
【音樂】Single White Female ( Chely Wright)

作者:青蓮。  於 2013-1-5 12:05 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:morning, 音樂, attention, personal, special

Chely Wright, 美國鄉村音樂歌手和同性戀者。很喜歡她的歌曲,即便她是同性戀者.......
《Single White Female》
I know that every morning you go thumbin'
Through the personal want ads
You grab the latest copy, a cup of coffee
And settle in for a good laugh
I've been trying to catch your eye but i'm so shy
I'm hopin' and prayin' that
Today's edition is gonna catch your attention
'cause there's a

Single white female
Looking for that special lover
To put it in a nutshell
A one women man who doesn't want no other
Oh, you never can tell
She just might be your dream come true
A single white female
Is looking for a man like you

Yeah i'm a little nervous i'm not sure if
I shoulda put it in writing
It might have been a little reckless, a little desperate
But i think i did the right thing
I couldn't go on living keep it hidden
So i'm telling you everything
It's my confession i hope you get the message

There's a

Single white female
Looking for that special lover
To put it in a nutshell
A one women man who doesn't want no other
Oh, you never can tell
She just might be your dream come true
A single white female
Is looking for a man like you

It's my confession i hope you get the message
That there's a

Single white female
Looking for that special lover
To put it in a nutshell
A one women man who doesn't want no other
Oh, you never can tell
She just might be your dream come true
A single white female
Is looking for a man like you
Looking for a man like you
Looking for a man like you









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發表評論 評論 (4 個評論)

回復 心隨風舞 2013-1-5 15:04
回復 千年等一回 2013-1-5 16:01
回復 青蓮。 2013-1-6 01:18
心隨風舞: 喜歡你的註解。
回復 青蓮。 2013-1-6 01:19
千年等一回: 那本書是他故意留下的。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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