

作者:ryu  於 2013-11-2 10:26 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


          Textbook: Jun Jun wrote 'teacher, I can't do it' in his textbook. He said 'I flinched several time when I tried to jump from the building

Jun Jun wrote 'teacher, I can't do it' in his textbook. He also wrote 'I flinched several time when I tried to jump from the building'.

A ten-year-old boy has died after a teacher 'told him' to jump from a building.
The Chinese youngster, named as Jun Jun, fell 30 floors to his death after failing to write a self-criticism letter demanded by his teacher.
The fifth-grade primary school student had been told to write a 1,000-character apology by his teacher, Miss Chen, for talking in class.
His devastated parents have now launched a campaign against the extreme pressure put on Chinese students.

Campaign: A banner outside Jun Jun's school was put up by his heartbroken relatives

Campaign: A banner outside Jun Jun's school was put up by his heartbroken relatives. He was reportedly told to jump from a building by his teacher Miss Chen as punishment for not completing a task he was set

Fired: Jun Jun's parents are calling for the teacher that allegedly told him to jump from a building to be sacked

Fired: Jun Jun's parents are calling for the teacher that allegedly told him to jump from a building to be sacked

Messages: Photographs of the boy's study book pasted around the school by his parents showed that he had written several times that he had tried to jump from a building

Messages: Photographs of the boy's study book pasted around the school by his parents showed that he had written several times that he had tried to jump from a building

School: The school is based in the southwestern city of Chengdu (pictured here)

School: The school is based in the southwestern city of Chengdu (pictured here)

Devastated: The parents of ten-year-old Jun Jun who jumped to his death from a 30-storey building in China

Devastated: The parents of ten-year-old Jun Jun who jumped to his death from a 30-storey building in China. The parents left devastated by the loss of their son have now started a campaign against the pressure students are put under in Chinese schools and are demanding that the teacher be sacked

Tragic: Jun Jun jumped from the 30th floor of a building and landed on a parked car outside the family home at a residential building in Chengdu, Sichuan province, in southwest China

Tragic: Jun Jun jumped from the 30th floor of a building and landed on a parked car outside the family home at a residential building in Chengdu, Sichuan province, in southwest China









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回復 ryu 2013-11-2 10:41
A ten-year-old Chinese pupil jumps to his death from 30th floor window 『on teacher』s orders』 because he had not written an apology for talking in class
Fifth-grade student was told to write a 1,000-character apology

Neighbours say teacher told him to jump out of building when he failed task
Relatives put up banner saying 'Teacher forced our kid to jump off building'
回復 ryu 2013-11-2 10:45
回復 小雨點0514 2013-11-2 12:48
回復 yulinw 2013-11-2 13:35
回復 老阿姨 2013-11-2 17:15
回復 sam333 2013-11-3 00:19
回復 liuguang 2013-11-3 00:34
太可怕了! 希望永遠不要再有這樣的悲劇!全教育系統和全社會討論關注此事,徹底找到杜絕這類悲劇的辦法!   
回復 rosejyy2000 2013-11-3 07:05
回復 笙簫難默 2013-11-3 07:12
回復 ryu 2013-11-3 17:54
笙簫難默: 這個老師是怎麼當上的,褻瀆了園丁這個職業。
回復 ryu 2013-11-3 17:54
rosejyy2000:    還是個十歲的小孩子,檢討書還要寫一千字,也逼人太甚了。
回復 ryu 2013-11-3 17:54
liuguang: 太可怕了! 希望永遠不要再有這樣的悲劇!全教育系統和全社會討論關注此事,徹底找到杜絕這類悲劇的辦法!       ...
回復 ryu 2013-11-3 17:55
sam333: 老師錯了寫十萬字檢查,寫不出?請自裁!
回復 ryu 2013-11-3 17:55
作 nie ...
回復 ryu 2013-11-3 17:56
回復 ryu 2013-11-3 17:56
小雨點0514: 中國的教育是有很多弊病的。中國家長就看成績,導致中國老師一味的嚴格要求學生,不顧學生的尊嚴,而不關心孩子的心理。中國的教育太痛苦了!!!!可憐的孩子, ...
回復 ryu 2013-11-3 17:56
小雨點0514: 中國的教育是有很多弊病的。中國家長就看成績,導致中國老師一味的嚴格要求學生,不顧學生的尊嚴,而不關心孩子的心理。中國的教育太痛苦了!!!!可憐的孩子, ...
回復 liuguang 2013-11-3 23:08
ryu: 永遠不要再...怕無可能
回復 ryu 2013-11-4 19:13
liuguang: 希望有制度和法令來保護學童,杜絕這類悲劇

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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