

作者:yunmu  於 2021-10-16 09:56 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


1.  樂出現的時候享受快樂(Appreciate happiness when it is there

2. 小口慢別狼吞虎咽Sip, don』t gulp

3. 對自己溫柔些少工作多休息

Be gentle with yourself. Work less. Sleep more

4. 過去的一切你都無法改變這是基本的物理原理

There is absolutely nothing in the past that you can change. That』s basic physics

5. 小心星期二和十月。(Beware of Tuesdays. And Octobers

6. 庫爾特·馮內古特是正確的:閱讀和寫作是迄今為止人類發現的最有營養的冥想形式

Kurt Vonnegut was right. 『Reading and writing are the most nourishing forms of meditation anyone has so far found

7. 傾聽少說話。( Listen more than you talk

8. 無所事事的時候不要有罪惡感。也許工作比無所事事對世界的危害更大。但可以完善你的無所事事。讓它是覺知的。

Don』t feel guilty about being idle. More harm is probably done to the world through work than idleness. But perfect your idleness. Make it mindful

 9. 覺察到你正在呼吸Be aware that you are breathing

 10. 論在任何地點任何時刻都要試著去發現美一張面孔一句詩詞窗外的雲塗鴉畫風力田美可以凈化思想

Wherever you are at any moment, try and find something beautiful. A face, a line out of a poem, the clouds out of a window, some graffiti, a windfarm. Beauty cleans the mind

 11. 恨是一種毫無意義的情緒就像為了懲罰蜇你的蠍子而吃掉它一樣。

Hate is a pointless emotion to have inside you. It is like eating a scorpion to punish it for stinging you

 12. 出去跑步,再做點瑜伽 Go for a run. Then do some yoga

 13. 中午之前沖個澡。(Shower before noon

 14. 遙望天空。提醒自己宇宙是多麼浩瀚。抓住每一個感受遼闊悠遠的機會這會讓你看見自己的渺小

Look at the sky. Remind yourself of the cosmos. Seek out vastness at every opportunity, in order to see the smallness of yourself

 15. 善良。(Bekind

 16. 認識到想法只是想法如果感覺想法不合理就跟它理論即使你已找不出道理你是你頭腦的觀察者而非受害者

Understand that thoughts are thoughts. If they are unreasonable, reason with them, even if you have no reason left. You are the observer of your mind, not its victim

 17. 不要漫無目的地看電視不要漫無目的地上社交網站要清醒地意識到你正在做什麼為什麼而做別不重視電視你要更重視它這樣你才會少看無節制的娛樂將使你注意力分散

 Do not watch TV aimlessly. Do not go on social media aimlessly. Always be aware of what you are doing, and why you are doing it. Don』t value TV less. Value it more. Then you will watch it less. Unchecked distractions will lead you to distraction

 18. 坐下躺下,不什麼都不做觀察傾聽你頭腦的聲音不去評判頭腦里發生的事情隨它吧就像《冰雪奇緣》里的白雪女王一樣。

Sit down. Lie down. Be still. Do nothing. Observe. Listen to your mind. Let it do what it does without judging it. Let it go, like the Snow Queen in Frozen

 19. 不要杞人憂天Don』t worry about things that probably won』t happen

 20. 靠近樹種樹因為樹很棒

Look at trees. Be near trees. Plant trees. Trees are great.)

 21. YouTube 上面那個瑜伽教練的話走路,好像你在用腳親吻地球一樣。

Listen to that yoga instructor on YouTube, and 『walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet』

 22. 生活放手Live Love Let go

23. 酒的數學是乘方運算。你喝得越多,就越想多喝。如果你很難止於一杯那麼更不可能止於三杯加法就是乘法

Alcohol maths. Wine multiplies itself by itself. The more you have, the more you are likely to have. And if it』s hard to stop at one glass, it will be impossible at three. Addition is multiplication

 24. 當心那個縫隙你現在身處的地方和你想去的地方之間的縫隙只是想一下它那個縫隙就會擴大你就有可能掉到裡面去

Beware of the gap.  The gap between where you are and where you want to be. Simply thinking of the gap widens it. And you end up falling through

 25. 閱讀一本書別去想著要讀完它只是讀享受每個句子段落。別期待它結束或永不結束

Read a book without thinking about finishing it. Just read it. Enjoy every word, sentence, and paragraph. Don』t wish for it to end, or for it to never end.

 26. 在最深層次,宇宙中沒有哪葯比善待他人令你感覺更好。

No drug in the universe will make you feel better, at the deepest level, than being kind to other people.

 27. 聽聽哈姆雷特——文學作品中最著名的抑鬱症患者——對羅森克蘭茨和吉爾登斯特恩說的話:世上之事物本無善惡之分同,思想使然

Listen to what Hamlet – literature』s most famous depressive – told Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. 『There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so

 28. 許他人愛你相信這份愛為他們活下去即使你覺得毫無意義

If someone loves you, let them. Believe in that love. Live for them, even when you feel there is no point.

 29. 你不需要這個世界理解你沒關係的有的人永遠不會真的理解他們沒經歷過的事情但有些人會理解要對理解你的人心懷感激

You don』t need the world to understand you. It』s fine. Some people will never really understand things they haven』t experienced. Some will. Be grateful.

 30. 儒勒·納寫過無限的生命。它是像海一樣浩瀚的愛與情感世界如果我們沉浸其中將找到無限找到活下來所需的空間。

Jules Verne wrote of the 『Living Infinite』. This is the world of love and emotion that is like a 『sea』. If we can submerge ourselves in it, we find infinity in ourselves, and the space we need to survive.

 31. 凌晨三點不是試圖理清人生的時間。

Three in the morning is never the time to try and sort out your life.

 32. 記住你一點兒也不怪異你是人你的一切行為感覺都是符合自然的因為你是自然界的動物你就是大自然你是類人猿你生活在這個世界這個世界活在你心中一切都是聯結在一起的

 Remember that there is nothing weird about you. You are just a human, and everything you do and feel is a natural thing, because we are natural animals. You are nature. You are a hominid ape. You are in the world and the world is in you. Everything connects.

 33. 不要相信什麼好壞,輸贏勝負高潮低谷在你的最低處和最高處無論你是快樂還是絕望平靜還是憤怒都有一個最核心的是始終不變的這個才是最重要的。

Don』t believe in good or bad, or winning and losing, or victory and defeat, or up and down. At your lowest and at your highest, whether you are happy or despairing or calm or angry, there is a kernel of you that stays the same. That is the you that matters.

 34. 別擔心因絕望而失去的時間熬過絕望之後時間的價值將會翻倍

Don』t worry about the time you lose to despair. The time you will have afterwards has just doubled its value.

 35. 對自己透明給你的頭腦建一座玻璃房觀察

Be transparent to yourself. Make a greenhouse for your mind. Observe.

36. 讀艾米莉·狄金森讀格雷厄姆·格林讀伊塔洛·維諾讀瑪雅·安吉讀一切你想讀的讀就好了書是可能性是逃跑路線當你沒有選擇時它們給你機會對於流離失所的頭腦來說每一本書都是一座家園

Read Emily Dickinson. Read Graham Greene. Read Italo Calvino. Read Maya Angelou. Read anything you want. Just read. Books are possibilities. They are escape routes. They give you options when you have none. Each one can be a home for an uprooted mind.

37. 陽光燦爛的日子能在戶外就在戶外

If the sun is shining, and you can be outside, be outside.

 38. 記住地球生活的關鍵是改變汽車會生鏽書頁會發黃技術會過時毛毛蟲會變蝴蝶黑夜會變白晝抑鬱也會消散

Remember that the key thing about life on earth is change. Cars rust. Paper yellows. Technology dates. Caterpillars become butterflies. Nights morph into days. Depression lifts.

39. 當你感覺忙得沒時間休息就是你最需要找時間休息的時候。

Just when you feel you have no time to relax, know that this is the moment you most need to make time to relax.

40. 勇敢,堅強呼吸活下去你會感謝今天的自己

Be brave. be strong. Breathe, and keep going. You will thank yourself later.


作者馬特·海格(Matt Haig),









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