
華人在BART被打事件 我把黑人痛罵得狗血淋頭

作者:fighter8  於 2017-11-21 06:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


華人顧先生在BART上為黑人出頭,被白**辱罵毆打,不僅是羞辱了他,也羞辱了我們所有華人亞裔。然而他為之出頭的黑人竟然有的在網路上幸災樂禍地 叫好。雖然大多數黑人是義憤填膺地喊打,這些幸災樂禍的黑人也夠讓人窩火的了。我立馬寫帖子,為顧先生辯護,把他們罵的狗血淋頭,到現在他們都一聲不吭。如下:

I find some reactions from the Black Americans very strange to say the least. OK,just because there are some White-ass-kisser Asians, you want to backstab this Asian man who stood up against racism for you the Blacks? That White man was swearing the Nword, and that』s why the Asian man stepped in to ask him to stop, by doing so he made himself the target of the racial abuse. Yet you as a Black are calling Blacks Latinos not to sympathize with him, but enjoy the 「yellow tears」?  You are supporting the White trash to call yourself N*gger, and you are discouraging those Asians who support your cause against racism. See what have you served yourself man? It』s very unwise of you. And what if when you Blacks become target of racism next time, we Asians jump out to celebrate your Black tears? Because there are Black White supremacists too.

Yes there are quite some White ass kissers in the Asian community, but also lot of Asians fighting against that, me, as an example. Things are getting better now for Asians. But you don』t act like the Blacks are that innocent, turn on some videos to see how the Black White supremacists support KKK and Nazis. And if not White ass-kissers, how did those Blacks get to high positions in the US government? Including the President position? Those Blacks are not only ass-kissers of the White establishment, they will actually run out to suppress other minorities』 struggle against racism for the Whites, even through illegal means. I am speaking of my own personal experience. When I was fighting my civil rights case against the White supremacists and the US government persecution of me, in federal court of Northern California, the 2 Black judges Judge Hamilton and Judge Armstrong, were assigned to my cases, and turned out these house N*ggers were as ferociously aggressive as the White judges, since they actually used criminal means to fabricate procedural errors to dismiss my cases. I have lot more grounds to hold the grudge against Black Americans than you do for Asians. But I always supported the Black communities cause against racism, because those elite Blacks in US do not represent all Blacks. I respect and love all the Blacks who are not house N*s. Divide and conquer is bad for both of us, because we are in the same boat.


Now there is a post about this incident in one of the major Chinese forums that criticizes the Asian guy (presumably Chinese guy) for standing up for the Blacks. It says that at the time there were some Blacks in presence, including that Black young lady, they even didn』t react to the White trash for using Nword, why the Chinese guy was stupid enough to speak up for the Blacks in the first place? And then after he spoke up he made himself the target of the White trash』s racist attack, all the Blacks except the young lady, were just watching and did nothing to come to his rescue. One black did speak when the attack on the Chinese started, but that was only to warn the White trash not to use the Nword while he was attacking the Asian guy, no word to ask him stop attacking the Asian guy. Isn』t support of the Asian guy support of Black themselves because he stood up for Blacks? But apparently not so for Black people. Not only so, they would even come up on Internet to celebrate the Yellow tears…

I believe at least part of the reason for the Asian guy not fighting back on the train, and not to even pressing charges against the White trash, was that the Blacks reactions discouraged him and made him regret and even delusional about the myth of 「minorities support each other against racism」. Suppose if all the Asians Blacks on that train showed some kind of support like preparing to intervene,I am sure he could have done something to knock out that trash. Of course, if I were him, even if I』m alone, I would still fight, like what I did before, (I will write a post soon to criticize that guy too in Chinese forums). But I understand how discouraging that is that he was left alone. He did not do good, but all the minorities especially Asians and Blacks on that train, were just as guilty as to blame.

Blacks often complain that other minorities do not stand up for them when they were fighting police brutality and racism. But see this is what happens when we do speak out for you. I kind of become delusional about Blacks too. Maybe you are no longer the Blacks in the great Civil Rights Movement when you acted as leaders of the all people of color』s cause, now you only fight exclusively for yourselves, not for other minorities even when they are actually supporting you, and you might even join the system of White supremacy to suppress them. Why? All because you believe you have already been accepted by the White society? Or because the Asians 「discriminate」 you?  First it』s not all Asians who discriminate you, second, you similarly discriminate Asians too, you call Chinese Ch*nks, and especially like to act violently on the Asians like robbing the Asian stores, etc. This is going to be a vicious circle and that would do bad to both the Asian and Black communities.









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