
兒子的生日禮物 — 倆張薄紙讓我掉淚,讓我終生難忘!

作者:yzfoto  於 2010-1-21 03:26 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:Pokemon, yzfoto, 相機人生

明天又要過生日了,要發生什麼事情現在還是個未知數,不過去年的生日讓我過得終生難忘,因為我得到了兒子給我的一份兒特殊禮物 — 倆張紙,就是這倆片兒薄紙讓我掉淚。


2008627號我要帶我當時10歲的大兒子Aaron乘飛機去ColumbusOhio 參加 Pokemon 全國比賽,Pokemon 是一種日本發明的像撲克牌的遊戲,很流行,不但孩子玩兒成人也玩兒,我兒子對此遊戲玩兒得走火入魔,這次要參加全國比賽,他早就磨拳擦掌,盼望這一刻的到來,我提前打洋下班,約600pm 帶著兒子開車去了JFK機場,我們辦好了一切手續就等登機,這時還有一點兒時間,兒子拿出他那些寶貝卡片擺了滿地,當地開始練兵,我有點兒累,正在打盹兒,忽然兒子推醒我說,爸爸我們的航班被取消了,我說,不可能吧,剛才天氣還好好的,我上前問了櫃檯小姐,確認是被取消了而且明天第一航班是900am,可比賽也是900am開始,這該怎麼辦?我兒子的臉馬上變得唰白,眼淚奪眶而出,我看到他這個樣子真心疼,看了一下表這時是835pm,於是我馬上做了一個決定:開車去!我對兒子說:「Don』t worryI』ll make you happy。」 他說:「How?」 我說,現在離比賽開始還有10個小時多一點兒,咱們開車去!兒子聽到這一消息后跳起來抱著我大親一口,我們趕快回家換車,我太太堅決不同意我們這樣做覺得我會太累怕出事,我的主意拿定是雷打不動的,沒聽她的勸告我們換了大車就上了路,這時已900多了,我和兒子都長長出了一口氣,兒子再三謝我並勸我不要太累了,我對他講,咱倆現在分工,我的任務是開車,你的任務是睡覺,他說好,可他興奮的哪裡能睡的著?我說那好吧,咱們聊天,我們倆就這樣聊呀聊呀,在我的記憶中這晚是我倆單獨聊天時間最長的一次,我們談了好多好多,兒子實在撐不住了,悄悄地睡著了,途中我回頭看了他幾次,看到他睡的那麼甜,那麼香,臉上還掛著笑容,我真的感到好欣慰啊。從紐約到 Columbus 大約有600miles,如果按正常速度開是絕對趕不到的,反正是晚上,為了兒子我就冒一次險吧,我一路都是在100MPH以上,一開始我還在數我超了多少車明天好給兒子擺擺功,可超得太多了,哪裡能記得住?途中我停車打了倆個盹兒並加了油,加起來也不過2小時,一路還算順利,天剛朦朦亮,可就在我正得意時,忽然聽到有警車鳴笛聲,壞了!來逮我來了,我趕快叫醒兒子,確定安全帶是系好的並告訴他可能要吃超速發單了,我停下車后警察要了我的駕照,保險單后問我為什麼大清早起開這麼快?我說沒感覺到快呀,我問他多快?他說都快到110了還說不快,我告訴他都是為了兒子去參加比賽,飛機沒飛上才開這麼快,他好像對 Pokemon 也挺感興趣,我說能不能快點開單?笑眯眯地對我說稍等,還好,他按照我的「指示」很快就開完了遞給我罰單並說沒按全價開,讓我千萬小心前面還有警察埋伏,我可沒聽他的,一路還是那麼快甚至更快。很幸運9:00am剛過,我們到達了目地的,我將車停在大樓前提起行李,鎖車就和兒子往裡沖,我倆以百米速度連喊代叫地跑到登記處詢問,得知比賽還沒開始,這下我倆可高興得不得了,YesWe made it。(High 5!}進去比賽大廳讓我吃驚,哇!這麼大的廳我從未見過,這麼多的人我從未見過,這麼壯觀的比賽場面我也從未見過,兒子一進去就不認我了,我也不知道從哪來的那麼多的孩子們和成人們都向他打招呼,我問他認識這些人嗎?他說都是在平時小比賽和網上認識的,我說你真行!這時我忽然想起了我的車,我讓兒子在這玩兒,我去取車登記 Hotel 睡覺去。下午我去看他,他以進入前幾名可以參加明天的決賽,第二天他取得了全國前16名的好成績有資格參加 Florida 的世界比賽。比賽結束了,我倆還是那麼興奮,他興奮是他可以參加世界比賽了,我興奮是我為兒子做了一件大事。回家途中我們是那樣的輕鬆,那樣的愉快。兒子忽然對我說:「爸爸我要將這次遇險記寫一篇文章因為它太有意義了。」我鼓勵他好好寫給我看看。回家太太見到我的第一句話是:「老公,Super Man!創舉!」我笑著對她說:「為了兒子,值得!」事後幾周了也沒見兒子拿出他的歷險記來,我催他,他說在寫,又等了好久還是沒影兒,我失望了,就把這事給擱到一邊了。

我生日的那天晚上,準備開飯之前,我兒子忽然遞給我倆張紙說是給我的生日禮物,一看,讓我大吃了一驚,我盼望已久的歷險記終於問世了!我對兒子說這樣吧,我的眼睛不好使,你讀給我們聽好嗎?他很正規地站在我面前開始讀他的大作,太太給我們攝像,二兒子在旁邊認真地聽著,我聽著聽著眼睛模糊了,我聽著聽著眼淚奪眶而出,這時老二笑咪咪地說,終於看到爸爸哭了,我以為爸爸不會哭呢。真的,每次一想到這兒,我都忍不住要掉淚。他寫得那麼真誠,那麼感人,我是含著淚水寫完這篇日誌的。在此我要說謝謝你 — 兒子,你給我的禮物是世界上最好的,爸爸愛你!爸爸愛你們!我也要為你們哥兒倆祝福,祝你們健康,快樂,向上,成才!這時我忽然想起了印度裔笑話大王Russell Peters 的一句話 「 Be a mando the right thing!」(下面是我兒子的大作,當時他只有10歲,後來才知他的這篇文章寫作老師給打了個A+)。

 Aaron Zheng

The Road to Columbus: A New World

         Devouring my ham and cheese sandwich with a Sprite by my side, I was happily thinking of the next two days ahead of me; just my dad and me. While waiting impatiently at the airport, I started to wish the time would pass faster. It just seemed to drag on and on.

      「Dad! Look! Only one more hour before we finally leave! I just can』t wait!」 I exclaimed, starting to jump up and down with bursts of joy. I started to count every second, every minute on my watch.

     It was Friday, June 27th. My dad and I were patiently waiting at the JFK airport for our flight to Columbus, Ohio. We were scheduled to leave at 7:14 p.m. and get there around 9 p.m. We were going to Ohio for something I had been awaiting for months: The Pokémon Trading Card Game National Championships.

      Pokémon was a game I loved. I breathed it; I lived it. With little cute creatures interacting with each other, the TCG (Trading Card Game) is played by kids who put packs of cards, contanting nine or ten cards each. There are tournaments throughout the year where people play for prizes and fun.

      However, some think Pokémon is a waste of time; and that the idea of a pre-teen playing it is ridiculous. Even my own friends question why I lay, but I don』t care about what they have to say. I was enticed by the game when I saw it played for the first time. Now here I was, ready to play in what was going to be the largest Pokémon tournament in history. The Pokémon TCG National Championships is an annual held at a gaming convention called Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio.

  Sitting there in my seat at the airport, I could not stand it anymore! Only thirty minutes remained before we boarded. I was anxious; to me, time seemed frozen. I was so captivated that I didn』t at first notice a slight change in our flight departure.

  「Dad, Dad, oh no! Our flight just got delayed fifteen minutes!」 I exclaimed with a hint of panic.

   「Don』t you worry, Aaron. At least our flight is not canceled,」 my dad replied, relieving me of some stress. However, I once again started to panic, as one by one, more flight delays and cancellations were announced.

  Soon, my dad fell asleep. Irritation was slowly building. Expected departure was no 8:39. We had been delayed for over an hour now. Tears of anger started to form in my eyes. What I expected to be the perfect weekend was definitely not starting in the way I wanted it to. To pass the time, I stared at the large window before me, observing the gloomy world beyond. Drizzling raindrops seemed to mock my desperation. I started counting the raindrops hitting the window panel one by one, before finally tis shattering announcement was made:

  「The 7:14 trip from New York to Columbus, Ohio, has been canceled. Please go up to the front desk in order to rebook your tickets.」

   I quickly woke up my dad, who was still sleeping, to tell him the horrendous and shocking news. I could tell from my dad』s facial expressions he was not pleased. His bright grin suddenly changed into an ugly frown. However, my dad made a decision right there and then that completely changed how I looked upon him and my feelings toward him.

   『Come on, Aaron, let』s hurry home and take the car. We can still make it just in time!」

   My jaw dropped open. My dad, who had just worked an eight0hour day, was willing to drive another nine hours to Ohio, just for me. Thought I was amazed and touched by my father』s offer, I also felt guilt. My dad was obviously exhausted from a long day』s work. But he didn』t just disappoint me and leave my hopes crashing. No, my dad offered me to drive the long trek to Ohio in one night. My dad and I did not have the closest relationship prior to his, and I never got to see him much. He spent most of his time working, and when I』d leave for school, he』d be sleeping.

  After we returned from the airport, my parents argued about the trip. Just to see them even argue hurt me. However, my dad kept on insisting, and reluctantly, my mom finally conceded.

  At around 8:30 p.m., we left our house and started on our long journey. I couldn』t express how happy I was, and how much what my father was doing for me meant to me at that moment. As we passed through the lively Manhattan traffic, I was stunned at how beautiful my own city looked at night.

  「Aaron! Look at how beautiful the lights are! Aren』t they just amazing?」 my father remarked.

  「Yep! I never knew they were so astounding,」 I responded as we passed through the glowing Times Square, Broadway shows such as the very popular Young Frankenstein, and famous retail stores. (Sometimes, we take it for granted we live in such a wonderful, cosmopolitan city. The lively lights, the stunning signs: I had come to realize what a great city I lived in.)

   During the first half hour, fear loomed above me. I feared we were going to crash. My dad, noticing me, advised me to get some sleep. Reluctantly, I accepted.

   We only took two one-hour breaks during the long journey to Ohio. The ride was quiet, and it seemed like the only people in the whole world were my dad and I. Soon, we sparked a conversation about our lives. We spoke from our hearts, and all of it made me appreciate my father even more.

  The ride seemed endless, and I was nervous now, and we still had seventy miles to go. To add to the anxiety, we got a speeding ticket on the way there which took a huge dent out of our time. Our car also stank now, since we hopelessly ran over a skunk.

  「Dad, dad, are we going to make it?!」 I blurted out.

  「Take it easy Aaron, we』re almost there,」 my dad replied.

  Finally, we arrived in Columbus at 9:00 a.m., with ten minutes to spare before registration closed. I was the last one to make it in the tournament. I was flabbergasted we made it in time, amazed too that my dad survived the long and gruesome journey. We did it. Soon, the story of our long, last-minute road trip had spread, and everyone knew about it. But only my Dad and I knew the complete story. It was our journey, and only our journey.  It is a memory I will never forget.


Aaron Zheng









發表評論 評論 (60 個評論)

回復 海外憤青 2010-1-21 03:36
Good boy, Happy and lucky daddy.
回復 rongrongrong 2010-1-21 03:44
「Be a man,do the right thing!」
回復 marnifan 2010-1-21 04:13
回復 rongrongrong 2010-1-21 04:20
happy birthday
回復 JoanneJyy 2010-1-21 04:20
回復 九畹 2010-1-21 04:21
回復 xqw63 2010-1-21 06:44
回復 木子行 2010-1-21 07:38
Be a man,do the right thing
回復 任飛飛 2010-1-21 08:08
回復 hu18 2010-1-21 08:12
回復 leahzhang 2010-1-21 08:21
回復 leahzhang 2010-1-21 08:22
回復 yzfoto 2010-1-21 08:28
leahzhang: 祝你生日快樂,天才兒子讓你合不攏嘴了吧?
回復 九畹 2010-1-21 08:32
多麼珍貴的生日禮物呀,相信他將讓你永生難忘!這麼爭氣的兒子值得你為他付出,對老爸如此真情的愛的流露讓人感動。但是要強調一句:you deserve it!!為你們父子倆驕傲!
回復 彩舟雲淡 2010-1-21 09:25
回復 zero01 2010-1-21 09:42
回復 yzfoto 2010-1-21 09:52
rongrongrong: 「Be a man,do the right thing!」
回復 yzfoto 2010-1-21 09:53
marnifan: 好老爸,乖兒子
回復 yzfoto 2010-1-21 09:54
rongrongrong: happy birthday
回復 yzfoto 2010-1-21 09:54
JoanneJyy: 問候你的家人,並祝你和你的家人健康,快樂,幸福永遠!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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