

作者:i0u  於 2015-9-3 04:13 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:silence, minutes, outside, father, eating


It was 11:55 am. I have an appointment at 1:15pm, so I jogged from my locker to the school's main entrance, (I knew the way very well). My father was there outside, standing like a statue. After signing out, I went out to join him.

Then the next thing I know is eating a lunch, there was rice and vegetables. After about 30 minutes lunch was finished. Then we were off to my appointment place, East York Hospital, (the dreaded hospital of silence, as I would call it.) In total it took us about 20 minutes to get there. 

After we parked our car, I had butterflies in my stomach. Anyways, I followed my father all the way to the door of the hospital, and I saw 2 or 3 teenagers smoking! The smell of cigars were in the air. I felt very awed of these strange teenagers. I thought that they were in a gang (maybe?) I wasn't sure so I stayed very quiet and slipped passed them very quietly. I wondered if my father noticed them or not. He should have. Did he feel the uneasiness I had about those boys? Maybe, just maybe. 

Before I knew it we were inside the hospital, it was reticent as the night. I thought if a pin dropped the whole place would hear it. Anyways, we were in front of the elevator, it was very old, there was cracks everywhere we went.  Then I said to my father "Why would a great doctor work here?" After about 60 seconds he answered "Maybe there is a lot of old or elderly people?" It turned out it was true, there were LOTS of elderlies waiting there already. This place is way to quiet I thought again. Then after 10 minutes I was called, I had to stare into the thing with a picture of a hot air balloon. Then the puff of air is shoot in to my eye, and I had to read the alphabet that shrunk. Finally after all that, my eyes got checked by the doctor. He said I didn't need to change glasses. My dad and I were very happy. Then we went home.  

We were home now, but I had start on my homework from school. There was math and language, for me to do. Later I had to write this out for my father to read and correct. Now here it is, sir! 









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回復 秋收冬藏 2015-9-4 01:27
回復 i0u 2015-9-4 09:34
秋收冬藏: 不覺得她的文風和你挺像的么?都是沒有啥虛飾,陳述故事中夾雜小幽默的語氣,結尾畫龍點睛。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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