
墨爾本Phillip Island日落

作者:格物便是致知  於 2012-6-2 21:02 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:墨爾本, Phillip, Island, 日落, 企鵝島

三個星期前陪美國來的親戚去墨爾本Phillip Island遊覽,照下幾張日落相片










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回復 戀海之鷗 2012-6-2 22:01
回復 mayimayi 2012-6-2 22:29
Melbourne 是 美麗的
不僅僅 有 聞名的 賽馬
回復 tsueict 2012-6-2 23:17
Gorgeous. How does it compare Great barrier reff - Cairns? i have a VHS from my daughter who visited her friends in Sydney and they did deep down dive there. i love all that underwater creatures those rarely see at other places.
回復 snakek 2012-6-3 04:30
Phillip island 還有有名的小企鵝 (Fairy Penguin)
回復 麗水清江 2012-6-3 07:00
回復 shaoquantan 2012-6-3 08:24
回復 格物便是致知 2012-6-3 17:46
戀海之鷗: 墨爾本的晚霞美!
回復 格物便是致知 2012-6-3 17:48
mayimayi: Melbourne 是 美麗的
不僅僅 有 聞名的 賽馬
Melbourne cup是有假放的,賭不賭馬都開心
回復 格物便是致知 2012-6-3 18:23
tsueict: Gorgeous. How does it compare Great barrier reff - Cairns? i have a VHS from my daughter who visited her friends in Sydney and they did deep down dive ...
The Great Barrier reef is in Queensland not Sydney.The Great Barrier Reef's coral is the best in Australia. It is much more of a higher standard than Phillip island. Phillip island is known for the fairy penguins/blue penguins as they are the smallest in the world. But however all the people there were not allowed to take photographs so i cannot show you. And the reason why people could not take photographs is because the flash would blind the penguins. i also love the underwater creatures because some of them are just so cute!
回復 格物便是致知 2012-6-3 18:24
snakek: Phillip island 還有有名的小企鵝 (Fairy Penguin)
回復 格物便是致知 2012-6-3 18:25
麗水清江: 美不勝收,陶醉。
回復 格物便是致知 2012-6-3 18:27
shaoquantan: 別人是曬太陽和游水,你在看日落黃昏,還不認老?不過比我強,幾年前去看企鵝,太陽和月亮都沒有,只有海風,海浪,毛毛雨.   ...

回復 tsueict 2012-6-3 20:10
格物便是致知: The Great Barrier reef is in Queensland not Sydney.The Great Barrier Reef's coral is the best in Australia. It is much more of a higher standard than  ...
Thanks for your explaination. The Great Barrier is far north to big three cities shown on the map. Australia is so big to compare Hong Hong, Singapore even Taiwan. Good lucky for the little penguins they have habited in a land of the people with highly humanism to all their 'neighbours'. Other than that, Astralia is one of the best countries to live and work (since its white Australian policy gone long time ago) not as US people from everywhere want to flock in. My relatives in Hong Kong around '97 and in Philippines usually prefer to immgrate there after considering all factors. A few scholars from Taiwan also enjoy to stay for the air of freedom much more than in the Island between '60 to '70.
回復 格物便是致知 2012-6-4 18:48
tsueict: Thanks for your explaination. The Great Barrier is far north to big three cities shown on the map. Australia is so big to compare Hong Hong, Singapore ...
yes, Australia is larger than china but the population is smaller than that in taiwan. It is the truth that Australia is the best country in the world. I am extremely lucky to have immigrated here with my family. Even so, I will never forget china.
回復 心隨風舞 2012-6-8 07:14
回復 格物便是致知 2012-6-8 18:49
心隨風舞: 好美的夕陽,專業攝影師呀……
回復 心隨風舞 2012-6-8 23:00
格物便是致知: 多謝!村中人人都是攝影好手
回復 格物便是致知 2012-6-11 14:57
心隨風舞:    喜歡,要學的東西太多,時間太少。目前咱就傻瓜相機比劃了……

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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