
花天酒地辭舊歲 風月無邊迎新年

作者:ryu  於 2014-1-4 11:55 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


貝殼村近期多了不少新客。說實話,多是一些許好政治話題的人物。有很多思識想塗寫,一怕碼字,二不願在網路上與網客貧嘴,bi 竟不能當飯吃的事何苦如此認真。
記不清爽了,似有一歌這般唱來: 一煞風雨有人愛過你,幾度雨停還有誰愛自己,如何結束一生冷清,夢來了又去,風雨連床,月下花前,柳暗花明,風花雪月,鼠目寸光,幕天席地比比皆是,不勝枚舉雪上加霜,......
還是借明人先智的話為今天而作象吧:「眾閑諸絕句,信口而成,所謂無意於工而無不工者」 。
Chilly: Girls in bikinis enjoyed a dip at the New Year's Day swim in Whitley Bay, Tyneside

Chilly: Girls in bikinis enjoyed a dip at the New Year's Day swim in Whitley Bay, Tyneside

Humour: Swimmers in fancy dress wore hula skirts and Viking outfits over their swimming costumes

Humour: Swimmers in fancy dress wore hula skirts and Viking outfits over their swimming costumes

Line-up: Swimmers pose for a photograph as they endure the freezing temperatures

Line-up: Swimmers pose for a photograph as they endure the freezing temperatures

Fancy dress: Swimmers yelp as they splash about in the freezing waters of the Firth of Forth

Fancy dress: Swimmers yelp as they splash about in the freezing waters of the Firth of Forth

Brave: The swimmers were taking part in an annual tradition as part of Edinburgh's Hogmanay celebrations

Brave: The swimmers were taking part in an annual tradition as part of Edinburgh's Hogmanay celebrations

Grins: A couple pose in a novelty polaroid frame as the celebrate the arrival of the New Year

Grins: A couple pose in a novelty polaroid frame as the celebrate the arrival of the New Year

Selfie: A laughing woman takes a photograph of herself as she splashes around the Forth

Selfie: A laughing woman takes a photograph of herself as she splashes around the Forth

Carefree: One woman shows that she is unaffected by the cold as she takes part in the Scarborough tradition

Carefree: One woman shows that she is unaffected by the cold as she takes part in the Scarborough tradition

Novelty: A pair dressed up as an elderly couple paddle in the water in Scarborough's South Bay

Novelty: A pair dressed up as an elderly couple paddle in the water in Scarborough's South Bay

Latin spirit: A Panamanian dancer struts her stuff to the sound of the band as the rain pitter-patters on the grand architecture

Latin spirit: A Panamanian dancer struts her stuff to the sound of the band as the rain pitter-patters on the grand architecture

Hungry: The cheerleaders take a break for a snack as they wait for the rain to pass in London

Hungry: The cheerleaders take a break for a snack as they wait for the rain to pass in London

Swansea: A young man poses carrying a seemingly passed-out woman so another can capture the image on her mobile phone during last night's New Year's Eve celebrations

Swansea: A young man poses carrying a seemingly passed-out woman so another can capture the image on her mobile phone during last night's New Year's Eve celebrations

Newcastle: Two friends carry their worse for wear and barefoot friend after a night out in and around the northern city's notorious Bigg Market

Newcastle: Two friends carry their worse for wear and barefoot friend after a night out in and around the northern city's notorious Bigg Market

Manchester: A group of friends look concerned as they support a young woman who is being sick in the street last night

Manchester: A group of friends look concerned as they support a young woman who is being sick in the street last night

Liverpool: Liverpudlian revellers partied hard as they celebrated the arrival of 2014 but the streets where lined with extra police to control the crowds and in case trouble broke-out

Liverpool: Liverpudlian revellers partied hard as they celebrated the arrival of 2014 but the streets where lined with extra police to control the crowds and in case trouble broke-out

Happy new year: Two friends share a cigarette and a kiss outside a nightclub while sitting on a Newcastle kerb this morning

Happy new year: Two friends share a cigarette and a kiss outside a nightclub while sitting on a Newcastle kerb this morning

Birmingham: West Midlands Ambulance paramedics tend to a paralytic reveller passed out on a fence on Birmingham's Broad Street during New Year's Eve celebrations in the city

Birmingham: West Midlands Ambulance paramedics tend to a paralytic reveller passed out on a fence on Birmingham's Broad Street during New Year's Eve celebrations in the city

Caped crusaders: A group of young men enjoy some New Year's fun by dressing as superheroes Batman, Robin and Superman in Soho overnight

Caped crusaders: A group of young men enjoy some New Year's fun by dressing as superheroes Batman, Robin and Superman in Soho overnight

London: A young lady speaks to Scotland Yard officers in Soho, central London last night, in a city where more than 100 were arrested overnight for various crimes linked to the celebrations

London: A young lady speaks to Scotland Yard officers in Soho, central London last night, in a city where more than 100 were arrested overnight for various crimes linked to the celebrations

In need of help: A young man appears to collapse to the ground in Manchester and is held up by a friend as others watch on

In need of help: A young man appears to collapse to the ground in Manchester and is held up by a friend as others watch on

Fall: The bemused looking young man then fell to the floor with this young woman on top of him outside the Manchester Printworks club

Fall: The bemused looking young man then fell to the floor with this young woman on top of him outside the Manchester Printworks club

Feeling unwell: A young woman looks poorly and has a bottle of water at her feet while being comforted by another woman in a Soho doorway

Feeling unwell: A young woman looks poorly and has a bottle of water at her feet while being comforted by another woman in a Soho doorway

Upset: A young woman looks tearful as her friends support her in Newcastle, while police deal with an incident in the street behind them

Upset: A young woman looks tearful as her friends support her in Newcastle, while police deal with an incident in the street behind them

In need of help: This young woman's sore feet appear to get the better of her as a friend carried her through the streets of Liverpool

In need of help: This young woman's sore feet appear to get the better of her as a friend carried her through the streets of Liverpool

Filthy work: More than 250,000 people turned out to watch the fireworks in central London but the result was piles and piles of mess, including here on Parliament Square

Filthy work: More than 250,000 people turned out to watch the fireworks in central London but the result was piles and piles of mess, including here on Parliament Square

In front of the Eye: At the spot where many watched the fireworks street cleaners and rubbish collectors take part in a huge operation to clean up the streets of central London following New Year's Eve celebrations

In front of the Eye: At the spot where many watched the fireworks street cleaners and rubbish collectors take part in a huge operation to clean up the streets of central London following New Year's Eve celebrations












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回復 沁霈 2014-1-4 12:06
「花天酒地辭舊歲 風月無邊迎新年」,好對子!呵呵。新年好!
回復 ryu 2014-1-4 12:46
沁霈: 「花天酒地辭舊歲 風月無邊迎新年」,好對子!呵呵。新年好!
沁霈兄 新年好!
回復 Emansfield 2014-1-4 12:53
回復 小小.. 2014-1-4 13:07
好片片 拍得喜慶 生動 真實  
回復 ryu 2014-1-4 13:10
小小..: 好片片 拍得喜慶 生動 真實   
回復 ryu 2014-1-4 13:11
Emansfield: 新年新氣象
見笑了,...please say happy to Ema.
回復 Emansfield 2014-1-4 13:27
ryu: 見笑了,小E...please say happy to Ema.
回復 寇一仁 2014-1-4 13:40
我不喜歡花天酒地的 ,太亂了!還是風月無邊真的好 !讓人賞心悅目的 ,還能刺激心臟跳動,有益於增長壽命!
回復 xqw63 2014-1-4 14:15
回復 小雨點0514 2014-1-4 17:37
回復 ryu 2014-1-4 19:55
回復 ryu 2014-1-4 19:56
回復 ryu 2014-1-4 19:56
寇一仁: 我不喜歡花天酒地的 ,太亂了!還是風月無邊真的好 !讓人賞心悅目的 ,還能刺激心臟跳動,有益於增長壽命!   ...
回復 寇一仁 2014-1-4 20:11
ryu: 還是風月無邊真的好?
回復 ryu 2014-1-4 20:19
寇一仁: 沒事,跟老蟊賊比,咱又沒幹什麼壞事,咋的也得比丫長命一些吧?!還有三十多年好時候呢!一過完節日,咱就買毛驢去,補一補!,,,, ...
回復 寇一仁 2014-1-4 20:24
ryu: 沒聽說過三九進補毛驢的呀
回復 寇一仁 2014-1-4 20:25
ryu: 沒聽說過三九進補毛驢的呀
回復 小雨點0514 2014-1-4 20:52
回復 fanlaifuqu 2014-1-4 21:29
回復 tea2011 2014-1-4 22:11

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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