
不斷墜落 -- Sissel Kyrkjebo

作者:smith_h2  於 2011-2-26 11:11 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


I'm all alone in the rainfall 我孤獨地佇立雨中
I hear my name call 聽到自己名字被呼喚著
I look up but there's no one around 抬頭尋找卻四周無人
The sky is wild 這荒涼的天空
And the wind blows 吹著凜凜風
I'm out my window 我又好像 站出窗口
Trying to fly 試圖飛翔
But I keep falling down 可我不斷墜下
I will never have that dream again 我再不有舊日之夢
If I do I'll just get up and then 如果我即站起來,那將
Sure as the sun will rise 猶如旭日昇起
I'll be there by your side'till the end of time 我會陪伴在你身邊,直到永遠
I live my life, where it takes me 過我自己的生活
I get up but I keep falling down 我要站起, 卻不斷墜下
The blinding light silhouettes me 那昏暗燈光照著孤影
I try to get free 我要自由
So I run, but I keep falling down 而不斷奔跑但我卻不斷墜下
I will never have that dream again 我再不會有舊日之夢
If I do I just get up and then 如果我即將站起
Sure as the sun will rise 猶如旭日昇起
I'll be there by your side 我會陪在你身邊
To the end of time 直到永遠
And every night 每一個夜晚
I close my eyes 在我閉上雙眼
I hear the voices calling 我聽到你對我的呼喚
Don't try to hide 不要躲藏
Don't try to fight 不要掙扎
It's only sleep 這只是睡中
It's just a dream 這僅是夢中
And your not falling 你並沒有墜下
I live my life, where it takes me 我過著自己的生活
I get up but I keep falling down 我要站起卻依然不斷墜落
Have a nice weekend!









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回復 若水無痕 2011-2-26 12:36
回復 smith_h2 2011-2-26 12:42
若水無痕: 沙發~~
謝謝若水! Good tea or red wine?  
回復 若水無痕 2011-2-26 12:46
smith_h2: 謝謝若水! Good tea or red wine?   
red wine please, thanks la
回復 smith_h2 2011-2-26 12:55
若水無痕: red wine please, thanks la
Please enjoy a glass of Signorello, 2006 Padrone Red Wine. Hope you like it.  

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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