

作者:yunmu  於 2019-6-7 20:54 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


一本醫生用生命最後兩年所寫的書 【翻譯】      

Paul Kalanithi, writer and neurosurgeon, dies at 37. Paul Kalanithi wrote essays for The New York Times and Stanford Medicine reflecting on being a physician and a patient, the human experience of facing death, and the joy he found despite terminal illness.

作家和神經外科醫生Paul Kalanithi2015年去世,享年37. Paul Kalanithi曾為「紐約時報」和斯坦福醫學雜誌撰寫文章, 反映了同時作為一名醫生和一名身患絕症的病人, 是如何發現快樂和面對死亡的生命歷程.

 Stanford neurosurgeon Paul Kalanithi, MD, who wrote eloquently and movingly about facing mortality after being diagnosed with lung cancer, died of the disease March 9. He was 37.

斯坦福大學神經外科醫生保羅卡拉西尼(Paul Kalanithi)在201539日死於肺癌,終年37. 在被查出患癌之後, 他雄辯動人地談到了如何面對死亡。

 Kalanithi, who had recently completed his neurosurgery residency at the Stanford University School of Medicine and become a first-time father, was an instructor in the Department of Neurosurgery and fellow at the Stanford Neurosciences Institute.

Kalanithi最近在斯坦福大學醫學院完成了他的神經外科住院醫生的訓練, 並成為了第一任父親,他是神經外科的講師和斯坦福神經科學研究所fellow

 「We are all devastated by the tragedy of his sudden illness and untimely demise,」 said Gary Steinberg, MD, PhD, professor and chair of neurosurgery. 「Paul spent seven years with us. He』s very much part of our neurosurgical family. It affects us like a death in a closely knit family.」

「我們都被他突如其來的疾病和過早逝去的悲劇而傷心欲絕」神經外科教授Steinberg: 「保羅和我們待了七年. 他是我們神經外科大家庭中的一員. 這個事件對我們的影響就像在一個緊密結合的家庭中有一員逝去一樣」.

 Kalanithi』s essays, 「How Long Have I Got Left?」 for The New York Times and 「Before I Go」 for Stanford Medicine, reflected his insights on grappling with mortality, his changing perception of time and the meaning he continued to experience despite his illness.

Kalanithi為紐約時報書寫的文章「我還能活多久?」和為斯坦福醫學雜誌寫的文章「在我離去之前」反映了他對與死亡的見解, 以及他在生病後對時間和生命歷程的新的見解.

 He closed his Stanford Medicine essay with words for his infant daughter: 「When you come to one of the many moments in life when you must give an account of yourself, provide a ledger of what you have been, and done, and meant to the world, do not, I pray, discount that you filled a dying man』s days with a sated joy, a joy unknown to me in all my prior years, a joy that does not hunger for more and more, but rests, satisfied. In this time, right now, that is an enormous thing.」

他用他寫給他仍然在嬰兒期的女兒的話語結束了他在斯坦福醫學雜誌上的文章:「當你在生活中有時間來回味你的許多重要時刻時,當你必須列出你做過的事情對這世界有什麼意義時,我祈禱,你不要忽略你曾使一個垂死男人在他的餘生中充滿喜悅. 這是我以前並不知道的一種快樂, 我並不渴望這種快樂永遠存在, 但是感到安靜滿足. 現在, 這是我生活的一件重大的事情。

 In a March 10 Facebook post, Suman Kalanithi, one of Kalanithi』s brothers, wrote, 「Yesterday my brother Paul passed away about two years after being diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer. He did so with customary bravery and poise, and died in peace on his own terms with his family around him. My brother achieved more in his short life than what most people do in twice that time. He was a good doctor, a good husband, a good father and a good man. I am extremely proud of him, both in life and in death. Rest in peace, my beloved brother.」

2015310日的Facebook帖子中,Kalanithi的兄弟之一Suman Kalanithi寫道:「在被診斷患有轉移性肺癌大約兩年後, 我的兄弟保羅於昨天離開了我們. 他以特有的勇敢和沉著,在家人的圍繞下寧靜過世了. 儘管許多人有著兩倍於他的生命時間,我的兄弟在他短暫的一生中取得的成就比大多數人的要多得多. 他是一位好醫生, 好丈夫, 好父親, 一位好人. 無論他是活著還是死去, 我都為他感到無比自豪. 安息吧, 我心愛的兄弟」.

 Undergraduate years at Stanford

 Kalanithi was born in New York, moving at age 10 with his family to Kingman, Arizona. He went to college at Stanford, where he was involved in Stanford Sierra Camp and the Leland Stanford Jr. University Marching Band. He graduated in 2000 with bachelor』s and master』s degrees in English literature and a bachelor』s in human biology.

Kalanithi出生於紐約市, 10歲時與家人一起搬到亞利桑那州【莫哈維縣】的金曼市。然後到斯坦福大學讀書, 在那裡他參與了斯坦福獅子山營地和Leland Stanford Jr.大學遊行樂隊. 他於2000年畢業,獲得英國文學的學士和碩士學位以及人類生物學的學士學位。

 「If you asked me when I was 17 what I would be doing with my life, I would have said, 『Oh, I』d definitely be a writer.』 For me, literature was always a powerful reflecting tool for thinking about life,」 Kalanithi said in an interview for a Stanford Medicine magazine video. 「But I found after I completed my undergraduate studies and thought about what I was really passionate about, medicine was in fact the perfect place.」

 「如果你在我17歲時問我打算將來怎樣生活,我會說,'哦,我肯定會成為一名作家。' 對我來說,文學總是一個思考生活的有力工具, Kalanithi在接受斯坦福醫學雜誌視頻採訪時說 「但是在我完成本科學習后並思考我真正熱愛的事情后,我發現,醫學實際上是一個使人完美的領域。」

 He next studied the history and philosophy of science and medicine at the University of Cambridge, earning a master』s degree, before attending the Yale School of Medicine. In 2007, he graduated from Yale cum laude, winning the Lewis H. Nahum Prize, awarded for his research on Tourette』s syndrome, and membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society. At Yale, he also met classmate Lucy Goddard, whom he married in 2006.

接下來, 他在劍橋大學學習了科學哲學和醫學史, 在被耶魯大學醫學院錄取之前, 他獲得了劍橋的碩士學位.  2007, 他以優異成績畢業於耶魯大學醫學院, 因對Tourette綜合症的研究獲得Lewis H. Nahum獎學金,並成為醫學生榮譽學會的會員. 在耶魯大學,他還女同學Lucy Goddard從相遇發展到相愛,他們於2006年結婚。

 He returned to Stanford for a residency in neurological surgery and a postdoctoral fellowship in neuroscience, developing optogenetic techniques in the laboratories of Krishna Shenoy, PhD, and Karl Deisseroth, MD, PhD. He authored more than 20 scientific publications and received the American Academy of Neurological Surgery』s highest award for research.

接著他回到斯坦福大學接受神經外科住院醫師和神經科學博士后訓練,在Krishna Shenoy博士和Karl Deisseroth醫生的實驗室開發光遺傳學技術. 他參與撰寫了20多篇科學論文, 並【於2011年】獲得了美國神經外科學會為住院醫生設立的研究獎。

 Cancer diagnosis

 But then, in Kalanithi』s sixth year of residency, his weight dropped precipitously, and he developed night sweats, unremitting back pain and a cough. In May 2013, Kalanithi, who had never smoked, was diagnosed with stage-4 non-small-cell EGFR-positive lung cancer.

但是,在Kalanithi做住院醫生的第六年, 他的體重急劇下降, 出現夜間盜汗, 持續背痛和咳嗽不止. 20135, 從未吸煙的Kalanithi被診斷已經患有4期非小細胞EGFR陽性的肺癌.

 His first reaction was to prepare to die and to encourage Lucy to remarry, he wrote in his New York Times essay. But his cancer responded to treatment, he regained strength and he returned to work in late 2013, completing his residency last year. He and Lucy also decided they wanted to have a child. Elizabeth Acadia 「Cady」 Kalanithi was born on July 4, 2014.

他在紐約時報的一篇文章中寫道, 他的第一個反應是準備死去並鼓勵Lucy再婚. 但是治療抑制了癌症的進展, 他的體力得以恢復, 並於2013年底重返工作崗位。2014, 他完成了住院醫生訓練. 他和Lucy還決定過生一個孩子, 於是他的孩子Elizabeth AcadiaCadyKalanithi201474日出生了.

 In addition to returning to surgery, Kalanithi shared his reflections on illness and medicine, authoring essays in The New York TimesThe Paris Review and Stanford Medicine, and participating in interviews for media outlets and public forums.

除了重返外科手術台外,  Kalanithi還撰寫文章分享了他對疾病和醫學的反思。他把這些文章發表在「紐約時報」,「巴黎評論」和「斯坦福醫學」上, 並接受媒體和公共論壇的採訪。

 Despite a relapse in the spring of 2014, Kalanithi continued to speak to the public and write, including working on a book.


 His essays tapped an outpouring of gratitude from readers — from young people who had lost parents to seniors facing their own mortality, to teachers desiring to share his essay with students. 「It completely surprised me that it resonated with so many people,」 Kalanithi wrote of the response to the Times piece in a 2014 San Francisco Magazine essay. 「I still get an email nearly every day from someone with heart disease or depression or another medical illness, saying that it helped clarify his or her own situation. The second, and really pleasing, development was the number of doctors who emailed to say that they planned to give the article to their patients or incorporate it into medical school curricula to help students understand the human impact of disease. That was really touching.」

他的文章引起了讀者的強烈反響, 這包括從失去父母的年輕人到面臨死亡的老年人,以及希望與學生分享他的文章的老師們. 「使我感到非常驚訝的是, 它引起了如此多人的共鳴」 Kalanithi2014年舊金山雜誌的一篇文章中寫到了對時報部分的回應: 「我幾乎每天都會收到患有心臟病或抑鬱症或其他疾病的人的電子郵件,說該書有助於他們認識自己的情況. 其次, 還有一個非常令人愉快的進展是: 許多醫生髮來電子郵件說, 他們計劃將這篇文章提供給患者,或納入醫學院課程以幫助學生了解人對疾病的影響.  那令我十分感動」.

 This letter from a reader in response to the Stanford Medicine essay is representative: 「Dr. Kalanithi, I could not hold my tears while reading your story. It is a sad story, but at the same time it is an amazing story to share. These are the type of stories that stop us, and make us re-think life and the way that we are living it. Your story has touched me deeply in a very positive way.」

一個讀者在回應斯坦福醫學雜誌文章的來信說得很有代表性:Kalanithi醫生, 在讀你的故事時我忍住不哭 但仍然淚留滿面. 這是一個令人悲傷的故事, 但也是一個令人驚奇的故事. 這些故事在我們的腦海里久久徘佪, 讓我們重新思考人生和生活方式. 你的故事積極樂觀,深深地打動了我。

  Kalanithi appeared to live by his words. After his diagnosis, he continued to joke, and laugh, enjoy the company of family, friends and colleagues, spend time appreciating nature and go wild at football games. He also helped raise money for lung cancer awareness. As top fundraiser (due, he said, to an overwhelming response from his friends, family and colleagues — including many from Stanford), he won the Chris Draft Family Foundation』s Lung Cancer Survivors Super Bowl Challenge, which landed him and family in Arizona for the 2015 Super Bowl.

Kalanithi就像他所說的那樣生活. 在他的肺癌被診斷之後, 他仍然幽默玩笑和開懷大笑,享受家人, 朋友和同事的陪伴, 欣賞徇麗多姿的自然風光,繼續在足球比賽中狂奔.  他還幫助肺癌基金會籌集資金. 作為頂級籌款人(由於他的朋友,家人和同事 - 包括斯坦福大學的許多人的熱烈捐贈), 他贏得了克里斯匯票家庭基金會頒發的肺癌倖存者超級碗賽的入場券, 這讓他和家人來到亞利桑那州觀看了 2015年的超級碗。



 英文原文是斯坦福醫學雜誌編輯ROSANNE SPECTOR2015年為Kalanithi新書發行所寫的記念文章的一部分。至今讀來, 仍然十分感人。











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