
天哪這明年要多交多少稅呀 - 美國巨額外債就指望大家了

作者:犀利哥  於 2010-7-10 09:30 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


- The 10% bracket rises to an expanded 15%
- The 25% bracket rises to 28%
- The 28% bracket rises to 31%
- The 33% bracket rises to 36%
- The 35% bracket rises to 39.6%

Higher Tax Rates for All

You may have been led to believe that only individuals in the top two brackets will face higher federal income taxes when the Bush cuts go bye-bye. Not true! Unless Congress takes action and President Obama goes along, rates will go up for everyone -- not just a sliver of the wealthiest Americans. The current six rate brackets of 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33% and 35% will be replaced by five new brackets with the higher rates of 15%, 28%, 31%, 36% and 39.6%. Just a few months ago, it seemed like a safe bet that Congress would make a fix to keep the existing 10%, 15%, 25% and 28% rate brackets to help out lower and middle-income folks. That bet is now looking iffy.

Higher Capital Gains and Dividends Taxes for All

Right now, the maximum federal rate on long-term capital gains and dividends is only 15%. Starting next year, the maximum rate on long-term gains will increase to 20%. The maximum rate on dividends will skyrocket to 39.6% unless action is taken to limit the rate to 20%, as the president has repeatedly promised. Plan on 39.6%, and hope I'm wrong.

Right now, an unbeatable 0% rate applies to long-term gains and dividends collected by folks in lowest two rate brackets of 10% and 15%. Starting next year, those folks will pay 10% on long-term gains and 15% and 28% on dividends (compared with 0% now) unless a change is made. Otherwise, taxes on long-term gains and dividends will go up for everyone.

Return of the Marriage Penalty

Right now, the standard deduction for married joint-filing couples is double the amount for singles. For this, we can thank the Bush tax cuts, which included several provisions to ease the so-called marriage penalty. The penalty can force a married couple to pay more in taxes than when they were single. Starting next year, the joint-filer standard deduction will fall back to about 167% of the amount for singles unless Congress takes action and the president approves. We don't know if that will happen. If not, lots of lower and middle-income couples will face higher tax bills.

Now, the bottom two tax brackets for married joint-filing couples are exactly twice as wide as those for singles. That ratio helps keep the marriage penalty from biting lower- and middle-income couples. Starting next year, the joint-filer tax brackets will contract, causing higher tax bills, unless a change is made.

Return of Phase-Out Rule for Itemized Deductions

Before the Bush tax cuts, a nasty phase-out rule could eliminate up to 80% of a higher-income individual's itemized deductions for mortgage interest, state and local taxes, and charitable donations. The rule was gradually eased and finally eliminated this year. Next year, it will be back in full force unless Congress takes action -- which is unlikely. So if you itemize and have adjusted gross income above about $170,000 ($85,000 if you use married filing separate status), be ready for this phase-out rule to take a toll.

Return of Phase-Out Rule for Personal Exemptions

Before the Bush tax cuts, another nasty phase-out rule could eliminate some or all of a higher-income individual's personal exemption deductions. The rule was gradually cut back and finally eliminated this year. But it will be back with a vengeance next year unless Congress blocks it. So be ready for another tax hike if your adjusted gross income exceeds about $252,000 if you file jointly; about $168,000 if you're single; about $210,000 if you're a head of household; or about $126,000 if you use married filing separate status. (For 2010, personal exemption deductions are $3,650 each, and they will be about the same next year.)

The Bottom Line

The Bush tax cuts don't just offer tax relief to the wealthiest Americans. They offer it to just about anyone who pays federal income taxes. Their scheduled demise next year will raise the tax bill of nearly every taxpayer, unless Congress makes changes and the president jumps on board.


2010 Federal Income Tax Brackets

Here』s a quick rundown of Federal income tax brackets for 2010. If you compare to the 2009 income tax brackets, you』ll see that they』ve hardly changed at all:

Tax Bracket Married Filing Jointly Single

10% Bracket $0 – $16,750 $0 – $8,375

15% Bracket $16,750 – $68,000 $8,375 – $34,000

25% Bracket $68,000 – $137,300 $34,000 – $82,400

28% Bracket $137,300 – $209,250 $82,400 – $171,850

33% Bracket $209,250 – $373,650 $171,850 – $373,650

35% Bracket Over $373,650 Over $373,650









發表評論 評論 (28 個評論)

回復 杏林一虹 2010-7-10 09:51
回復 犀利哥 2010-7-10 09:52
回復 fanlaifuqu 2010-7-10 10:30
回復 犀利哥 2010-7-10 10:34
fanlaifuqu: 民主黨啊!
回復 黑山老貓 2010-7-10 10:47
奧巴馬的后著啊. 不過美國人說稅高, 加拿大人就都笑了. 呵呵. 你們見過高稅收嗎?
回復 犀利哥 2010-7-10 11:35
黑山老貓: 奧巴馬的后著啊. 不過美國人說稅高, 加拿大人就都笑了. 呵呵. 你們見過高稅收嗎?
回復 東方華 2010-7-10 14:08
回復 ww_719 2010-7-10 14:08
回復 ww_719 2010-7-10 14:09
回復 wallyg 2010-7-11 00:29
ww_719: 請問,看看這稅這個高,都是我們的血汗錢呀,那為什麼村民中那麼多人支持民主黨呢??難道他們都是富翁嗎?哈哈..
回復 犀利哥 2010-7-11 03:03
東方華: 提高稅率未必能解決問題,稅收不見得增加,經濟還要遭受打擊,就折騰吧。。。
回復 犀利哥 2010-7-11 03:04
ww_719: 小奧要把我們弄窮死呀....
回復 犀利哥 2010-7-11 03:04
ww_719: 請問,看看這稅這個高,都是我們的血汗錢呀,那為什麼村民中那麼多人支持民主黨呢??難道他們都是富翁嗎?哈哈..
回復 犀利哥 2010-7-11 03:05
wallyg: 哪個黨都一樣。
回復 東方華 2010-7-11 03:16
犀利哥: 苦了我等了
回復 ww_719 2010-7-11 03:49
wallyg: 哪個黨都一樣。
回復 ww_719 2010-7-11 03:51
犀利哥: 俺可沒支持呀~
回復 wallyg 2010-7-11 04:25
犀利哥: 懸吶
實際上,我已經看到商店裡很多產品已經不是「Made in China"了.
回復 wallyg 2010-7-11 04:28
ww_719: 但大體上,共和黨稅少些...民主黨多些,哈哈..
但共和黨一上場,經濟就要蕭條,他們總是在低谷中退出,拱手讓權, 呵呵。
回復 ww_719 2010-7-11 05:04
wallyg: 但共和黨一上場,經濟就要蕭條,他們總是在低谷中退出,拱手讓權, 呵呵。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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