

作者:jannykwong  於 2010-7-2 11:50 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村






















發表評論 評論 (44 個評論)

回復 wazhh 2010-7-2 12:04
回復 hr8888hr 2010-7-2 12:21
回復 snortbsd 2010-7-2 12:27
it gotta nothing to do with 善良. you just protected yourself from a fraudulent claim. a potential case of business fraud, which could be felony if you have evidence, if it is in the states!!!

"有條線磨損嚴重,需要更換"... my ass. i bet they did this shit for thousands of customers. i would let them write down the claims, as evidences for the future law suit!!!

you want to nail them, get evidence!!!
回復 jannykwong 2010-7-2 12:50
snortbsd: it gotta nothing to do with 善良. you just protected yourself from a fraudulent claim. a potential case of business fraud, which could be felony if y
回復 jannykwong 2010-7-2 13:00
wazhh: 如果開始時要您100大元,也就無所謂了哈
回復 jannykwong 2010-7-2 13:00
hr8888hr: 在中國嗎?
回復 snortbsd 2010-7-2 13:14
jannykwong: 如果造成業主損失,這裡都可以向法院提起訴訟,要求賠償的。問題是,一個才幾百標的額的訴訟,至少要打半年才會有生產判決,然後再申請法院執行,你會為幾百元打
no, no, no...

what that XXX銷售店 did had constituted a typical case of business fraud. if you have evidences that they had done this for thousands other customers, then it would be a big case. lawyers would love cases like that and it is a dream case for any lawyers who look for breakthrough of his/her career

for individual case like that, in the states, we have better business bureau. you can report the fraud case to the better business bureau and points will be recorded for XXX銷售店. when cases like piling up, better business bureau could officially request a criminal investigation on that XXX銷售店.

here also we have court sessions for small disputes (less than $5000). usually big businesses would avoid that since it would cost them handsomely, not money wise, but reputation, which mean it would be a very bad publicity.  with that publicity, they would lose big time...
回復 hr8888hr 2010-7-2 13:17
jannykwong: 對呀。在中國得懂點法律常識,才能不被騙。
可汽車維修, 在美國就不敢恭維了
回復 snortbsd 2010-7-2 13:22
hr8888hr: 關於電腦維修,在美國的service還較為均真.
可汽車維修, 在美國就不敢恭維了
yeah. i always use dealers, pay a bit more, but less worries. also stick with one place...
回復 hr8888hr 2010-7-2 13:28
snortbsd: yeah. i always use dealers, pay a bit more, but less worries. also stick with one place...
for dealer, i think not a bit more, the more usually use times to calculate
回復 snortbsd 2010-7-2 13:41
hr8888hr:for dealer, i think not a bit more, the more usually use times to calculate
well, the cost of parts is quite standard, not much of difference for different dealers. you can call dealers around to verify the cost of parts. as to labors, you can also check with different dealers. in my experience, for the same problem, labor hours usually close, maybe one hour difference.
回復 yulinw 2010-7-2 13:46
回復 jannykwong 2010-7-2 14:28
yulinw: 好經驗~~~
回復 jannykwong 2010-7-2 14:32
snortbsd: no, no, no...

what that XXX銷售店 did had constituted a typical case of business fraud. if you have evidences that they had done this for thousands
回復 hr8888hr 2010-7-2 19:49
snortbsd: well, the cost of parts is quite standard, not much of difference for different dealers. you can call dealers around to verify the cost of parts. as
yeah, i knew dealers seem honesty on his fixed list. but anything price is higher than other autostore's. especially labor's price & time
回復 hr8888hr 2010-7-2 20:17
jannykwong: 這裡跟美國不同。中國法律只是支持直接損失,不支持間接損失的。中國公司或店鋪也不很注意商譽,即使你鬧到消委會,上了裡面的黑名單,都不太會影響它的生意。中
回復 jannykwong 2010-7-2 20:39
hr8888hr: 總覺得什麼信用評估機制是種遊戲,於真實的信用與否無直接關係
回復 hr8888hr 2010-7-2 20:43
jannykwong: 起碼它能起到監督效果,信用不好了,沒人會給你貸款,沒人會與你交易。
你的看法是錯誤的, 你的認識應該是從大陸那些老師那裡聽來的吧?
回復 snortbsd 2010-7-2 22:36
jannykwong: 這裡跟美國不同。中國法律只是支持直接損失,不支持間接損失的。中國公司或店鋪也不很注意商譽,即使你鬧到消委會,上了裡面的黑名單,都不太會影響它的生意。中
so business fraud isn't a crime in china?
回復 snortbsd 2010-7-2 22:39
hr8888hr: yeah, i knew dealers seem honesty on his fixed list. but anything price is higher than other autostore's. especially labor's price & time
well, tricky part of this is how to compile the list of issues for your car...

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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