俺沒事的時候有很多的時候 喜歡看COMEDIAN的胡侃。 有一位講到黑車 和 強姦案子
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCCUCVAosJU 【錄像放在最後】
AT 42:59 他說
the thing is, though, somebody asked me, you are a good comedian, why you do jokes about rape?
why do joke about everything?
but one of the reasons, i might make it a joke involving rapes is that I am tired of the word just being used as scare mongers
just。 like。 I was walking into a tube station in london a couple of years ago. swear to god. a big o poster at the entrance had a picture of fresle looking white woman and the caption read ----
----- if you want to know how much an illegal taxi can cost, just ask a rape victim.
I stared at that thing for 15 minutes, thinking, of all the things I ever thought I'd ask a rape victim.
-----Oh excuse me, ma'am. I can see you just being raped. I am trying to get from wofflestone down to christpalason. I don't want pay a lot of money. you know
剛才看到一則新聞, 看來是開不得玩笑的。乘坐黑車代價有時是很大的
女大學生乘黑車遭強姦 因一束光被殺
- See more at: http://news。c re aders. net/society/newsViewer.php?nid=581925&id=1295061#sthash.v6SvPdVw.dpuf
【女大學生乘黑車遭強姦 因一束光被殺】 2013-09-07 10:10:09 現代金報 [0條評論,查看/發表評論]