
DONOTS - Come Away With Me

作者:i0u  於 2012-9-14 09:05 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村










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回復 秋收冬藏 2012-9-14 20:52
Thanks. I need to be taken " to the day one."
回復 i0u 2012-9-14 21:16
秋收冬藏: Thanks. I need to be taken " to the day one."
hehe~~I was having my moment yesterday~~feel like jumping out of a cliff and starting something new again, it'd must be the seasonal thing
回復 秋收冬藏 2012-9-14 22:04
i0u: hehe~~I was having my moment yesterday~~feel like jumping out of a cliff and starting something new again, it'd must be the seasonal thing
Do you Zumba? Or any other exercise? I feel like a newborn when I was doing those.
回復 i0u 2012-9-14 22:29
秋收冬藏: Do you Zumba? Or any other exercise? I feel like a newborn when I was doing those.
haha~~~thanks, yes, I am very active~~it was just a moment maybe once in a blue moon
回復 秋收冬藏 2012-9-14 22:41
Take good care. And I am collecting myself, too.
回復 i0u 2012-9-14 22:45
秋收冬藏: Take good care. And I am collecting myself, too.
you too~~thanks  
回復 JuneRipple 2012-9-15 04:25
again over the edge I go,
to find the place where I belong.  
You will come with me,
my dear,
along the way we know,
all but no fear. ...

a good song...thanks for sharing...  
回復 i0u 2012-9-15 05:23
JuneRipple: again over the edge I go,
to find the place where I belong.  
You will come with me,
my dear,
along the way we know,
all but no fear. ...

a good  ...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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