佛羅里達西北部的原著居民,但是十八世紀早期的一場戰爭使他們的人口嚴重減少。一些逃到阿拉巴馬和路易斯安那——直到今天那裡還依然有Apalachee人的身影。


De Soto營地遺留下的最生動的建築遺產是Tallahassee的聖路易佈道所[Mission San Luis,暫譯為佈道所——譯者注],和佈道所相關的第一批永久建築建於1633年。作為紀念,這些建築里居住著都是那些本地印第安人的後裔——de Soto和他的人曾經佔用過他們的村莊。






在那一天,遊客們可以按照探險家Hernando de Soto的方式慶祝聖誕節。活動包括重現冬季營地和聖誕彌撒,音樂,那個時代的西班牙戲劇和軍事活動,包括火槍射擊,加農炮射擊和射箭。


The first Christmas celebrated on land that is now part of the United States took place near Tallahassee, Fla., in 1539, according to historians there.

The region is known for its sunny weather, so it definitely was not a white Christmas.

"It was not a very festive celebration either," Rachel Porter, special programs coordinator for the Florida Department of State, told Discovery News. "There were no Christmas trees or presents. Instead, it was a religious observance with a Christmas mass."

Spanish explorer and conquistador Hernando de Soto established his winter encampment site of 1539-40 near what is now the Historic Capitol in downtown Tallahassee. He, along with other members of his expedition, celebrated the first U.S. Christmas.

Porter, who is also an archaeologist that helped to excavate the Florida site, said a written chronicle from the 16th century sheds light on what took place there.

Eight months before Christmas, in May 1539, de Soto landed nine ships with over 620 men and 220 horses at present-day Shaw's Point in Bradenton. De Soto named it Espíritu Santo, meaning Holy Spirit. The ships brought priests, craftsmen, engineers, farmers, and merchants; some were with their families. Some came from Cuba, but most were from Europe and Africa. Few had traveled before outside of Spain.

Women from that group probably would have cooked the food served on Christmas Day. "During the excavations we found pig bones," Porter said. "The Spanish were the first to bring pigs to Florida."

Though pork was likely on the menu of the first Christmas celebrants in America, such meat was not plentiful, Porter adds, so the meal likely would have included plenty of local vegetables, fruits and seafood. Turkey might have been on the menu too.

In addition to pig bones, Porter said archaeologists digging at the site found "artifacts such as chain mail, from armor worn by soldiers, cross bow darts, coins and pottery." Most probably would have been put aside on Christmas Day. Music, however, might have been enjoyed after the service.

De Soto recruited guides from local Native American tribes during his U.S. travels. In the Tallahassee region, these came from the Apalachee tribe. The Apalachees are the original residents of northwestern Florida, but a war in the early 1700's nearly destroyed their population. Some fled to Alabama and Louisiana, where the remaining Apalachee people live to this day.

The Spaniards learned from the Apalachee, who knew how to live off the land. Basket weaving, for example, allowed them to construct useful containers out of local plant materials.

The most vivid architectural legacy of the de Soto settlement is Mission San Luis in Tallahassee. The first permanent buildings associated with the mission were erected in 1633. As a commemorative sign at the mission shares, the buildings housed descendants of the Native Americans whose village Hernando de Soto and his men appropriated.

For three generations, more than 1,500 Apalachee Indians and Spanish colonists lived together at Mission San Luis. It preceded missions in California by more than 150 years.

Mission San Luis includes a reconstructed Franciscan church, Spanish fort, living quarters, and a five-story Apalachee council house. Porter said the church was a challenge for the excavating archaeologists.

The most challenging aspect of the excavation and reconstruction of the church was avoiding any damage to the cemetery located beneath the church's floor," she explained. "An estimated 900 mission residents are buried there."

While the first Christmas likely was celebrated outside, the mass would have been very similar to those held in the Franciscan chapel.

In 2013, Florida will celebrate this period during the state's 500th anniversary of Spain's arrival.

As part of the "Viva Florida 500" commemorative events, on Jan. 5, Mission San Luis will host "First Christmas in La Florida."

Visitors on that day can celebrate Christmas the way explorer Hernando de Soto likely did. Activities include a reenactment of the winter encampment and Christmas mass, music, Spanish plays from the era and military arts, including black powder musket shooting, cannon firing and archery.來自 王珏 的投稿441 14分享 5評論 









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回復 總裁判 2012-12-25 07:32
回復 dld 2012-12-25 15:49
總裁判: 聖誕節,基督徒生日。

473年前,北美第一次舉行了 聖誕慶祝,值得回味,阿門 !
回復 總裁判 2012-12-25 21:49
dld: 總裁閣下,

473年前,北美第一次舉行了 聖誕慶祝,值得回味,阿門 !
回復 dld 2012-12-25 23:30
總裁判: 是的,473年前。
回復 總裁判 2012-12-26 00:13
dld:      中國是明朝永樂年間?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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