浪漫的故事就是那麼令人纒綿,41 歲的母親尼古拉 · 麥克法蘭,帯著她四歲的女兒露西散步在愛丁堡附近的波托貝洛 Socttish 海灘時,突然從被沖刷上岸的海沙中發現一隻破舊玻璃瓶,瓶身偶爾露出寫有東方字碼的 Mandarin 書信。母親驚喜得全身發顫,莫不是從 5000 英里之外的中國跨海漂來的......
「我興奮地帶它回家,仔細地用鑷子拿出了瓶子里的紙張。我知道這是中國人寫的,但我無法讀懂中文」,尼古拉說。她馬上轉向網際網路,邀請她遠在澳大利亞的朋友,朱莉 · 古爾德的女兒,她在悉尼的中文學校上學。幾個小時后,朱莉的消息返回來了,它的確是一封情書,果真是來自中國、寫於七夕---中國情人節的一封催人淚下的情書。翻譯后的中國情書是這樣的: 「 Today is the Chinese Valentine』s Day, we pray that our relationship will last forever and we will have a long happy life together...... 」
Da Hai: Ocean, I hope no-one will get this bottle, as we just wish you can hear our voice, and get your blessing.
Today is the Chinese Valentine』s Day, we pray that our relationship will last forever and we will have a long happy life together.
We declare our love and that we are the only one in each other』s life.
Though the person who picks up this bottle, in a different country using a different name, it』s one world.
So please make a voice about our relationship and tell everyone about it. Today can you please be our witness that our love will last forever, two people, two hearts but one life.
Zhang Qing Xun & Li 2012, 07,07.