
告訴那個梁案威脅過我們的黑人華人都蜂擁買槍了, 他的回復

作者:fighter8  於 2015-5-3 11:46 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:FACEBOOK, anything, 巴爾的摩, support, master

Justice for Akai Gurley就是那個上次我說威脅過華人的死硬分子。今天我去他FACEBOOK頁面去留言,沒想到有很積極的交流。


We should support each other. I know Asians are selfish, but no matter how bad they are, they haven't done anything like the master race did to you. There is no reason for you to be so unforgiving to Asians. Faced with the big bully, why do we need to make every one else our own enemy? No. We the underdogs have the basic interests in common, we should overcome and be friends with each other. At least not enemies. Otherwise we each alone would be too easy to be defeated.


2 days ago in Huston, a local Chinese leader's wife got killed reportedly by a Black guy in their home, for no reason, no robbery etc. Remembering the threats they got over Liang's case, lot of Chinese flocked into gun stores and telling each other to arm themselves. I really have the concern...fear the history of 1992 LA riot would repeat itself. That's bad for all of us. Let's calm down and work things out.


Justice for Akai Gurley That is understood. We arent even thinking about yall like that. Were fighting a system of white supremacy. But f you want to talk about Asian and Black unity, extend the hand and support black owned businesses. Asians businesses has already been well supported in the black communities

Justice for Akai Gurley If anything tell your Asian community to calm down. The only reason they were ever thought of negatively, if at all behind this case. Was behind of the marches that held 100's of Asians in support of Liang. Go extend your message to them. Over all our movement is concerned with stopping black lives from being murdered from a system of white supremacy. That system hires people of all color, to do their dirty work










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