

作者:ryu  於 2013-4-27 21:33 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


作者:馬特·斯切芬哲 發表於2013年4月25日,3:02 PM ET 。
引語:我們不必奇怪,為什麼(中國)官員的腐敗在那裡如此令人擔憂。( One need not wonder why official corruption is such a concern there. )
圖表提供:Deutsche Bank

35 or so years ago, China's leaders weren't that much better off than the people they served. That has, according to this chart (via Business Insider), has changed. A lot.

The cozy relationship between politics and money exists in every society, but it's striking to see the extent to which wealth buys influence in China. The government has attempted to crack down on corruption by banning ostentatious displays of wealth among government leaders, hoping that fewer boozy lunches and expensive watches will improve the Party's image among common people. But unless the fundamental link between political and financial advancement is severed, it's hard to imagine anything changing.

已經有17 comments :
Adam k 2 days ago   There are not 70 people in the National People's Congress. There are 2,987. This graph is quite misleading.
FrankBronson 2 days ago   So the PRC learned from our own gop. Good for them.
    William Bergmann  I'm impressed by your intelligent contribution.
    mo   It's all about the crony-capitalist--It doesn't matter what letter is after their name. The Republicrat Regime is in lock step with the rest of the world's elite. America is the last piece to grab before the power is finally in the hands of a very few.
trythemiddle 2 days ago   Am I reading that graph wrong? I am seeing about 1.25 BILLION per party leader. So much for the increasingly misnamed Peoples Republic of China.
Hexin Li 2 days ago   Though the new president of China tend to crack down on corruption. But it seems not easy, need take long-term effort.
Geoffrey Butler2 days ago  My mother's family is Chinese, and we've got plenty of friends in the Communist Party. And this is pretty darned accurate.
Now, my question: so what? It's Chinese culture. China's always had a wealthy political-economic elite on the coasts, and when they prosper, the country generally prospers. You say, of course, well, that's bad for the rule of law, and the rule of law is the second biggest predictor of economic success after free market economics. And I say, yes, that's true in Western cultures......
    Gay_Chevara  2 days ago Your question - so what? Chinese peoples collective reply - BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING WRONG, THAT'S WHAT!
     I live in China and hear complaints on an almost daily basis about the Chinese govt. Seems like every govt official and their family in China is despised.
             Tom Gapic  to Gay_Chevara 2 days ago   Indeed. Although they are certainly not alone in this, the Chinese really look up to the rich. For many, money is what gives their lives meaning. The emulation of robber barons has far reaching consequences. Environmental devastation. Social fragmentation. It isn't difficult to add to the list.
                 Gay_Chevara  to Tom Gapic 2 days ago   I know a Taiwanese woman in mainland China who has a business where she helps rich Chinese people (read: cashed up govt officials) funnel their assets out of China.
It is wrong on a huge level. I'm just very surprised that there has not been huge riots across the country. The Chinese govt are good at creating smoke screens - often in the form of the Japanese.
                   bystander to  Geoffrey Butler 21 hours ago   My God. I presume that you have not lived and worked in China in the past decade. I'm writing this from China. I have countless Chinese friends who are hard-working would-be entrepreneurs -- entrepreneurs in terms of effort but paupers in terms of rewards -- who are frustrated to tears by the fact that their opportunities are damped and trimmed and snatched at every turn by people in positions of 'authority'......
Sean Lenahan 2 days ago   it is important to remember that the PRC government still maintains a huge presence in the economy, and has a controlling interest in virtually every major firm in every sector of the economy--they restructured many of them in 70s and 80s so that they run in a more free market manner, but it is not a free market and political concerns are as important as business decisions. Chinese economic reforms over the last few decades have lifted millions out of poverty,.....
Matthew W. Hall 2 days ago   I presume The Atlantic is already banned in China, or you wouldn't be publishing such articles.  
             SDtriton to  Matthew W. Hall 2 days ago   Actually...based on recent travel experience..it was not banned.
             ayanamidreamsequence  to Matthew W. Hall 2 days ago   It's not, at least at the moment. Doubt an article like this will do much either, it isn't really saying a great deal that isn't already out there. The recent blocking of the NYT is a good indicator of how it works here. They investigated Wen and published information about his and his families personal wealth, and got promptly blocked. However, websites (like The Guardian, and pretty much all other news sources in English) that re-reported this information were fine.
             iveney to  Matthew W. Hall 2 days ago   No, but soon will be. Test it here: http://.....
Jonathan Jolls a day ago   Im reading this from China right now. I live in Haining and it is defiantly something people talk about, but only in private. In public, things have to be REALLY REALLY bad to get people out on the street about it, like the pictures of the regional governor with a bunch of different expensive watches. Even then, most of the public ire was vented on microblogs like Weibo where this is still an element of anonymity.









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回復 foxxfam 2013-4-28 04:44
回復 門外照斜陽 2013-4-28 06:01
回復 tangremax 2013-4-28 06:02
回復 無為村姑 2013-4-28 09:00
回復 寇一仁 2013-4-28 19:05
回復 ryu 2013-4-28 22:51
寇一仁: 老話了!人民各盡所能,領導安需分配!包括茅賊姦淫所需的娘們!
回復 ryu 2013-4-28 22:51
無為村姑: 那還用說
回復 ryu 2013-4-28 22:52
回復 ryu 2013-4-28 22:52
門外照斜陽: 要沒錢,人家就不去當官了。
讓一部分人先富起來,先富的這部分再成為人大代表,他們佔有了大部分財富,同時理所當然地代表人民(人民選他們當代表了嗎),這就 ...
回復 ryu 2013-4-28 22:53
foxxfam: :革命好啊
回復 tangremax 2013-4-28 23:39
ryu: 夢遊吧...
回復 ryu 2013-4-29 15:01
tangremax: 無語。
回復 講理 2013-12-18 00:58

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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