

作者:ryu  於 2013-10-7 12:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


英國記者Alasdair Glennie昨日寫道,如果你在迪拜海灘上遇到了她正走向你的時侯,你可能無法否認Tulisa,25歲的英國女歌手杜莉莎・康托斯塔夫洛斯(Tulisa Contostavlos)不啻依然是一個驚人的、優雅的美貎女人。
她漫步在度假的迪拜沙灘上,似性感女神在秀美輕唱,跟玩兒似的不枯燥,Forgive me for what I have done, Cause i'm young, yeah i'm young ......她的名作《Young》中的歌詞,儘是開心的詞場!
她的高腰比基尼巧妙地掩蓋了刻在她腹部的一個俗氣的紋身,但是,女歌手的後背近腰部,依然刻著她成名歌曲的歌詞: 『She is strong when she is weak, She is brave when she is scared, She is humble when she is victorious』. 大意是:​​「她在軟弱的時候,她是堅強的,她被嚇壞了的時候,她是勇敢的,當她勝利成功的時候,她卻是卑微的"。
Tulisa自從與紐卡斯爾聯隊球員丹尼・辛普森分手以來一直單身,沒有緋聞,"寂寞嗎?"記者Alasdair Glennie問道,她,今天的英國女歌手兼電視選秀主持人卻......
Perfect make-up: Despite having a dip in the water, Tulisa emerged without any running mascara or smudged lipstick

Perfect make-up: Despite having a dip in the water, Tulisa emerged without any running mascara or smudged lipstick

More demure: Tulisa covered up her 'Lucky You' tattoo located just above her private parts

More demure: Tulisa covered up her 'Lucky You' tattoo located just above her private parts

Not very supportive: Tulisa was constantly seen lifting her top to stop her modesty being exposed

Not very supportive: Tulisa was constantly seen lifting her top to stop her modesty being exposed

Getting away from it all: The singer has had a tough year what with being arrested and losing her spot on the X Factor judging panel

Getting away from it all: The singer has had a tough year what with being arrested and losing her spot on the X Factor judging panel

Fringe benefits: Tulisa wore a white and jeweled bandeau top with red string bottoms

Fringe benefits: Tulisa wore a white and jeweled bandeau top with red string bottoms

下,女歌手的後背近腰部,依然刻著她成名歌曲的歌詞: 『She is strong when she is weak, She is brave when she is scared, She is humble when she is victorious』. 大意是:​​「她在軟弱的時候,她是堅強的,她被嚇壞了的時候,她是勇敢的,當她勝利成功的時候,她卻是卑微的"。很有哲理意境吧。

Social slip: Tulisa has barely been tweeting but rather uploading photos and videos to Instagram

Social slip: Tulisa has barely been tweeting but rather uploading photos and videos to Instagram

  Looking good: Former X Factor judge, Tulisa Contostavlos makes for a pretty beach dweller on Friday

Looking good: Former X Factor judge, Tulisa Contostavlos makes for a pretty beach dweller on Friday

Illustrated woman: Tulisa shows off her tattoos while on holiday in Dubai with PA  Illustrated woman: Tulisa shows off her tattoos while on holiday in Dubai with PA

Illustrated woman: Tulisa shows off her tattoos while on holiday in Dubai with her PA

She's gone wash that salt right out of her hair! Tulisa has a shower after her jaunt in the sea  She's gone wash that salt right out of her hair! Tulisa has a shower after her jaunt in the sea

She's gone wash that salt right out of her hair! Tulisa has a shower after her jaunt in the sea

Still got fans: Another Dubai holiday maker gets a snap with the singer in the sea

Still got fans: Another Dubai holiday maker gets a snap with the singer in the sea

Lonely? Tulisa has been single since splitting up from Newcastle United player Danny Simpson  Lonely? Tulisa has been single since splitting up from Newcastle United player Danny Simpson

Lonely? Tulisa has been single since splitting up from Newcastle United player Danny Simpson

Something to quack about: Tulisa's lips appear rather on the large side in images from her holiday in Dubai

Something to quack about: Tulisa's lips appear rather on the large side in images from her holiday in Dubai

Can't be missed: As the singer smokes some sheesha it is her lips which take centre stage

上,歌手在中心舞台抽水煙:Tulisa似乎熱衷她在迪拜的晚上。Can't be missed: As the singer smokes some sheesha it is her lips which take centre stage

下,幾個月前在伊比沙島,池畔的Tulisa依然是優雅品牌的代名。What a difference a few months make: Back in Ibiza, Tulisa was far less elegant with her poolside wardrobe.

What a difference a few months make: Back in Ibiza, Tulisa was far less elegant with her poolside wardrobe 









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回復 thethunder 2013-10-7 14:25
回復 小雨點0514 2013-10-7 16:40
回復 越湖 2013-10-7 21:02
回復 ryu 2013-10-7 21:49
越湖: 養眼。
回復 ryu 2013-10-7 21:50
回復 ryu 2013-10-7 21:50
thethunder: 抽水煙
回復 fanlaifuqu 2013-10-8 00:15
回復 Lawler 2013-10-8 01:08
回復 thethunder 2013-10-8 01:47
ryu: 倫敦街頭也可看見抽水煙的店。
哇! 華人過去抽水煙就是英國人傳的吧?
回復 越湖 2013-10-8 09:53
ryu: 舒心...?
回復 ryu 2013-10-8 11:15
thethunder: 哇! 華人過去抽水煙就是英國人傳的吧?
回復 thethunder 2013-10-8 13:12
ryu: 但是現在倫敦街頭的水煙店全是伊斯蘭教様的客人奈。

回復 ryu 2013-10-8 16:36
thethunder: 對了,上次去一家阿富汗餐館,中間擺著一個巨大的水煙壺當藝術品。

水煙壺英文叫什麼? ...
日文曰: Mizu Tabaco, 英文叫...
回復 【小蟲攝影】 2013-10-9 00:46
回復 ryu 2013-10-9 07:38
Lawler: 要趴的多近才能看得清那有哲理意境的歌詞    
回復 ryu 2013-10-9 07:41
fanlaifuqu: 那塊蕾絲樣的東西沒增加美感。
回復 Lawler 2013-10-9 08:40
回復 ryu 2013-10-9 09:41
Lawler: 那拎著酒瓶的那母牛,是芝加哥的公牛粉絲。贊一個!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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