
Jeremy Lin can keep his Bird Right

作者:kissmyaaa  於 2012-6-23 02:55 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:bird, his, likely, player

The player association win the bird right fight, so Jeremy Lin will likely stay in NY Knicks,  Looking forward to see another year of Linsanity!
Those who go to NYC, don't forget to buy a  17 Jersey.  If you happen to have a Jeremy's rocky-year card, keep it and auction it at ebay  when the next round of Linsanity surfaces, I am sure you will get a plenty of  cash for brand new BMW :)









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回復 fanlaifuqu 2012-6-23 02:59
I like Durant better!
回復 kissmyass 2012-6-23 03:12
fanlaifuqu: I like Durant better!
Durant maybe is better in court, but I prefer someone with Harvard degree to succeed in NBA, that just breaks all the stereotype against Asians and nerds :)
回復 fanlaifuqu 2012-6-23 03:13
kissmyass: Durant maybe is better in court, but I prefer someone with Harvard degree to succeed in NBA, that just breaks all the stereotype against Asians and ne ...
Agree with you!
回復 威州蔘農 2012-6-23 05:48
How about a signed Jeremy Lin jersey for sale? In exchange for your BMW. Open for offers
回復 kissmyass 2012-6-23 06:35
I am driving a ZMW ( Yogo), if you want to exchange, I will be happy to :)
回復 威州蔘農 2012-6-23 09:19
kissmyass: I am driving a ZMW ( Yogo), if you want to exchange, I will be happy to :)
If it makes to Wisconsin in one piece, its a deal!

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