

作者:茉莉清茶Jasmine  於 2010-10-18 18:16 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




The  Ten  Suns  后羿射日

 Longlong time ago,there was  God named Jade Emperor who lived in the heavens,he had ten sons,they were ten suns.Every morning,one of the suns would take its turn to rise in the east, and travel westwards across the sky. Along the way,the sun』s fire would give warmth and light to the land.the sun』s journey would take it to the far west. Then,just as the day ended,the sun would dip behind mountain in west and disappear. The people lived very happy with one sun』fire.

One night,one sun said something funny when his turn rising in the world,other suns all wanted to go out next day.They argued again and again,at last they decided to go together tomorrow.The next moring, it wasn』t just one sun that rose in the east but ten. The ten suns rose into the sky and looked down.They become brighter and brighter.The ten suns burned everything,the rivers had dried up,crops and animals were dead.

The  people were in despair,they would all die soon if the suns weren』t stopped. They prayed to the Jade Emperor for help. So the Jade Emperor talked to one hero called HouYi in the heavens :』 you must not harm any of my children, use your magic bow and arrows to scare them back to mountain in west,let them go home.』

HouYi came to earth,he tried to scrare the ten suns. But the ten suns did n』t listen,they thought it was so funny that everything was burned. They even laughed at HouYi. HouYi looked around at the scorched lands,he realized he must do something to rescue the poor people. He lifted his magic bow and fitted an arrow,he took aim but to kill the ten suns. One by one,the suns fell from the sky until just a single sun left. The last sun was so scrared and begged Houyi not to kill him,he would do his best for warming  earth everyday. Houyi lowered his bow and said :』 I should let last sun do his job.』

The world slowly returned to normal. Once again,rivers flowed,plants grew and animals walked in the woods. People went on with their daily lives.

 The Jade Emperor was furious with HouYi, he decided to punished HouYi. HouYi and his beautiful wife Chang E were forced to live on earth as mortals.

      The end.









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回復 AWE 2010-10-18 20:11
回復 rongrongrong 2010-10-18 20:18
回復 Matney 2010-10-19 01:50
佩服你, 等到我家這個加拿大的美國人犯錯誤的時候, 懲罰的理由是吧他踢回加拿大去, 讓他去好好學習中國文化哈.
回復 茉莉清茶Jasmine 2010-10-20 21:07
Matney: 佩服你, 等到我家這個加拿大的美國人犯錯誤的時候, 懲罰的理由是吧他踢回加拿大去, 讓他去好好學習中國文化哈.
回復 茉莉清茶Jasmine 2010-10-20 21:21
AWE: 這樣幾個神話故事寫下來,你的英文估計就是專家級別的了。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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