
My previous boss

作者:i0u  於 2012-8-15 01:15 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:previous, boss

My previous boss was an elderly gentleman with experiences who I admire very much. To me, he is more or less alike a fatherhood figure instead of a boss, although he belongs to those very demanding type.

Once, I was rushed to put out a business case result without double checking and, that because he only allowed me to fix my previous mistake in 10 minutes. After I handed it out, without checking, he directly sent the result to the external lawyer. Of course with no confidence about my own result, I became anxious, hesitated, and irritated for several days.

Eventually, I got my chance to vent it out to him one day. I told him about my concerns and feelings, and to my surprise he told me a similar story about himself. The release he got from his priest was when people passed away, the final confesses were all about family, love and friendship, none of them was about work, so he learnt to let go of work by the end of a business day.

As naïve as I was (and still am), I asked him what about career, and yet again, to my surprise he told me that people just didn』t need to prove their ability for multiple times, once proven, it would stay, even when mistakes happened.

I guess sometimes, experiences do matters, and all I need are my confidence and priority.









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