

作者:天國蜜女  於 2020-4-17 11:39 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村

作者分類:ESTHER MEDIA|通用分類:流水日記

10句英文就可以讓你購物順利。Shopping English





一,Is this xxxx for me


Is this pink too bright for me? 這粉紅色對我是不是太過鮮艷了?

This dress is too big for me這件裙子對我來說太大了。

This dress is too small for me這件裙子對我來說太大了。

This dress  is too expensive for me 這件裙子對我來說太貴了

These shoes are too expensive for me.這雙鞋子對我來說太貴了


Fitting Room 試衣間


二,It is


It's a book of pictures.攝影集

This may be true but it is only part of the story


That's not true, it is. It's true


Mmm-hmm. It is a  very bright pink. 是的,這種粉紅色是鮮艷了點。中國人說英語非常容易忽略的細節。
Try this.嘗試

It's size eight. 試試這一件,尺碼是八號。
But I wear size ten. 但我穿十號的衣服。


三,How about ·  How about怎麼樣,如何.有時候可以通用。美國人都知道意思。

How about更注重於行動和積極方面。"What about " 更注重於怎麼辦或者潛在的問題比較消極。How about the party ?宴會怎麼樣啊?感激如何?詢問情況。What about the party?有什麼內容?

How about green? It's size ten. 綠的怎麼樣?它是十號的。


四,Let me or Let us 讓我,或讓我們

1,Let us go .

2,Can you help me with Chinese? Let me try.

你能幫我學英語嗎?讓我試試看。 永遠不要吹牛
Let me try it on. 讓我試試看。
I'm taking too much of your time. 我耽誤了你很多時間。細節,但是你是模仿來的,反覆模仿,就沒有問題。因為你不知道為什麼要那麼說,可是你已經會說了。語法是用來寫作的。語言是用來交流的。

It's six o'clock. 已經六點了。



1It's six o'clock. 已經六點了。

所有的時間都可以用【小時 + 分鐘】直接讀:

6:10 six ten

8:30 eight thirty

2:40 two forty

2、如果所表述的時間在半小時之內,可以用【分鐘 + past + 小時】:

6:10 ten past six

4:20 twenty past four

如果分鐘是15,一般用a quarter 來代替fifteen; 如果分鐘是30, 一般用half來代替thirty

例如:915——a quarter past nine

1130——half past eleven

 five forty-five.

六:Where is 哪裡
1,Where's my husband? 我丈夫怎麼還沒來?

2,where is my phone?

3, Where there is liberty, there is my country. 哪裡有自由,哪裡就是我的祖國。

七,we're going to be late for dinner.

I am late for/to school.
He is going to be late for/to work.
Don』t be late for/to dinner.
I was expecting him here at five forty-five. 我們約好了五點四十五在這兒會面的。

expecting預料; 預期; 預計; 等待; 期待; 盼望; 要求; 指望;
Don't worry. The traffic is very heavy at this hour. 別擔心。這個時間交通很忙。

I know. But we're going to be late for dinner. 我知道。但我們晚餐可要遲到了。
1,I'll take this green sweater. 我買這件綠色毛衣吧。

2,I will get this book.

3,I will buy it
I like the color on me, don't you? 我覺得這種顏色較適合我,你說呢?
I think it looks terrific on you. 我覺得你穿上它好極了


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