

作者:oneweek  於 2013-4-25 09:02 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



I knew that there was another terrorist attack in Xinjiang, China and more than twenty people were killed.  Before I had time to read the details, I came across the BBC's report and analysis.



Then I had to go to places to find what really happened.  Here is an account of the event from Australia's ABC network http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-04-24/21-people-killed-after-unrest-in-xinjiang/4650024.  Certainly the ultimate source is from Chinese Media

The conflict started when government officials noticed a group of ethnic Uighurs carrying knives.

After reporting the group to police, they are said to have been taken hostage.

Police, along with other government functionaries then arrived at the house close to the city of Kashgar.

Details of what happened next are unclear but there was a violent clash in which more local Uighurs joined in and opposed the police.

Fifteen of those killed were either police or social workers and six were members of China's Uighur ethnic minority.

Eight people were arrested. A provincial government official said these people were Uighurs but did not confirm their identity.

It is well known that Chinese policemen are normally not armed.  According to Xinhua, when they came, they were surrounded by terrorists with machetes, then  they had to retreat to a room. Molotov cocktails were served from the terrorists. Policemen and social workers were  burned to death or hacked to death by machetes.

BBC's report did not detail the event as it happened.  It tried to appear neutral, Chinese spokesperson said this but the spokesperson for the world Uighur congress, told BBC that the incident was caused by the killing of a young Uighur by Chinese armed personnel as a result of a government cleanup campaign.

But for people like me, things are so clear as crystals.  Some Uighur Muslims simply wants to kill ethnic Chinese.  Simple as that. (as the terrorists bombed the Boston Marathon simply because they want to kill; They likely would cite some remote reasons, such as US imperialism in middle east etc, the same as the Uighur Muslims would resort to Chinese government oppression as the excuse).  As a minority in China, Uighur Muslims have many more special treatments, economic and political, than most other citizens but the thirst for more could never be quenched.

The tone appears neutral. 「 Riots between Uighurs and members of China』s Han ethnic majority in Xinjiang』s capital Urumqi in 2009 killed around 200 people, leading the ruling Communist Party to tighten surveillance and boost investment in the region.  The 200 Han victims were not armed and they were hacked to death by sticks or machetes. BBC calls it a RIOT.  I need to search the literature and verify whether BBC said "there was a riot between Jews and Hitler's government that resulted a couple million death".

The comment and analysis reminds me of BBC's interview of the mother of the suspects of Boston Bombing.  She appeared to be so sentimental.  They are my babies, I knew them inside and out; good babies, perfect babies.  Everyday, they would call me and brief me about what's happening.  they would say mommy this mommy that.

So much for the innocence.  Had I not been flooded by the domestic news coverage from east coast to west coast on the Bombing, I could have been lead by BBC's depiction: good babies were likely framed by the US law enforcement.

What upsets me more is that the suspects were on welfare.  That is, they were using our tax dollars for their life and for the bombs that killed three innocent persons.  Talking about ungrateful people, I don't know how more ungrateful anybody can be.

I wish that UK take all of the begrudging Muslims around the world.  May Allah bless his people in UK. 










剛表態過的朋友 (7 人)

發表評論 評論 (19 個評論)

回復 靜齡 2013-4-25 09:42
我讀了。talking about ungrateful people
回復 oneweek 2013-4-25 09:46
靜齡: 我讀了。talking about ungrateful people
回復 無為村姑 2013-4-25 10:49
回復 yulinw 2013-4-25 11:25
回復 緘默碎煙 2013-4-25 11:49
回復 oneweek 2013-4-25 12:10
無為村姑: 我在哪讀到這條消息了。是有人預謀殺當地幹部。
回復 oneweek 2013-4-25 12:10
yulinw:    矛盾越來越深,越來越不好解決了~
回復 無為村姑 2013-4-25 12:45
oneweek: 要造反
回復 Giada 2013-4-25 13:26
回復 trunkzhao 2013-4-25 20:17
yulinw:    矛盾越來越深,越來越不好解決了~
回復 trunkzhao 2013-4-25 20:17
yulinw:    矛盾越來越深,越來越不好解決了~
回復 秋收冬藏 2013-4-25 21:34
回復 淺色 2013-4-25 22:24
回復 yulinw 2013-4-25 23:25
trunkzhao: 國內矛盾重重,國外邊境紛爭不斷,日子難過呀。最可怕的是一黨獨大,萬一將來為了轉移矛盾,向外尋釁。
回復 oneweek 2013-4-26 00:23
Giada: 太長,不看了啊,現在跟豬豬倒過來了。
回復 oneweek 2013-4-26 00:24
秋收冬藏: 我還以為真有真主呢,跑進來又跑了出去。
回復 oneweek 2013-4-26 00:24
淺色: 最近怎麼沒有見新的分叉呢?
那個 主幹寫的 很長 和那個一樣 樣 ; 沒有耐心讀下去;
回復 foxxfam 2013-4-26 01:22
回復 oneweek 2013-4-26 01:25
foxxfam:    hhhhhhh

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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