
Diane Tran 的案底被抹去了

作者:oneweek  於 2012-6-16 04:44 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:, best, listening, ability, someone

Diane Tran 的案底被抹去了。

前些天有位高中生缺課太多, 被以藐視法庭最坐牢一天, 罰款100. 最近經過很多人的努力, 6月1號,這個案底被取消。大家的捐款也是多於10萬。 詳情請見

法官6月1號, 給出一個書面的解釋。

"Since I was elected Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace in 2003, I have remained focused on serving the public to the best of my ability, listening to each case before me with an open mind and making an informed, just, and legal decision.
"As a father and someone with over three decades experience in law enforcement, I came into this office with not only a love for young people, but an acute awareness of the dangers they face in society and a genuine determination to provide whatever guidance or assistance might be necessary to guide them on the path toward a successful future.
"While I will not address the specifics of Ms. Tran』s case, I will say that my intent is and has always been to make sure the students in my precinct take full advantage of their opportunity to earn a high school diploma. According to state law, regardless of how high a student』s grades may be, if they have too many unexcused absences they will not receive credit for their classes. When a student who has already been to court and been court ordered to attend school each day continues to have unexcused absences, additional steps must be taken to enforce the law that is meant to ensure they complete their high school education.
"I want the best quality of life possible for all residents of Precinct 1, and I want our children to have the brightest futures they are capable of achieving. I will continue to hold students, and sometimes parents, accountable for unexcused absences as we work to reduce truancy, lower the dropout rate, and instill in tomorrow』s leaders the belief that rules and laws must be followed by all for society to properly function."

俺今天記錄此事, 因為今天收到國會議員的正式回信, 說他對此事無能為力。 看來俺給錯誤的議員寫了一封信。

Dear 【俺的名字】 :
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns. As your Congressman, I appreciate having the benefit of your views.
Unfortunately, the issue you raised with me is a state matter and, as a federal representative, I don't have the opportunity to vote on it.  I encourage you to contact your state legislators.  If you are not sure who your state legislators are, please feel free to visit the following website to help you identify them: 
Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me. Be assured that I will keep your views in mind if related legislation comes to the floor of the House of Representatives for a vote. If I can be of further assistance, on federal matters, please do not hesitate to let me know. 











剛表態過的朋友 (17 人)

發表評論 評論 (36 個評論)

回復 fanlaifuqu 2012-6-16 04:51
回復 懶懶貓 2012-6-16 04:52
回復 白露為霜 2012-6-16 05:07
the judge was completely out of touch.
回復 德州龍 2012-6-16 05:25
回復 小小.. 2012-6-16 05:50
回復 笑臉書生 2012-6-16 06:46
小小..: 豬是個好豬
回復 oneweek 2012-6-16 07:37
fanlaifuqu: 對,此事反響很大,收場不錯!
回復 oneweek 2012-6-16 07:37
懶懶貓:    豬豬是一個好心腸滴豬豬……
回復 懶懶貓 2012-6-16 07:38
oneweek: 謝謝MM
回復 oneweek 2012-6-16 07:39
懶懶貓:    父親節快樂!
再謝。 提前祝你家先生父親節快樂
回復 oneweek 2012-6-16 07:40
白露為霜: the judge was completely out of touch.
他有他的道理。 參考他的statement
回復 懶懶貓 2012-6-16 07:41
oneweek: 再謝。 提前祝你家先生父親節快樂
回復 oneweek 2012-6-16 07:42
德州龍: 團結起來,必須把那個白痴法官趕出法庭
回復 oneweek 2012-6-16 07:43
懶懶貓:    謝謝豬豬。
海馬也是馬。 不要計較那麼多
回復 oneweek 2012-6-16 07:45
小小..: 豬是個好豬
謝謝。 俺已經做爺爺的年紀了, 再不說話, 就沒有多少時間可以說了
回復 懶懶貓 2012-6-16 07:48
oneweek: 海馬也是馬。 不要計較那麼多
回復 白露為霜 2012-6-16 07:51
oneweek: 他有他的道理。 參考他的statement
sure. he has his reasons. but many people of his precinct do not agree with him.
回復 oneweek 2012-6-16 07:53
白露為霜: sure. he has his reasons. but many people of his precinct do not agree with him.
下次選舉就知道了。很難說結果。這一級,就是popularity vote, 不像總統,還有個選舉的college
回復 卉櫻果 2012-6-16 10:02
oneweek: 謝謝。 俺已經做爺爺的年紀了, 再不說話, 就沒有多少時間可以說了
回復 oneweek 2012-6-16 10:16
卉櫻果:       一直以為你是小豬豬

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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