

作者:oneweek  於 2021-4-30 23:14 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


小P西五區早上Apr 21, 2021 at 02:56:27AM -0500發出義正詞郵件, Linus副手,負責Linu常務的老大Greg KH不到20分鐘Wed, 21 Apr 2021 10:15:47 +0200就洋洋洒洒寫了一長篇。 (https://lore.kernel.org/linux-nfs/YH/fM/TsbmcZzwnX@kroah.com/)
You, and your group, have publicly admitted to sending known-buggy patches to see how the kernel community would react to them, and published a paper based on that work.
你和你的小組, 公開承認提交問題補丁,來測試內核社區的反應,且以此為基礎發表論文一篇
Now you submit a new series of obviously-incorrect patches again, so what am I supposed to think of such a thing? 現在你又提交一系列明顯錯誤的補丁,你叫我怎麼想?
They obviously were _NOT_ created by a static analysis tool that is of any intelligence, as they all are the result of totally different patterns, and all of which are obviously not even fixing anything at all. So what am I supposed to think here, other than that you and your group are continuing to experiment on the kernel community developers by sending such nonsense patches? 很顯然這些補丁不是一個聰明的靜態分析程序產生的, 因為它們格式截然不同,而且它們不修復任何問題。你和你的小組是不是拿這些破爛補丁接著測試LINUX內核社區的開發人員,除此之外我還能怎麼想?
When submitting patches created by a tool, everyone who does so submits them with wording like "found by tool XXX, we are not sure if this is correct or not, please advise." which is NOT what you did here at all. You were not asking for help, you were claiming that these were legitimate fixes, which you KNEW to be incorrect.
別人上交某個工具自動產生的補丁的時候,都會註明, 「某某工具發現的, 我們不確定正確與否,請指示」, 你的補丁里啥也沒寫。你不是尋求幫助, 你直接聲稱這些都是中規中矩的修復補丁,你心裡知道它們不對的
A few minutes with anyone with the semblance of knowledge of C can see that your submissions do NOT do anything at all, so to think that a tool created them, and then that you thought they were a valid "fix" is totally negligent on your part, not ours. You are the one at fault, it
任何一位 對C語言熟悉的人 花幾分鐘 就能看出你提交的這些補丁 不幹任何事情; 你自己覺得某工具產生了這些補丁,是有修復功能的有效補丁, 那是你的錯覺你的疏忽,不是我們的。錯的在你。
Our community welcomes developers who wish to help and enhance Linux. That is NOT what you are attempting to do here, so please do not try to frame it that way.
我們社區歡迎能開發人員來幫助和加強LINUX。這不是你(們)試圖做得事情, 所以不要裝扮成那樣。
Our community does not appreciate being experimented on, and being "tested" by submitting known patches that are either do nothing on purpose, or introduce bugs on purpose. If you wish to do work like this, I suggest you find a different community to run your experiments on, you are not welcome here.
我們社區不喜歡被人當實驗品, 不喜歡別人拿無用的或者有意導入錯誤的補丁來測試我們。 你(們)如果想做類似的工作, 我建議你們找個別的社區去實驗, 你(們)在此不受歡迎。
Because of this, I will now have to ban all future contributions from your University and rip out your previous contributions, as they were obviously submitted in bad-faith with the intent to cause problems.
由鑒於此,我要禁止你們學校以後提交補丁, 要把你們過去提交的剔出去,因為提交者不懷好意,想製造麻煩

greg k-h

Greg發完這個郵件以後, 馬上貼到了推特之上 (圖片上的時間是我的時間, 西六區 -06:00)  twitter.com/gregkh
Linux kernel developers do not like being experimented on, we have enough real work to do 本社區開發人員不喜歡被人做實驗,由太多正事要干。










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