
When I Am Forty

作者:shanbeidaoqing  於 2013-5-10 15:43 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


When I came to the city

With pleasure and my family

Neither fortune nor money

I didn』t mind I was almost forty

To realize a dream in a new society

It didn』t matter that I was close to forty

Every dark, early morning

I grabbed the saggy backpack

Pounding down to bus terminal

Swinging my eyes along busy shuttles

Strangers passing by and leaving

But I am still waiting

For that unscheduled route to an uncertain destination

Even I was just forty

I didn』t know

Which one I should be following

Misty rain falling

While I was driving in local

Traffics blocked by those hustlers

Hardly to restore my orientation

Likely stranded in a puzzle

Wireless cut-off, GPS lost the signal

Couldn』t help shouting to windshield

Fuck you

Even though I was over forty

I  still didn』t know

Where should I be going

The dream got faded

With the faith getting feeble

Physical striving didn』t mean you could survive

Intelligence still relied on the commercial

Even I was almost passing forty

Still something bewildered

Jumping between the minials

Scrambling trifles to convert  the dishes on the table

Alarming music is set 「Don』t wake me up」

Brewing a thick coffee then starting engine

Every time I detour a new path

Try to alter the boring pattern

Dedicate my strength beside a robot

Proud of being passion with salty sweat

Luck with my short break

But the robot not

Hearing being asked 「How old are you

And do you replace your parts?」

Even I am over forty

I am still an OEM body

What is the difference of values between us?」

Obsessed by interactive conversations

「Your parts are evaluated by its physical performance,

But mine are judged by the Generations of intelligence」

Even I am across forty

I still don』t know the criteria of my values

Wish my contributions is worth to replenish one part

That is crucial to my body

Just simple as the maintenance of the robot

Which I am competing against beside me









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