

作者:ryu  於 2014-3-8 18:41 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村

作者分類:photo report|通用分類:流水日記|已有12評論

據外媒刊發的圖片突發消息: 馬來西亞航空公司今天證實,一架被世界航空界普遍認為最安全的馬航失聯的「波音777」型從吉隆坡飛往中國北京的航班客機,今天8日凌晨起飛90分鐘后失去聯絡。飛機上載有239人,原定8日6時30分抵達北京。越南海軍稱,飛機墜落在堅將省土珠島153海里處。

Concern: The arrivals board at Beijing Airport listed flight MH370 as being delayed.

227 passengers and 12 crew were from Malaysia, China, U.S., France, Canada, and Australia 

Notice: A message written on a board at Beijing Airport tells relatives the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 is delayed
Grief: Family and friends waiting for the plane to arrive break down as they hear the jet has gone missing. The flight vanished off the coast of Vietnam around two hours after taking off
Despair: There were 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board Flight MH370, from 14 different nations
Desperate: Relatives waiting for news have been booked into a hotel at Beijing Airport
Anxious: Families of those on board the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH307 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, face an anxious wait for news of the search mission at Kuala Lumpur airport
Shock: Distressed relatives wait for news of the Malaysia Airlines plane which was due to land in Beijing. Malaysia's Transport Minister said 14 hours into the massive search and rescue mission, that 'no crash site' has been located
Missing: Flight MH370 was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it lost contact over Vietnam
Long wait: A Malaysian man with relatives on the plane arrives at Beijing airport. An unconfirmed report on a flight tracking website said the aircraft had plunged 650ft and changed course shortly before all contact was lost

Devastating: A woman cries in Beijing airport as she waits to hear information about her family

Anxious: A man with family on the missing flight is escorted to the relatives room at Kuala Lumpur airport
Waiting room: Family and friends are being directed to a reception area at Kuala Lumpur airport, where the plane left, as the airline gathers details about the missing aircraft

Information: A member of staff from Malaysia Airlines is surrounded by reporters at the airport
Family room: Women waiting to hear about loved ones on the plane arrive at Kuala Lumpur airport

Update: Malaysian Airlines chief executive Ahmad Jauhari Yahyain speaks at a press conference on Saturday
The Boeing 777 flown by Malaysia Airlines that disappeared over the South China Sea is one of the world's most popular - and safest - jets.
The long-range jumbo jet has helped connect cities at the far ends of the globe, with flights as long as 16 hours.
But more impressive is its safety record: The first fatal crash in its 19-year history only came last July when an Asiana Airlines jet landed short of the runway in San Francisco. Three of the 307 people aboard died.
Missing: The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 lost contact with Air Traffic Control over the Pacific with 227 passengers aboard









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回復 ryu 2014-3-8 18:55
Safest Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines being lost lost contact over Vietnam. 馬航失聯墜海飛機上有154名中國人
227 passengers and 12 crew were from Malaysia, China, U.S., France, Canada, and Australia   
回復 dld 2014-3-8 21:45
謝謝Ryu!  從你的圖片中可以看出,


這就是 : 人權態度----這反映出 中國的人權是紅色血腥的。

另外,我現在認為: 是 炸彈 所為。  竟無一絲一毫信息!
回復 小雨點0514 2014-3-8 22:17
回復 寇一仁 2014-3-8 23:08
搞錯了呀! 要是都是共產黨員代表們就好了!都是老百姓,老天爺出錯了呀!!!
回復 rfw1972 2014-3-9 07:09
回復 ryu 2014-3-9 09:09
rfw1972: 這裡的中國難民真多
看到rfw1972  就象看到鮮艷的五星紅旗 rfw1972 是公派的?
回復 ryu 2014-3-9 09:12
小雨點0514: PI,什麼事都能扯上政治!
回復 ryu 2014-3-9 09:14
寇一仁: 搞錯了呀! 要是都是共產黨員代表們就好了!都是老百姓,老天爺出錯了呀!!!
回復 ryu 2014-3-9 09:15
dld: 謝謝Ryu!  從你的圖片中可以看出,
這就是 : 人權態度
回復 小雨點0514 2014-3-9 11:24

回復 小雨點0514 2014-3-9 11:52
回復 健康地活著 2014-3-9 12:16

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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