

作者:fighter8  於 2016-3-28 09:53 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:紐約時報, 黑人, 彼得

果然是主流大轉彎,今天又有新發展 - New York Post 又發一篇編輯意見,直接說梁彼得根本一開始就不該起訴,還批評起紐約時報來了,說紐約時報誇獎黑人DA精明其實不對。http://nypost.com/2016/03/26/in-liang-case-ken-thompson-was-neither-shrewd-nor-a-victor/
New York Daily News 也稱DA起訴該,不判坐牢也正確。形勢大好,現在該操心的是黑人反應。
Comedian Paul Mooney coined the term, "Nigga Wake-Up Call" as he reflected on Blacks who seemingly forget that they're Black and that White privilege will never extend to them. I think the manslaughter indictment of Peter Liang offers a similar wake-up call to Asians. It is completely unfair that Liang was made a scapegoat by Whites, but the same racist system that made him a scapegoat is the same one Blacks have been fighting against since before the Civil Rights Movement of the 60's. We are both fighting the same enemy! On one hand, I think Blacks have been resentful toward Asians because Asians have been used as unwitting pawns against Blacks by Whites. On the other hand, the ignorance and willing participation of Asians in the scapegoating (ironic) and dehumanization of Blacks to curry the favor of Whites is exactly why they are resentful. In many ways, the ability of Asians to benefit from the blood and bodies of thousands of Blacks while still having the audacity to denigrate them is so much worse than the actions of Whites whose reasons for doing so are more obvious. And that's a shame, because, aside from the petty squabbles and name-calling, Asians have never really done anything to Blacks and vice-versa. I get why over 120,000 Asians signed the White House Petition in support of Peter Liang and I respect and admire that kind of solidarity. While I don't particularly like Liang's selfish decision to try to protect himself rather than help a dying Black man -- which I personally think is reflective of the kind of terrible White mindset Asians have adopted -- I also agree that Liang is being scapegoated. As a Black person myself, I know all about being scapegoated. Nevertheless, Akai Gurley is dead and the right person should be held accountable. I'm glad the right person is.









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