
美麗外表下的內在 Beneath Your Beautiful

作者:看得開  於 2012-12-28 01:32 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



這可能就是我今年最喜歡的和聲合唱一首歌。 第一次聽,琴的前奏就很吸引人,沙啞聲男歌手Labrinth第一句更吸引人,節奏感真給力,畫面感很強烈。聽這首歌給人一種大地一片沉寂后的重生的感覺,Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight 歌詞 聆聽艾梅麗-桑德(Emeli Sande)女歌手是一種享受。她的嗓音獨特,穿透力真強,蕩氣迴腸的。這首歌我喜歡的風格,和聲唱的太好了!此音只應天上有吧?

You tell all the boys no 你對每個男孩都說不
Makes you feel good yeah 感覺很好吧
I know you're out of my league 我知道你遙不可及
But that won't scare me away oh no 但我仍要迎難而上
You've carried on so long 你一直都孤身一人
You couldn't stop if you tried it 不達成目標你絕不罷手
You've built your wall so high 你築起高高的心牆
That no one could climb it 無人能夠翻越
But I'm gonna try 但我會儘力一試

Would you let me see beneath your beautiful 能否讓我看到你美麗容顏的背後
Would you let me see beneath your perfect 能否讓我看到你完美外表下的內在
Take it off now girl, take it off now girl 褪去那外殼女孩,打開你的心之壁壘
I wanna see inside 我要看到最真的你
Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight 能否讓我看到你完美外表下的內在 就在今晚

You let all the girls go 你拒絕了所有的女孩
Makes you feel good, don't it? 感覺很好吧?不是嗎?
Behind your Broadway show 在你那華麗表演的背後
I heard a voice say please don't hurt me 我聽到一個男孩在訴說:請不要傷害我
You've carried on so long 你一直都孤身一人
You couldn't stop if you tried it 不達成目標你絕不罷手
You've built your wall so high 你築起高高的心牆
That no one could climb it 無人能夠翻越
But I'm gonna try 但我會儘力一試
Would you let me see beneath your beautiful 能否讓我看到你美麗容顏的背後
Would you let me see beneath your perfect 能否讓我看到你完美外表下的內在
Take it off now boy, take it off now boy 褪去那外殼男孩,打開你的心之壁壘
I wanna see inside 我要看到最真的你
Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight 能否讓我看到你完美外表下的內在 就在今晚
Oh, tonight 噢,今晚
See beneath, see beneath, 看到內在,看到內在,
I... tonight I... 我。。。今晚我。。。

I'm gonna climb on top your every tower 我要攀登到你象牙塔的頂端
I'll hold your hand and then we'll jump right out 我會抓緊你的手,然後我們縱身一躍
We'll be falling, falling 我們會不停地墜落,墜入那愛河
But that's okay但是沒有關係
Cause I'll be right here 因為我就在你身邊
I just wanna love 我只是想知道

Would you let me see beneath your beautiful 能否讓我看到你美麗容顏的背後
Would you let me see beneath your perfect 能否讓我看到你完美外表下的內在
Take it off now girl, take it off now girl 褪去那外殼女孩,打開你的心之壁壘
Cause I wanna see inside 我要看到最真的你
Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight 能否讓我看到你完美外表下的內在 就在今晚
Tonight, see beneath your beautiful 今晚,看到你美麗外表下的內在
Oh tonight, we ain't perfect, we ain't perfect no 噢 就是今晚,我們並不完美,並不完美
Would you let me see beneath your beautiful tonight 能否讓我看到你完美外表下的內在 就在今晚大家2013新年好!









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